What's Happening

Emergency Relief in the Wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton

Emergency Relief in the Wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton
Monday, October 21, 2024

Following Hurricanes Helene and Milton, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, along with its compassionate Wellness Advocates, immediately jumped in to lend support. Close to 24,000 of doTERRA’s 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene kits have been distributed, benefiting thousands of families and community members in impacted areas.

“Our hearts go out to those impacted by these disasters. We are grateful to be in a position where we can offer help and support,” said Misty Bond, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Philanthropy at doTERRA. “We are also grateful to every member of the doTERRA family who has made these kit distributions possible. From the countless hours devoted by our Lindon Fulfillment Center team members packaging kits to our extraordinary Wellness Advocates distributing kits on the ground, this truly has been a collective effort of love.”

For more information about the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s hurricane relief efforts, check out this press release.

Support Efforts in Eswatini

Support Efforts in Eswatini
Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Donations to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® from October to December 2024 will go toward projects like supporting children in Bulembu, Eswatini, where we source Eucalyptus radiata essential oil. Once an abandoned town, Bulembu is now a thriving care community responsible for the full-time family-style care of over 300 orphaned children.

To learn more visit impact.doterra.com.

2024 Q2 Report

2024 Q2 Report
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

During quarter two (Q2), we celebrated our fourteenth anniversary. That’s 14 years of empowering people worldwide to be healthy, safe, and self-reliant. We’ve loved every minute of this journey and can’t wait to see what the next 14 years bring as we continue working together to engage in good! Check out our latest quarterly report to learn more about how your donations are making a difference.

Chitlang Health Post Update

Chitlang Health Post Update
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Wellness Advocates and the Co-Impact Sourcing® team recently participated in the inauguration celebrations of the Chitlang Health Post in Nepal. Funded in part by the doTERRA China market, this health post will serve members of the Wintergreen sourcing community. It will strengthen the capacity of the local health workers and improve health care services in the area.

It’s impossible to fully predict the impact of this health post, but we know it’ll make a difference for this community for generations to come!

The Power of Clean Water in Nepal

The Power of Clean Water in Nepal
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Because of the difficult topography in Sindhupalchok, Nepal, many people still rely on outdated water systems. This area is characterized by its rocky, steep terrain and frequent natural disasters, such as the earthquake in 2015. These conditions make it difficult for locals to consistently access clean water.

Clean water has the power to change everything in this doTERRA Wintergreen sourcing area. Read our latest blog article here to learn what doTERRA Healing Hands is doing to help in this area and how you can play a part.

Clean Water in Nepal

Clean Water in Nepal
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

While potable water is available in most areas in Nepal, many people still face three challenges: access, quality, and affordability. For rural areas, the cost of building and maintaining clean water sources can be prohibitive. Without private water taps in homes, people are forced to travel to public taps to fetch water. This impacts women in particular as they spend significant amounts of time collecting and transporting drinking water.

Aware of the need for dependable clean water in doTERRA Wintergreen sourcing areas in Nepal, doTERRA Healing Hands partnered with CHOICE Humanitarian to provide a solution. Now two villages have easy access to affordable, safe drinking water with over 200 homes receiving private water connections. Additionally, reservoirs were constructed, increasing available water in the area and further improving access. These projects are not the first time doTERRA Healing Hands and CHOICE Nepal have partnered to provide clean water. Together we are truly empowering Nepalese communities to be healthy, safe, and self-reliant.

Providing Drinking Water to Children in Kenya

Providing Drinking Water to Children in Kenya
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

In Kenya, it’s not uncommon for individuals to depend on surface water, shallow wells, and/or handpumps to provide water. Not only can these sources be unreliable, but they are also time-consuming and have safety concerns. Oftentimes, children are the ones sent to retrieve water, when they should be in school.

Working with Fairoils in the doTERRA Tea Tree and Lemon Eucalyptus sourcing area in Kenya, doTERRA Healing Hands was able to provide a reliable source of drinking water to the Mwamose Primary School. Funded by the doTERRA Europe Market, this reverse osmosis system provides desalinated water to 1,250 school children. Additionally, community members also have access to the water source, providing much-needed safe drinking water.

Exciting Changes to 25 Collective Perks

Exciting Changes to 25 Collective Perks
Wednesday, March 06, 2024

We love the energy you have brought to the 25 Collective! We have been working hard to keep the momentum of this program going and to maximize incentives so we can help even more people. With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce some exciting changes to the 25 Collective.

