Helping Women Entrepreneurs in DRCongo

65 women graduated in seamstress training
100+ girls with reusable sanitary pads and menstrual health education

Tchukudu Modern Working Shop
In partnership with Canada Africa Community Health Alliance

% of
$10,000 target
Ended 23rd May 2023
The Tchukudu Women’s Training Centre (TWTC) located in Goma, DRCongo in the eastern provinces of North Kivu, has graduated 65 women in the two-year sewing training program and 10 women in the 6-month basket weaving training program. A number of women have also participated in tie dye training, micro finance training, and reusable sanitary pad training supported by doTERRA Healing Hands. The modern working shop (MWS) construction will provide a safe and secure haven for manufacturing of reusable sanitary pads and other income generating activities. This Project addresses the gender-based challenges faced by women in trying to create income generating opportunities. Research alarmingly shows us that women and girls suffer exponentially compared to their male counterparts, especially in countries in conflict. When you add the financial impacts of Ebola, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people suffering not only in health and wellbeing but also financially escalates dramatically.