Empower Families in Kenya to Grow Their Own Food

15,000 towers built!
75,000 people fed!

Help supply garden towers to sustainably feed thousands of people for years to come!
In partnership with 100 Humanitarians International

% of
$7,500 target
Ended 31st May 2024
The Garden Tower, a cylindrical structure standing 4ft x 2.5 ft in diameter, is made from globally accessible shade fabric. Uniformly drilled holes along its sides accommodate up to 120 kale and spinach plants, offering simplicity in replication and sustainability through continuous replanting for 5-7 years. With a 30% reduction in water consumption compared to traditional gardening, it fosters self-reliance and stewardship values. The Garden Tower significantly enhances livelihoods. Families who are nutrient deprived can now benefit from 3 to 5 weekly vegetable meals and surplus sales, affording financial flexibility for essentials like food and education. This tangible impact translates into improved socio-economic status and overall well-being for participants. The Garden Tower, with a total cost of approximately $20 for materials, production, and distribution, is easily replicated worldwide. Your donation matters and empowers families for years to come.