

What does the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation do?

We empower people and communities worldwide by providing the tools needed to become self-reliant. We do this through our collaborative impact partnerships, facilitating community development projects in Co-Impact Sourcing® communities, and by empowering Wellness Advocates to engage in good in local and global community projects they care about.

Is the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation a nonprofit?

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is a United States-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. doTERRA International provides for all overhead and administrative costs of the foundation, ensuring that 100% of all donations go directly to those receiving aid. 

doTERRA® has carried the culture of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation around the globe by supporting and encouraging numerous projects, programs, and initiatives.

Co-Impact Sourcing®

How does the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and Co-Impact Sourcing work together?

With over 130 essential oils in its product line, doTERRA sources its oils from over 40 countries — more than half of which are developing countries. Co-Impact Sourcing ensures that small scale farmers and harvesters in disadvantaged areas are treated fairly and ethically.

In doTERRA’s Co-Impact Sourcing areas, we’re supporting development projects improving overall community health and well-being. We focus on infrastructure improvements, access to clean water, medical care and supporting community programs that improve the lives of individuals and their families.

Find out more.

The Match Program

What is The Match Program?

doTERRA Healing Hands empowers people worldwide to be healthy, safe and self-reliant. That includes empowering YOU to support the organizations you love. Through the Match Program, you can receive up to $10,000 in matching funds for a project of your choice.

What do I need to know before I get started?

When applying for a Match project, keep the following mind:

  • Only Wellness Advocates Elite or higher may submit a project application
  • Matching grants must go through a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, Elite or Higher, and are not open directly to non-profit organizations
  • Wellness Advocates may only have one active project at a time
  • Qualifying projects may receive a matching donation up to $10,000
  • Qualifying charitable organizations can receive a match once every two years
  • Donations must be collected through grassroots fundraising efforts. Funds donated by the receiving organization are not eligible to be matched.

What role does the Diamond level project sponsor play in the project?

We believe connection is empowering. Connecting with a project sponsor can help you connect to others who may be interested in supporting your cause. The project sponsor can be as engaged or absent in your project as they wish, and they are not required to make personal financial contributions to your campaign.

Does my partnering organization have to be a non-profit?

Yes. To qualify to received matched funding you must be registered with a non-profit organization. The organization can be registered within or outside the United States, but you must provide official documentation showing the charitable status of the organization you’re working with to be approved for a match.

What does a project timeline look like from start to finish?

Once a project proposal is submitted, the doTERRA Healing Hands team usually responds within 4 weeks. Once approved, the Wellness Advocate will set up a fundraising page on the doTERRA Healing Hands site to collect the donations for their project. Each project is given 4-6 weeks to fundraise, depending on how much they need to raise. When the fundraiser is complete, it usually takes 7-14 business days for the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation donation to be received by the beneficiary organization. Because each project is unique, the time it takes to spend the money and complete the project varies, but is on average 4-6 months. When the project is complete, Wellness Advocates usually have 7 days to submit their final impact report (project summary, final expense report, and images) to tell us how it went, and get their story posted to the doTERRA Healing Hands website!

There are three different dates on my project dashboard. What do they mean?

The Match Program is more than just a fundraiser, it’s a program that encompasses the process of developing, implementing, and then following-up on a Service Project. During the review process, the doTERRA Healing Hands team will use the Service Project completion date the Wellness Advocate provides on the “Budget and timeline” page of their project proposal to build the Match project timeline. The following dates will appear on the Match project’s dashboard following the approval of the project proposal: 1.) Fundraising completion date – this date is set by the doTERRA Healing Hands team, and is the date the Match project’s fundraiser will end; 2.) Service Project completion date – this date is set by the Wellness Advocate in their project proposal, and is the date by when all funds raised, including the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation match, will be spent on the Service Project; and 3.) Project Page due date – this date is set by the doTERRA Healing Hands team, and is the date the Wellness Advocate should have all follow-up information about their Service Project entered into their project dashboard. Following the project follow-up stage, the doTERRA Healing Hands team will publish a page about the Match Project on the doTERRA Healing Hands website.

What if my fundraiser collects more or less money than we were approved to match?

When donations are collected through your project’s fundraising page, they are collected by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and earmarked for your organization. At the end of your fundraising campaign, if you exceeded the amount approved to match by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, your organization will receive all the funds you raised plus the doTERRA Healing Hands match amount (e.g., approved match: $5,000, fundraising total: $10,000, total dHHF donation: $15,000). If your fundraiser does not collect the goal amount, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation will match the amount that you were able to raise.

Can I collect funds through my own fundraising platform (like GoFundMe)?

No. Only donations that are received through the fundraising link for your project on the doTERRA Healing Hands website, after the project has been approved, are eligible to be matched by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. Please keep in mind, donations must be collected through grassroots fundraising efforts. Funds donated by the receiving organization are not eligible to be matched.

How does someone donate to my fundraiser with a check?

Only donations that are received through the fundraising link for your project are eligible to be matched by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. If a donor would like to make a check donation, the donation must be written out to doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and mailed to 389 S 1300 W Pleasant Grove UT 84062, Attention Jenny Diehl. Please include a note as to which project the check should be attributed to.

What if I'm planning to hold an in-person fundraiser, instead of online?

Only donations that are received through the fundraising link for your project are eligible to be matched by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. If you’re planning to host a fundraising campaign in-person rather than online, you’ll need to make sure that all donations you collect which are intended for your project are donated to your project’s doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation fundraising page before it closes. Only funds raised through your project’s fundraising link, after the project has been approved, are eligible to be matched. Donations must be collected through grassroots fundraising efforts. Funds donated by the receiving organization are not eligible to be matched.

