Babies Bring the Sunshine!

In 2021 MFH delivered over 4000 babies!
We provided over 28,000 antenatal and postnatal visits!

A Complete Solar System for Haiti Birth Center
In partnership with Midwives for Haiti

% of
$14,146 target
Ended 30th June 2022
Haiti has the worst maternal mortality rate in the western hemisphere. For 16 years, Midwives for Haiti (MFH) has been working to lower this statistic in the Central Plateau. From our post graduate midwifery training program to our 10 weekly community clinics and work in the local hospital, MFH is making a real difference! Now we are building a rural birth center, 45 minutes from the nearest hospital. One of the most important aspects of any building project is electricity. Delivering babies in the dark is dangerous; we cannot see how much blood a mother has lost, or if a baby is breathing. MFH is committed to clean energy; Haiti has already suffered so much environmental damage. Additionally, frequent fuel shortages make generator power unreliable. Solar power is a true necessity in rural Haiti. These panels will create a safe and stable environment, in which to do our lifesaving work. And we look forward to seeing those new baby smiles!