Help Orphaned Children in Uganda!!


Help us get a very needed truck for the farm!
In partnership with Hands for an African Child

% of
$9,750 target
Ended 22nd June 2024
Hands for an African Child, a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity that has a 200 acre community in Uganda with 8 homes where we are raising 98 orphaned children. These orphans are ages 3 to 13 living in a farm community. They are taught the value of work and responsibility. They attend an 8 classroom school which is key to breaking the cycle of poverty that most orphans face throughout their life. This community is largely self-supporting through farming our 120 acre farm. But we need a truck! Our current truck is constantly breaking down making it too expensive to operate. There is a 2015 Toyota truck which we can buy for $19,500. This vehicle has been well maintained mechanically and is in excellent condition. Please donate to help buy this truck. This a critical issue as the truck is also used for transportation when the orphaned children need to go to the doctor. Please help this community with achieving self reliance. Your help with this work is greatly appreciated!!!