Inspire Healing

Support Children

Inspire Music Service Hope
In partnership with Natalie and Andy Goddard

% of
$15,000 target
$ 14,400
Ended 26th May 2020
INSPIRE Healing serves & connects with local communities we travel to. Our service tours help impoverished communities abroad. Our mission is to lift hearts and strengthen minds through music, education, and service. On our service tours, we create and implement sustainable service projects in each country we visit. In 2020, we’re building playgrounds, sports and play areas in the DR, Costa Rica and Fiji. These areas for play offer healing, happiness, and the fostering of friendships, while having fun. Playgrounds, sports and play areas allow for safe spaces for children to exercise their minds and bodies, have creative free play, find joy, and experience a sense of belonging and community. The playgrounds and sports and play areas we build will be tailored to the specific needs and cultural preferences of each country. We work with local connections to acquire the building materials and we make every effort to support the local economy.