Support for children's education An insulated and impermeable roof for Ananda Learning Center

Funds raised

The Ananda Learning Center is an educational space for children ages three to 12 that gives priority access to the local Zapotec indigenous community. Our mission is to build, implement and disseminate a comprehensive education model that develops the abilities of children.

To achieve this, we need to complete our infrastructure. Our priority, at the moment, is to change a roof that constantly leaks and is very cold. The roof covers the classroom for students from 9 to 12 years old. It was built 9 years ago with sacate, a local material similar to straw; we chose this material with the dream of being an example of construction with local materials. However, from the beginning it became very cold during the winter season, and in the rainy season it leaks for five months, which makes it very difficult to work inside this space.

We are very grateful that this project became a reality thanks to the support of the foundation and donors.

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