Building Hope


Hands on Hope
In partnership with Hands on Hope, Inc.

% of
$3,647 target
Ended 30th November 2021
Cenorina Calvario, is raising her 5 kids on her own. Her 2 oldest children have dropped out of school to help support the family. She works in strawberry fields and earns around $12-14/day. They currently rent a 12’x15’ one-room place. Helping her get in a newer home, will cut her monthly housing expenses into a third of their current cost. Hands on hope, Inc. will be providing no-cost labor for construction and picking up the remaining costs of materials and some furnishings. This one act of providing safe housing, clean water, empowering Cenorina, and supporting the children has a higher chance for success to be a pivot point for future generations to have a more self-reliant life. The picture is of the family standing where the corners of their home will be located.