Follow the link to learn more!

2023 Q4 Report

2023 Q4 Report
Thursday, February 22, 2024

2023 was an amazing year for doTERRA Healing Hands. Because of your support, students in Nepal received educational scholarships, farmers in Honduras took steps out of poverty, communities in India received expanded medical care, and many other humanitarian projects improved lives for people worldwide. Thank you for making 2023 a memorable year of impact! Check out our latest quarterly report to learn more about how your donations are empowering people worldwide to be healthy, safe, and self-reliant.

Pursuit Report Sneak Peek!

Pursuit Report Sneak Peek!
Thursday, February 08, 2024

In 2023, we empowered 1,556,963 people with sourcing jobs and impacted 1,546,872 people through charitable projects in our sourcing areas!

“dōTERRA was born from the belief that pure essential oils have the power to change lives—both those who use the essential oils and those who create them. The heart of dōTERRA® has always been to source the best essential oils in the world and help the most along the way. For over 15 years, this mission has not changed. The more we grow, the more global good we can accomplish through our relentless pursuit of positive impact.”— Emily Wright, dōTERRA President, Founding Executive

Read the full report at pursuit.doterra.com on March 1.

School in Egypt

School in Egypt
Thursday, February 08, 2024

Donations to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation from January to March 2024 are going towards projects like the expansion of a supplemental education program in Egypt.

Several essential oils are sourced in Egypt and we want to enrich lives in our precious sourcing communities, starting with education. While basic education is available in this region, it doesn’t always satisfy the growing love of learning.

Our sourcing partner in Egypt currently provides supplemental education in a temporary structure, providing intellectual enrichment for 450 children. With support from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, a local nonprofit will construct a permanent school building and fill it with supplies for current and future students.

You can support this project and others like it by checking the donation box with your next dōTERRA order.

Mwamose School, Kenya

Mwamose School, Kenya
Thursday, February 08, 2024

On the Incentive Trip in March 2023, the Cō-Impact Sourcing® team and Wellness Advocates saw firsthand the need the children at Mwamose School had for more space. The head teacher (like a principal) of the school, Madam Esther, explained kids were being crowded eighty to a room.

dōTERRA Healing Hands funded an expansion. Attendees of the November 2023 incentive trip got to see the newly laid foundation. The new building is expected to be completed in 2024, once the rainy season is over.

This school is in the area of Kenya where dōTERRA sources Tea Tree and Geranium essential oil and allows the kids of many local farmers and distillers who produce those oils for dōTERRA to get an education.

See the full dōTERRA Healing Hands Q4 report HERE.

Saving Generations through Self-Reliance

Saving Generations through Self-Reliance
Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Imagine what your life would be like if you couldn’t read or write. You wouldn’t be able to read these words. You’d have no way to understand the signs in your neighborhood or respond to texts from friends and family members. You likely wouldn’t be able to pursue career goals or personal dreams.

Reading and writing are essential, yet so many people go through life without learning these important skills. Silver leaders Chris and Tiffany Garvin knew this issue was affecting people in Nigeria and decided to do something about it. Working with Spell Africa International, they completed a doTERRA Healing Hands Match Program project with the goal of increasing literacy among adults in Lagos.

Click here to learn more about the Garvins’ project and how they impacted lives in Nigeria.

Correction to a Fundraising Page

Correction to a Fundraising Page
Friday, December 22, 2023

On 10/25 we published a fundraising request for a match funded project in Israel. The post mistakenly referenced Israel’s Defense Force (IDF). This was a genuine error. The project supported families in Israel who had lost loved ones through conflict. These families were provided with food, clothing, and emotional support.

On 12/12 the incorrect information on the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s fundraising webpage was brought to our attention and amended. We sincerely apologize for this oversight.

As a result, we have conducted a full review of doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s grant making and communications procedures and implemented additional checks and balances to ensure this type of event does not occur in the future. We are committed to continuously learning as an organization to best support our incredible Wellness Advocates.

We thank our Wellness Advocates for their generosity in supporting people, families, and communities through our match funding program.

2023 Q3 Report

2023 Q3 Report
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Check out the latest from doTERRA Healing Hands with the 2023 Quarter 3 Report! Learn about recent projects and the impact you’ve made possible.

