Girls Rising Above Child Exploitation (GRACE) Transportation Project

In addition to bringing awareness to thousands about child trafficking, in 2020-2021 alone GRACE directly served over 85 youth including over 100 transportation services for our participants to reach needed support and rehabilitation services.
Sex tourism affects approximately 2,000,000 children per year

Safe Transportation for GRACE Program Participants
In partnership with G.R.A.C.E. Girls Rising Above Child Exploitation

% of
$15,000 target
Ended 26th July 2021
GRACE is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization, based in San Diego, that provides resources and supportive services to 12-to 21-year old victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Our programs include art therapy, nutritious meals, job/career & educational opportunities and resources, as well as clothing toiletries, bedding and school supplies. We work directly in conjunction with San Diego Youth Services using their undisclosed drop-in center as a meeting place with program participants. This fundraiser will help purchase a new van to provide safe transportation to survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation to and from our programs and the additional support and rehabilitation programming they need.