The FOOT Foundation Opens New Prosthetics Clinic Walking Again

Antigua, Guatemala
Children with new prosthetics
Prosthetics Clinics in Guatemala
Child cases to be helped by Antigua clinic

In 2017, with the help of doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® matching support, Wellness Advocates Dino and Lisa Scanio opened a new prosthetic and orthotic clinic within the Virgen de Socorro Hospital in Antigua, Guatemala.

The Scanios began the nonprofit organization FOOT Foundation (Florida Orthopedic & Prosthetic Outreach Team) in 2008 after Dino became an American Board Certified and State Licensed Orthotist. The FOOT Foundation provides orthotic and prosthetic services to children and adults in developing countries, with 2 operating clinics in Guatemala.

The Antigua Clinic will be able to treat over 200 children with supportive and replacement prosthetics.

The Antigua Clinic will be able to treat over 200 children with supportive and replacement prosthetics.

The FOOT Foundation specializes in orthotic care in developing countries. Repurposing donated prosthetics, they are stripped down and re-configured for customizable, comfortable prosthetics and orthotics paired with local supportive community care in mind. The Scanios work with in-country clinics to teach the local providers to be able to sustain the care and maintenance of patients’ prosthetics and orthotics.

“We’re there to provide custom-fit prosthetics – one of the few in the world that’s set up this way. Nothing is “out of the box”. Children can pick their own design and get to have a say - we work with them to make sure the fit is right for them. We work through translators so we can work directly with the child to make sure they’re comfortable and part of the whole process.”

-Dino Scanio, Wellness Advocate and Founder of the FOOT Foundation
The FOOT Foundation only uses products that are

The FOOT Foundation only uses products that are "repairable, repeatable and repurposeable" for Guatemala communities.

“I really felt that heart tug to want to help. Dino and Lisa are truly selfless individuals who are doing a lot for these people, and so many of them are kids.”

-Jennifer Accomando, Diamond Leader
“It’s all about improving a life – we want to provide the very best optimal care - including adjustments, repairs and follow ups.

“It’s all about improving a life – we want to provide the very best optimal care - including adjustments, repairs and follow ups."

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