Shabach Ministries

Support Students

Helping Haitian Students
In partnership with Anne Calhoun

% of
$4,647 target
$ 4,820
Ended 20th September 2019
Years ago, Shabach Ministries International built an elementary school in the mountanious town of Taifer, Haiti. At times, up to 600 students were in attendance. In 2010 a devastating earthquake rendered the facility unsafe for use. As a result, the committed students and teachers have been continuing their educational endeavors under the roasting metal roofs of temporary structures...for 9 years! This project will fund the complete rebuilding of the school, thus providing a much cooler environment suitable for concentration and learning.
Students at the Breath of Life Christian Academy in Haiti

Students at the Breath of Life Christian Academy in Haiti

Outer view of the temporary schoolhouse

Outer view of the temporary schoolhouse

Interior view of the temporary schoolhouse

Interior view of the temporary schoolhouse