Earthquake Aid

Dude Association (ahbap)
Match Project by Wellness Advocate Aysegul & Osama Abu Amrieh
Sponsor: Drs. Mark & Tina Wong.
Provide emergency relief to help those affected by the earthquake in Turkey including food, shelter, and needed medical supplies.
Hasene Australia
Match Project by Wellness Advocate Zeynep Bakan
Provide basic essentials including hot food, tents, hygiene products, baby goods, blankets, raincoats and jackets to aid those affected by the earthquake in Turkey.
Institutul de Fapte Bune
Match Project by Aysegul & Osama Abu Amrieh
Sponsor Victor & Elena Doandesi
Provide emergency essentials including food, clothes, shoes, hygiene items, medical supplies etc. to the Turkish people suffering from the aftermath of the earthquake.
Church's Ministry among the Jewish People
Match Project by Melissa Heidel
Sponsor Annekathrin & Bodo Siegle
Build tiny homes for families misplaced in the aftermath of the earthquake in Turkey.
Child Houses
Match Project by Frank Oddens
Assist Child Houses purchase incubators to care for premature babies that have become tragically misplaced or orphaned by the earthquake.
Want to do more?
If you or someone you know is traveling to Turkey and is interested in providing additional assistance, please contact
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