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday
Monday, November 13, 2023

The beautiful Hawaiian island of Maui was tragically struck by wildfires on August 8, 2023, which devoured the land and claimed too many lives from this beloved community.

dōTERRA is working with Kealakekua Mountain Reserve (KMR) and local residents to raise $100,000 toward replanting 10,000 trees all over the island. You can “grab a shovel” and help plant these trees by donating to the cause during Giving Tuesday—a global generosity movement—and throughout the holiday season from November 13 to December 31, 2023.

These trees are essential to Maui’s ecosystem, and by stretching your wallet just a little wider, you can help save and restore more than just greenery to the island.

Every $10 plants a tree, and each tree will stand as a symbol of strength and healing.

Click here and donate today!

doTERRA Impact Guide

doTERRA Impact Guide
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Have you seen the doTERRA Impact Guide? Launched at Becoming | doTERRA Convention 2023, the guide provides tips and tricks to help you, our Wellness Advocates, build your business with giving back in mind.

Today’s consumers care more about corporate social responsibility than ever before. The information in the NEW Impact Guide can help you build a more purpose-driven business that resonates with your customers. With the Impact Guide, you don’t have to choose between doing well in your business or doing good in the world. You can have it all.

Get the guide. https://www.doterra.com/US/en/empowered-success/impact

2023 Quarter 2 Report

2023 Quarter 2 Report
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Check out our 2023 Quarter 2 Report for information about how we’ve been impacting the world.

doTERRA Hope at the Parliament of the World’s Religions

doTERRA Hope at the Parliament of the World’s Religions
Thursday, August 31, 2023

The doTERRA® Hope action plan recently participated in the Parliament of the World’s Religions. This global platform dates back to 1893 and is a place to explore critical issues such as human trafficking and exploitation.

doTERRA VP of Philanthropy, Missy Larsen, coordinated with Larry Eastland of the John A. and Leah D. Widtsoe Foundation and moderated a panel as part of the Hope action plan with some of the nation’s most respected experts, including:

  • Dawn Hawkins - CEO of the National Center of Sexual Exploitation

  • Jerome Elam - Survivor of child sex trafficking and CEO of Trafficking in America Task Force

  • Sandra Morgan - Vanguard University’s Global Center for Women and Justice

  • Melissa Yao - Executive Director of the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance

The session focused on igniting change across the world in the fight against human trafficking. Additionally, it highlighted research findings, education platforms, prevention tools, policy solutions, public-private engagement, and most importantly, survivor perspectives.

This was a great opportunity for Hope to participate in the global dialogue about human trafficking, learning about solutions and building key relationships.

To stay up to date on the Hope action plan and to learn more about what you can do to prevent human trafficking, complete the form at: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/hope-parent-trainings

Hope: Tech Against Trafficking

Hope: Tech Against Trafficking
Monday, August 14, 2023

Since 2016, doTERRA Healing Hands® has been combatting human trafficking. Hope is our answer to prevent modern slavery before it begins, support responsible professional rescue efforts, and help restore dignity for survivors. We recognize that rescue efforts are best left to professionals who have the training and expertise needed to rescue victims and arrest traffickers.

Unfortunately, many taskforces and agencies are underfunded which leads to critical needs for education, equipment, and technology to conduct successful investigations and prosecutions that keep predators away from children and other victims.

The Hope action plan offers law enforcement trainings to support the development of skills and tools needed to identify victims, conduct sound investigations, and effectively prosecute trafficking criminals. Recent trainings have taken place in Mesa, AZ; Atlanta, GA; Hartford, WI; Anchorage, AL; and Lubbock, TX – just to name a few!

Hollywood has led many Americans to believe that human trafficking only happens in impoverished communities or in foreign countries. While this does happen, exploitation and trafficking can take place within the walls of our own homes. With the prevalence of technology, social media, and gaming sites, predators have found ways to access children via the Internet. Because of this, many of our law enforcement trainings are centered around undercover chat techniques.

Cyberchat investigations require an in-depth understanding of predator tactics and highly-specialized technological skills. Led by the Chief Ops Director of the doTERRA Hope action plan Jon Lines, Hope-sponsored law enforcement trainings are taught by top-tier officers with decades of experience in their respective fields. We take pride in ensuring our trainings adhere to federal, state, and local standards so that officers can establish sound investigations that lead to the best possible outcome. When an online predator is caught, children who have already been exploited can be identified and provided resources to begin the restorative process. Stopping just one Internet predator can prevent countless children from being victimized in the future.

