Assist women, survivors of sex trafficking

1oo's Assisted in recovery
End Sex Trafficing

In partnership with The Project Foundation

% of
$10,000 target
Ended 30th June 2024
The Project Foundation is an organization, that is dedicated to prevention and the restoration of victims that have been affected by sex trafficking. ADOPT A WOMAN program has been established to engage the community in the recovery of women survivors. The Program focuses on 12 survivors, for 12 months to empower and provide each woman with the essential needs to continue the healing process and rebuild their life. This program allows the community to join forces and give a survivor a fresh start. The program offers safe housing, household items, furniture, hygiene kits, and new wardrobe. We also provide health and nutrition classes and financial planning. When required we offer tattoo removal, travel vouchers, and additional needs that will give the survivor a new start in life. We continue working and staying connected to the women long after they complete the 12 months. Many of these women become advocates in the fight against the exploitation and trafficking of women and children.