What's Happening

Frontline Support Kits

Frontline Support Kits
Saturday, May 16, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

A group of Wellness Advocates, doTERRA® customers, and employees teamed up to put together support for healthcare workers and first responders as a part of the #engageingood campaign. The campaign included a match of purchases of Rose Hand Lotion and the Shea Butter Collection—but times three! These funds were donated to support organizations and to create frontline support kits.

13,700 Frontline Support kits were sent to 248 Wellness Advocated in the US for distribution to healthcare workers and 1,300 Frontline Support kits were sent to 20 Wellness Advocates in Canada for distribution to healthcare workers. Thanks to everyone who participated in this campaign, either by donating or by participating and putting together the kits.