San Pedro is a small, rural village high in the hills of eastern El Salvador. Lacking access to municipal water, residents must collect water from streams and natural springs. These sources are abundant in winter but scarce in summer. In partnership with the Healing Hands Foundation we were able to finance the construction of rain gutters and 2500 liter water storage tanks at the homes of 15 families. In addition, 30 families received clean water filters and education in their use and maintenance. Approximately 250 trees were given to the families for planting, reforesting areas close to natural water sources.
Javier proudly shows us his new water storage tank.
Javier used to carry this barrel full of water up a steep hill to his home five or six times a day. Thanks to YOU he can set that barrel down.
Thirty families now have water filtering systems making their collected water safe for daily consumption.
Families attended a workshop on the importance of reforestation for maintaining water supplies and were given 250 trees for planting near natural water sources.
We worked together, and we made a difference! Our sincerest thanks to all who donated funds and supported this project.