
Too often, we assume we must organize a service project or take a humanitarian trip overseas to “be a humanitarian.” Not so!

Philanthropy and humanitarian work can be done in your own community, wherever you are, as easily as picking up your phone and texting a friend. In the Connect level, we provide resources to help you determine what philanthropic work you’re already doing in your community, and show you how you can build on it.

Find your why

It’s easier to get involved when you find service that matters to you. If you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of “service,” you’re probably thinking too big. Take small steps until you identify somthing that feels attainable.

Make service part of your daily routine

Heart red circle

Your passion or interest?

Local red circle

Local groups working on issues you’re passionate about

Resource red circle

What resources are at your disposal?

Time red circle

How much time can you give?

What you have to offer

If you enjoy outdoor work, or have a knack for teaching, you may want to look for volunteer opportunity in which your special skills can be utilized.

Consider the ways that your personality, organization, or communication skills can benefit your community.

Don’t be afraid to get creative.

  • Consider using family time to volunteer & teach children the value of service
  • Introduce kids to new skills and experiences
  • Build memories
  • Know what you do best and use it as a way to get involved
  • if you can’t find a service opportunity that fits your skill set, create one yourself
  • Some organizations now offer the opportunity to do virtual volunteer work.
  • Give free legal advice or type a college term paper for a person with a disability
  • This can be a good option for anyone with limited time or transportation

Don’t overcommit

Only give hours you can fit into your life so you don’t exhaust yourself, frustrate your family or neglect your current commitments.

Start slowly rather than to commit yourself to a schedule you can’t fulfill. If you are unsure about your availability, start with something temporary before committing to a long-term position or project.

Think outside the box

Many community groups are looking for volunteers. Some ideas that may not have occurred to you include:

  • Community theaters
  • Drug rehabilitation centers
  • Museums & Art Galleries
  • Prisons
  • After school programs
  • Day care centers & retirement homes
  • Shelters for abused women & children
  • Historical restorations or National Park projects

5k doTERRA Healing Hands Run

Connect and Serve

Your ability to connect and serve is as unique as you are, and often it is the smallest gesture that makes the biggest impact. Only you can determine the best way to make your own personal impact, but we hope these tools can help you on your journey.

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