Greenlight Operation Restoration Home Project

133 seminars hosted
Restoration Home Purchased

Support the restorative care of human trafficking survivors!
In partnership with Greenlight Operation

% of
$14,281 target
Ended 30th June 2023
In 2018, Greenlight Operation launched with a mission to strategically combat human trafficking through educational initiatives and serve sex trafficked women through a continuum of restorative care. We believe both prevention and restoration are vital to holistically combat the issue of human trafficking. Greenlight Operation has hosted over 130 speaking engagements, and built a strong and trustworthy presence within the greater Harrisburg area. We are quickly approaching the opening of our long-term restoration home for sex trafficked women. We are currently in the process of completing renovations at our property and raising funds for the care survivors will need. Our long-term residential program will house up to six women for 12-18 months. Upon arrival, survivors will be enrolled in a restorative program, which will provide individualized, comprehensive care. Funds raised will go toward furnishing the restoration home and installing a therapeutic garden for residents!