Alex’s House Orphanage

8 villages
Clean water, sanitation, medical care.

Solar power/generator
In partnership with Disciples' Village

% of
$15,000 target
Ended 05th December 2021
Disciples Village is a non-profit organization that partners U.S. churches with remote villages in Haiti. Their commitment is to invest in the transformation of the entire community through Godly leadership, biblical teaching and discipleship, Christ centered education, medical care, clean water systems, safe roofs, sanitation and micro loans. In March, I was able to see first hand the success they have had. Alex’s house has 34 children with 8 house parents devoted to raising them up to make a difference in Haiti. The immediate need for the orphanage is a new solar system/generator in order to remain self-reliant. The cost is $30,375. 100% of your gift will go directly to this project and Doterra Healing Hands will match the amount raised. Thank you for your generous donation.