“Kicks for Kids”

24 Pairs of Athletic Shoes

Casa Hogar Niños de El Shadai Orphanage
In partnership with Casa Hogar Niños de El Shadai Orphanage

% of
$275 target
Ended 11th October 2021
Casa Hogar Niños de El Shadai Orphanage is home to 24 children in Reynosa, Mexico. The orphanage receives very little financial support from the local government and is in an area heavily populated by the drug cartel. The owner, Aroldo Lopez, does what he can to make ends meet and provide a stable, loving home environment for the children; however, some needs remain. All of the children are in school and many play sports but do not have the proper footwear. The “Kicks for Kids” Project will provide good, quality athletic shoes for all of the children at the orphanage. This project will not only meet a very real physical need but boost self-confidence and demonstrate love where it’s needed most - a child’s heart!