Blue Dragon Children's Foundation

Support Survivors

Nourish Healing Center
In partnership with Victoria Plekenpol

% of
$20,000 target
$ 20,294
Ended 01st May 2020
With the matching support from doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, the funds raised will go towards furnishing the Nourish Healing Center for providing supportive services and retention to medical care for survivors of sexual abuse and impoverished individuals living with chronic illnesses, including HIV and Tuberculosis. This includes providing daily nourishing meals, fresh clothing, counseling, and other services to support individuals and families whose lives have been affected by poverty, abuse, sickness, and more. When completed, Nourish Healing Center will house eight, to twelve people, long term while they heal. All too often, those survivors who have found short-term care have nowhere stigma free and safe to go, ending up on the street, vulnerable to abuse or in a situation unable to care for themselves. Nourish Healing Center will stop the cycle from repeating. By providing individualized, holistic care, including trauma therapy and counseling, we intend to help each Nourish Healing Center resident regain an independent life.