Participate with us in a virtual Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society! Traditionally, we get together as a community and relay for 24 hours to raise money to help support one of the most vital services from the American Cancer Society Inc. which is the Road to Recovery program. This program provides free rides for cancer patients. In Ventura County in 2020, we provided 183 rides for patients! I relay because my mom, a SURVIVOR, was diagnosed with cancer in 2014 and my co-captains father was diagnosed the same year and passed away the following year. The only thing we could do to help us heal was to do everything we could in our power to raise funds for this very important program. Unfortunately, unless cancer is cured, Road to Recovery will always be needed. I relay for our families and the millions of others touched by this disease. All donation amounts are appreciated and this effort will help us double our impact. Thanks in advance!
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