Music for the Masses (MFTM) provides access to music education for underserved children in Baltimore City, Maryland. The New England Board of Higher Education 2018 study (Tuning In: Six Benefits of Music Education for Kids) found music education enhanced language capabilities, improved memory, strengthened hand-eye coordination, created study habits, fostered teamwork, & heightened mental processing & problem solving.
Baltimore City Public schools doesn’t include music classes or music programs. To mitigate this deficit, Rise with a Purpose, Inc.(RISE) will provide an instructional music program for Baltimore City underserved youth & aspiring musicians on the fundamentals of song creation/structure, vocal tones, classical music, dance, & the recording process.
Donations will be used for providing an after-school facility, students with instruments and accessories, studio & recording equipment, stipends for teachers, purchase of equipment and technology for virtual instruction.
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