Europe Healing Hands

Kilometer Ride
Fundraising Team

Healing Hands Cycling Club
In partnership with Frank Oddens, Calea Souter, & Giulia Rogers

% of
$25,000 target
$ 27,719
Ended 31st May 2019
The Healing Hands Cycling Club is a group of dōTERRA Wellness Advocates taking on the challenge of riding 800 kms from Geneva, Switzerland to Dusseldorf, Germany to raise money and awareness for Healing Hands initiatives in Europe. Our goal is to raise $25,000 USD+ and dōTERRA Healing Hands will match 1:1 the first $25,000 raised! dōTERRA also covers 100% of all operating and administration costs of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, therefore, 100% of your donation goes directly to the projects. Please help us reach our goal by donating towards the cause.