The 33 Mile Baby Box Birthday Challenge!

1035 children supported
250 Baby Boxes

Supporting first time parents and babies with a best start in life.
In partnership with The Childrens Foundation

% of
$7,651 target
Ended 31st March 2023
The Children’s Foundation has put North East England children on the road to good health for over 30 years. 2023 marks our 33rd Birthday. Help us support first-time parents and their babies with a Baby Box, unique in promoting healthy baby development with a focus on Playing, Singing, Counting, Reading and Love. Join in and complete a 33-mile challenge of your choosing, before 31st March 2023. Raise a minimum of £1 per mile in sponsorship,… Challenge friends to join you. walk, jog, swim, run, cycle, and bring your dog! Your participation and the funds you will raise will change a life, and a future, for a baby born here, in the North East! Share your Challenge with us, we will support you. Don’t forget about Gift Aid. Every pound you raise will be matched.. so don’t delay, get started today… because every child deserves the best start in life!