Join Today!

Donate with a Purpose
Joining the 25 Collective is easy!
- Sign into your personal doTERRA account
- Open an existing LRP template, or create a new LRP template
- At the bottom of your product list, check the donation box and change the amount from $1 to $25
- Click "Save and process on [date]"
Every month, your LRP will process your donation to doTERRA Healing Hands to aid those in need. Because doTERRA International covers all overhead costs for the foundation, 100% of your donation goes to help those who need it most.
It's a Win-Win!
Your monthly support will impact communities for generations and we want to share our deep appreciation with you. As a member of the 25 Collective you can qualify for these unique perks:
- Invitation to our exclusive online Facebook community with other 25 Collective members
- After three consecutive months of donating, you'll enjoy live access to impact calls with our implementation partners and key members of our sourcing communities
- After six consecutive months of donating, you'll have the ability to host a doTERRA leader-led sourcing trip regardless of rank AND priority consideration for Co-Impact Sourcing® trips
- After twelve consecutive months of donating, you'll receive an invitation to an exclusive 25 Collective reception at doTERRA convention
- For 2024 only, 25 Collective members who have donated for six consecutive months or longer will be eligible to attend the exclusive convention reception
- And more!
+Current membership in the 25 Collective means you donated $25 or more on your LRP order in the previous month. Certain perks are dependent on longevity of giving and will only be available following the indicated periods of continuous giving.
Learn more about the 25 Collective and find resources from past impact calls! Thank you for helping empower people worldwide to be healthy, safe, and self-reliant.