Finish Chajul's Women's Center and School

The Center's foundation and walls are going up!
The Center will serve over 200 women and children yearly

A home for education, mental health, human and indigenous rights
In partnership with MUNDO EXCHANGE

% of
$9,856 target
Ended 13th December 2021
This four year project is coming to an end! The foundation and first walls are up! The final push will ensure that the Center will be a safe and secure home to ACEFOMI, a long standing women's organization in Chajul that strengthens the well-being of women and their families by promoting women's and indigenous rights, mental health and advocacy. It will also be home to CEMIK that educates some of the poorest children in Chajul. Their mission is to teach literacy skills in the Ixil and Spanish languages through which students learn about their Maya culture, heritage, and values, indigenous and human rights, the importance of caring for the environment while developing a vision of who they will be when they grow up. The women and students write: “Your support ensures that our dream will come true to have a beautiful center dedicated to the women and children of Chajul - making a better life for our families! Thank you, Tan Tiuxh! It will also be home to our visitors from afar!"