Keys to Hope

2000+ Survivors Helped
$25 Changes a Life

Unlocking Futures of Freedom for Survivors of Trafficking
In partnership with National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (NTSA)

% of
$3,000 target
Ended 31st December 2023
As the year comes to a close, join us in becoming the "Keys to Hope" for survivors of human trafficking across the country. This holiday season, we're launching a special campaign to provide shelter, support, and resources to trafficking survivors in need through our Alliance Referral System (ARS). This innovative program allows survivors to fill out a single online form in order to be matched with shelters across the nation that fit their needs and preferences - all while receiving personalized support along the way. "Keys to Hope" envisions a ripple effect of freedom, where survivors are given the agency to choose their next step on their journey to healing. Your support doesn't just offer a momentary escape from exploitation. Your support is an investment in a survivor's future of long-term recovery and empowerment. Together, we can be the key that opens the right door for each survivor - doors to safety, healing, and - above all - hope.