Thousands of children and severely disabled youth are turned over to orphanages in Ecuador because of neglect, violence, sexual abuse, physical abuse, homelessness, parental incarceration, and parental substance abuse, or trauma. OSSO supports seven orphanages throughout Ecuador who serve these beautiful, vulnerable children. Ecuador is struggling during the pandemic, with full hospitals, limited access by the poor to vaccines, and lack of affordable food and sustenance for orphans, the elderly, and the disabled. This project will provide food and protein sources, medical supplies, orphanage caregivers, emotional counseling, schooling, and emergency COVID supplies to those who need it most. OSSO has carefully chosen the orphanages they support for over 20 years. Every dollar donated to this project will be worth up to five times its value in food, services, and supplies in Ecuador. Give these children HOPE. Give them LOVE. Be their silent HERO. Don't just SEE the world, CHANGE IT.
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