It is with solemn hearts that we honor Rachel Sirota who passed away on August 7, 2024. Rachel was a passionate doTERRA Wellness Advocate for 11 years, bringing beauty and light to her close circle of family, friends, team members and broader community. In lieu of flowers, her family has requested that contributions can be made to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. Before her passing, Rachel raised funds for The Rockland Farm Alliance matched by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to support children in New York in attending a week-long camp to learn about sustainable farming and healthy living. To keep her legacy alive, all donations will be directed towards The Rockland Farm Alliance to further their mission of the preservation and revival of farmland, sustainable agriculture, and educating the community on the importance of local food production and environmental stewardship.
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In Memory of Rachel Sirota
Rachel's Wish
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