Saving Lives, Eliminating Stigma

30% of PSP PTSD
Protect the Protectors

Supporting Mental Wellness For Public Safety Personnel
In partnership with PSP F.I.R.S.T.

% of
$7,450 target
Ended 28th February 2023
Canada’s Public Safety Personnel (PSP) which includes all first responders, military servicemen, and women, and healthcare professionals go to work each day putting their lives and emotional well-being at risk. The current emotional well-being of our service people is in disarray and easily accessible support is limited. DTech has developed a website and a soon-to-be-available App. This digital platform hosts The Detachment Technique training, equipping the users with a skillset to process the impacts of shock and trauma. Please consider donating C$149 so that a PTSD sufferer can receive the Detachment Technique online course that is designed to provide the cleaning and clearing of images and emotions connected to the experience of shock and trauma. The Detachment Technique can provide relief from the impacts of trauma in a very brief period of time. It is a seven-step sequenced process that we wish to provide to PSP. Let us ‘Protect the Protectors'.