Chickens for SMILE


Addressing mal-nutrition for 200+ students in rural Uganda
In partnership with Silver's Memorial Inclusive Community Learning Centre

% of
$2,985 target
Ended 06th September 2024
We all know what it feels like to be hungry. But do we know what it feels like to be mal-nourished on a continual basis? This project aims to change this for over 200 children and youth in rural Uganda. The 'Chickens for SMILE' project will provide the funds for Silver's Memorial Inclusive Community Learning Centre (SMILE) to build chicken coops and purchase 400 chicks to have a poultry farm at the school. This food supply will help counter the mal-nutrition most of SMILE's students experience on an ongoing basis. By partnering with the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, every dollar donated towards will be matched until we hit our goal, and 100% of donations will go directly to this project for SMILE. Together we can address hunger for many. Thank you for donating today!