“Selah” is a Hebrew word meaning “to pause, rest, and reflect.” The organization actively confronts the issue of sex trafficking by providing education and training throughout the United States, as well as offering teen prevention, outreach, and safe housing in 4 cities.
Wellness Advocate Kathi Wotal is a licensed acupuncturist with a passion for helping to heal emotional health issues. She runs a free clinic and local counseling center near Chicago and regularly volunteers with the nonprofit organization Selah Freedom. Since the opening a Selah Freedom Safe House in Chicago in early 2017, Kathi has been providing acupuncture treatment for the residents.
Residents are supported by programs that incorporate natural, healthy living including cooking healthy food, meditation techniques and yoga.
Kathi felt incorporating essential oils into Selah’s wellness programs would be beneficial. She wanted residents to be educated in their use and have oils available for use on a regular basis. Kathi teamed up with Leader Heather Patenaude and their project raised over $4,000 in donated doTERRA® products.
“As I was introducing the women to the doTERRA Hope oil, I explained that the purchase price of the oil was donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, which supports anti-sex trafficking efforts around the world. When asked to read a description of the doTERRA Hope blend, the young woman that volunteered—a survivor of sex trafficking herself—couldn’t make it all the way through the description. She was in tears - so touched by the caring of a company she had never heard of before. They were all extremely touched by it, and loved the fragrance of the doTERRA Hope oil.”