Pomoč gasilcem PGD Komen Skupaj za Kras

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Boy Marjan* 9 years old

The boy was removed from both parents a few years ago due to pervasive family violence, his mother's problems with alcohol addiction, and his father's issues with illegal drug addiction. He was initially placed in a crisis center for children and then went to a foster family, which unfortunately couldn't handle his distress and subsequently terminated the foster care. He found himself back in a crisis center for children. Shortly after, he was placed in another foster family. He faced severe emotional distress, reacted with withdrawal, inconsolable crying, and was assessed by a psychologist and child psychiatrist. There were also suspicions of sexual abuse by a close family member. His condition began to improve, but unfortunately, the foster care arrangement was once again terminated. During this time, his mother's situation improved, so he was temporarily returned to her, where he currently resides. Boy Marijan* needs help to work through the traumas.

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