Can I use money from my fundraiser to purchase doTERRA product?

No. Donations collected during your matching campaign fundraiser may not be used to purchase doTERRA product. Using funds donated by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to purchase doTERRA product is a conflict of interest between doTERRA’s for-profit and non-profit entities. If you would like to request a donation of doTERRA products or essential oils to use on your project, please visit the Distribute Page of our website to submit a request.

Will donors receive a confirmation of their donation, or does my organization need to track that?

When a donor submits a donation through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation website, they are required to include an email address. Once their donation has successfully processed, they will receive a confirmation email to the email address they provided. This confirmation should be kept for their records as confirmation of their donation.

Can I request more than one matching grant?

No. As a Wellness Advocate, you can only have one active Match project at a time. Additionally, each organization is eligible to receive only one matching grant up to $10,000 every two years.

Disaster Relief

How can I get involved in disaster relief?

If you are able to safely distribute kits in a disaster zone or other in-need community, please visit the Distribute page of our website to submit a request for kits. You can also donate to disaster relief efforts by purchasing Emergency Relief Hygiene kits from doTERRA.

What’s in an Emergency Relief Hygiene kit?

doTERRA’s Emergency Relief Hygiene kit has been designed to help evacuees during the first 72-hours following a disaster. Each doTERRA Emergency Relief Hygiene kit contains:

  • doTERRA® Tea Tree Touch
  • Towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Adhesive bandages
  • Deep Blue® Rub samples
  • Salon Essentials Shampoo & Conditioner sample packets
  • dōTERRA On Guard® Toothpaste samples
  • dōTERRA On Guard™ Sanitizing Hand Wipes

Can I choose which relief efforts receive the kits I purchase?

No. When Emergency Relief Hygiene kits are purchased, they are immediately donated to doTERRA Healing Hands and stored in our warehouse. This way, they’re ready to distribute when a disaster strikes.

How do I request Emergency Relief Hygiene kits for distribution?

To request Emergency Relief Hygiene kits for communities recovering from a disaster or a population in need of hygiene supplies, please visit the Distribute page. Please note, you must be a Wellness Advocate to receive kits, and we only ship kits to US addresses.

Who can distribute kits?

Any Wellness Advocate living near a disaster zone can distribute kits, if they can do it safely. We recommend working with your local disaster response teams to coordinate your relief efforts. As you distribute the kits, don’t forget to post about your distribution to show how you #EngageInGood!

How many kits can I request?

We strongly recommend working with your city’s disaster response manager, or local nonprofits who are responding to the disaster, to assess the need. We usually start with a donation of 100 emergency kits per Wellness Advocate.

Do I have to buy the kits I want to distribute?

No. Requested kits have already been paid for by Wellness Advocates who purchased them previously. The kits are then stored in our warehouse so they’re ready to use when a disaster occurs.

What if I have more questions about the program?

Email for more information.

Donations and Product Purchases

What are the doTERRA products I can buy that support humanitarian causes?

doTERRA® SPA Rose Hand Lotion

doTERRA Hope® Touch Blend

72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits

doTERRA® donates 100% of all proceeds of certain products to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.

Are my doTERRA product purchases considered "tax-deductible"?

Because the individual will receive a product when purchasing Rose Lotion and Hope Blend, these product purchases are not tax-deductible.

Because the individual will not receive a product when purchasing an Emergency Relief Hygiene Kit, these donations are considered in-kind donations. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation recommends always consulting with a tax advisor when determining how to add this information to their taxes.

25 Collective

What does it mean to be a 25 Collective member?

Current membership in the 25 Collective means you donated $25 or more on your LRP order in the previous month.

What perks do I receive by joining the 25 Collective?

As a member of the 25 Collective you can qualify for these unique perks:

  • Invitation to our exclusive online community with other 25 Collective members
  • After three consecutive months of donating, live access to impact calls with our implementation partners and key members of our sourcing communities
  • After six consecutive months of donating, the ability to host a doTERRA leader-led sourcing trip regardless of rank AND priority consideration for Co-Impact Sourcing® trips
  • After twelve consecutive months of donating, an invitation to an exclusive 25 Collective reception at doTERRA convention
    • For 2024 only, 25 Collective members who have donated for six consecutive months or longer will be eligible to attend the exclusive convention reception
  • And more!

How do recent changes impact my 25 Collective perks?

The biggest change is that we now have a Facebook group where you can connect with other members of the 25 Collective community. Additionally, certain perks will now be available based on longevity of giving. For these perks, you will need to donate for a consecutive number of months to qualify for each perk.

What does “consecutive giving” look like?

Consecutive giving means you add a donation of $25 or more on your LRP and leave it there! Our hope is to build a community committed to sustainable impact and your donation is an essential part of that.

What happens if my donation falls off?

If you remove your donation of $25 or more from your LRP, you are no longer eligible for 25 Collective perks. But don’t worry! You can easily rejoin and continue impacting communities around the globe by adding your donation back onto your LRP. Keep in mind that if your donation falls off, your eligibility for perks based on consecutive giving resets.

Why have there been recent changes to the 25 Collective?

In talking to members of the 25 Collective, we realized there was a gap in the community aspect of this program. With that in mind, we have updated the 25 Collective perks to bring together a community of passionate individuals dedicated to sustainable impact.

How do I join the 25 Collective Facebook group?

To join the 25 Collective Facebook group, click this link and select the “Join group” button. You will be asked to answer a few questions. Once you’ve submitted your responses, a member of the doTERRA Healing Hands® team will review your request. You should hear back on your request to join within 2-3 business days.