Zero Day


Navigation Overwatch System
In partnership with Zero Day

% of
$15,000 target
Ended 05th June 2023
Through the Navigation Overwatch System (NOS), Zero Day can specifically address the needs of military personnel, veterans, and their families with the goal of identifying and treating behavioral health issues with counseling and overcoming social challenges by connection to community resources. A 5-minute screen will be used with soldiers to identify indicators for 18 DSM-5 conditions including PTS, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, and if needed, a 20-to-40-minute in-depth assessment can be conducted to determine if the symptoms meet the DSM-5 criteria to reach a diagnosis. NOS has been validated by the National Institute of Health as 89.5% accurate and is a widely used and cited psychological research tool with 100,000+ studies. A third screening is used to assess and refer to up to 19 areas of social challenges, including food, housing, utility assistance, and childcare. This part of NOS was developed through a community-based technical design process in partnership with Henry Ford Hospital, United Way, and other community partners. The Michigan Guard employs 7958 soldiers. Our pilot program will include approximately 150 members at a cost of $200/member. If Guard leadership recognizes the value, we expect to receive funding and deploy NOS to every Guardsman/woman in Michigan. The NOS program funds will be used to mitigate suicide in soldiers and veterans by providing mental health screening and resource navigation. Many veterans are not connected to their benefits and rely on community partners for their basic needs. Funding for NOS stands in the gap for these veterans. At $200 cost per screen the $30,000 will cover 150 veterans for mental health and resource navigation assessments.