Helping orphans and severely disabled youth find safety, joy, and hope Orphanage Support Services Organization Ecuador Project

Funds raised
orphans cared for
orphanages supported

Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO) provides nutritional, physical, medical, emotional, psychological, and educational support to over 200 children in seven different orphanages throughout Ecuador. This project provided life saving food, medical supplies, vaccinations, sanitary supplies, caregiver support, and facility maintenance to ensure that these orphanages stayed open during the difficult COVID pandemic. Children and severely disabled youth are placed in these orphanages due to neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, violence, parental incarceration, parental substance abuse, homelessness, death of in-home caregivers, severe disabilities that cannot be managed or paid for by in-home caregivers, and other traumatic family and community events. OSSO provides love and sustenance to every child served by ensuring that they have the nutritional, educational, and emotional support to become healthy, happy, productive members of their communities and countries.

Hold a hand, change a life.

OSSO Cares.

Advocate for this project:

Rex Head, MD, Medical Director & Founder of OSSO
Every child deserves to be loved and learn how to give love in return. We can all save the world, one child at a time.

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