Animal Therapy Farm
About this Project
In 2015 the U.S. State Department estimated that 1.2 million individuals were being trafficked here, domestically. In stark contrast, there are currently less than 1,000 beds in the United States dedicated solely to the rehabilitation and transition of trafficking survivors. There is a desperate need for services for hundreds of thousands of girls. Our hearts go out to these survivors of sex-trafficking who are ready to start a new life and don’t have anywhere to turn for help. Dahlia’s hope offers a safe place where survivors can come heal and learn new skills needed to thrive. We would like to help Dahlia’s hope to build an Indoor Therapy Arena where survivors will be able to receive year-round therapy which will include clinical, animal-assisted, group, equine, recreational, and yoga/exercise therapies. This will give survivors the opportunity they need to heal and move forward in their lives successfully.
This is a big project, and several Wellness Advocates have teamed up to help fund it. Scroll through the list and choose a campaign to donate to! If you see that one is fully funded, check out one that isn’t yet. All fundraisers will be matched by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, and all the funding from these campaigns will be used to build the therapy arena!