Ready for a better future – Psychotherapy for institutionalized teenagers

Growing Great Educational Program
Long term education and support for disadvantaged children

Ready for a better future – Psychotherapy for institutionalized teenagers / Pregatiti pentru un viitor mai bun - Psihoterapie pentru tinerii din centre de plasament
In partnership with Asociatia Lindenfeld

% of
$5,184 target
Ended 25th December 2020
This project supports psychotherapy sessions for 18 institutionalized children and youngsters who experienced traumatizing childhood, family abandon or separation, abuses. They need support from psychotherapists to accept their past and learn to cherish themselves, to gain self-confidence and courage for a better future. With the raised funds, these 18 youngsters will be able to continue therapy for 6 months. Thank you for helping them become strong adults! Prin acest proiect sprijinim continuarea sedintelor de psihoterapie pentru 18 copii si tineri institutionalizati care au trecut prin experiente traumatizante, abandon, separare de familie, abuzuri. Pentru a-si accepta trecutul si a invata sa se pretuiasca pe ei insisi, dar si pentru a capata incredere in fortele lor si curaj pentru viitor, au nevoie de sprijin de specialitate. Cu ajutorul donatiilor, cei 18 tineri vor putea continua terapia timp de 6 luni. Multumim pentru ca ii ajutati sa devina adulti puternici!