Boys & Girls Club of Southern Illinois

Supporting Children

Educational Opportunities
In partnership with Gordon Herbert and Tina Carpenter

% of
$4,960 target
$ 4,201
Ended 19th August 2020
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Illinois fills the gap between school and home. They provide a safe environment and have a positive impact on the youth they serve - both members and nonmembers of the Club. In 2019, the BGCSI provided services to 4,225 youth. During COVID19, the BGCSI was forced to close it's doors, but continued to serve their children and families by distributing 11,225 meals from March 16 through May 30. They also provided on-line learning, books, check-in calls, and much more. My project will support the BGCSI as they slowly reopen their doors to the children.

"Beautiful is everyone simply as they are, with nothing added or taken away."

"If my staff didn't care about me, I would have never brought up my grades."