Keep Kids Moving

115 clients served monthly
550 volunteers yearly

Courage Reins: Equine-Assisted Therapies
In partnership with Courage Reins

% of
$9,360 target
Ended 31st January 2023
Courage Reins has partnered with Kids On The Move (KOTM) to provide services to children enrolled in their early intervention programs, at a stage when brain development and learning are foundational. By partnering with KOTM, Courage Reins is able to provide services including speech, physical, and occupational therapies. The progress made by participants in this program is remarkable. At the age of 3, children are no longer eligible for early intervention through KOTM nor are they able to continue participating at Courage Reins through the KOTM sponsored program. This creates an urgent need for us to create a transition program that will allow those children to continue receiving care at Courage Reins. Financial support would guarantee continued participation for these children who are at risk of developmental regression without support. The impact radiates from our clients, their families, our staff, and volunteers to throughout the community.