To learn more about the Hope action plan and our efforts to combat human trafficking, visit: https://doterrahealinghands.org/hope

Mālama Maui

Mālama Maui
Friday, August 11, 2023 Disaster Relief

Join us in supporting those who have been displaced by the Maui fires with emergency necessities, supplies, and accommodations, as well as in rebuilding the communities. All donations will be matched up to $100,000. As always, 100% of donations go directly to aid. Donate

Quarter 4 Report

Quarter 4 Report
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Check out our Quarter 4 report for information about our latest projects and updates.

Ukraine Child Rescue

Ukraine Child Rescue
Monday, May 01, 2023

As part of the doTERRA Healing Hands global Hope action plan, we are supporting Ukraine Child Rescue. Since 2005, Ukraine Child Rescue has rescued neglected children, protecting them from human trafficking. Today they offer comprehensive services for women and children who have suffered from sexual abuse and exploitation. The organization’s CEO recently served as Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of Ukraine. Through their presence in schools and professional settings, they have become well known throughout Ukraine. They regularly receive cases from other nonprofit organizations, the Prosecutor General’s office, and child services.

Stay tuned for more updates from Ukraine Child Rescue and other organizations we’re working with through the Hope action plan.

NTSA Conference

NTSA Conference
Thursday, March 30, 2023

At the end of March, dōTERRA Healing Hands® welcomed participants of the Sheltered Conference 2023 to dōTERRA campus! This annual conference is run by the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (NTSA), a network of service providers focused on improving services and increasing access to care for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Over the course of the conference, participants attended various courses and networked with like-minded individuals working to provide healing for those impacted by human trafficking and victimization. The dōTERRA Healing Hands Hope booth was a great place to stop as attendees were able to learn about the Hope action plan, experience essential oils, and receive an AromaTouch Hand Technique.

Utah Trafficking Operation

Utah Trafficking Operation
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

In February, Utah hosted the NBA All-Star weekend. This exhibition game welcomed tens of thousands of people in a celebration of basketball. Due to the large crowds, this type of event is a marketplace for human traffickers. This is a problem that plagues large events and that law enforcement is constantly working to address. On February 17 and 18, doTERRA Healing Hands® through the Hope action plan was able to be part of the solution.

doTERRA Healing Hands joined forces with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Salt Lake County Unified Police Department, Utah County Sheriff’s Office, the Utah Attorney General’s Office, and the Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center in an operation focused on victims of human trafficking involved in the commercial sex trade (CST). Through this operation, law enforcement used undercover chat platforms to interact with 11 commercial sex workers. Nine of those individuals chose to leave CST and accepted either financial, mental health, or chemical dependency assistance through service providers. Additionally, victims provided law enforcement with enough information to initiate criminal cases against several individuals.

Turkey Earthquake Relief

Turkey Earthquake Relief
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

On February 6, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, heavily impacting the individuals and communities in the area. doTERRA Wellness Advocates responded quickly and are now rallying support to aid those communities. Your donation to their Match projects will be matched by doTERRA Healing Hands so you can give confidently knowing 100% of your donation will go directly to help those impacted by the earthquake. Please consider donating to one, or all, of the following projects or submit your own project application today.

Education for kids in Haiti

Education for kids in Haiti
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

The mission of the Renand Foundation is to create sustainable communities across Haiti and eradicate child slavery. The Renand Foundation aims to accomplish their mission by providing education, quality healthcare, secure housing, and vocational skills training.

This mission resonated with Wellness Advocate Andis Tamayo, who reached out to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ and its Match Program to create a larger impact. Andis raised a total of $40,900, which constructed a school in Lamandou, Haiti, allowing 300 students to attend and providing 25 jobs to local Haitians.

Thank you, Andis, for engaging in good, supporting children, and letting doTERRA Healing Hands assist you in your humanitarian efforts.

Quarter 3 Report

Quarter 3 Report
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Check out our Quarter 3 Report for information about how we’ve been Engaging in Good.

Support for refugees

Support for refugees
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

A child who doesn’t have access to food is often significantly impacted in other areas of life, affecting education, safety, and obviously health.

Ocotillo Foundation focuses on providing daily rations, as well as other supplies for children in India. Wellness Advocate Kat Brown was moved by the organization’s mission and wanted to get involved. Her project focused on providing rations and supplies to Afghan refugees. To expand her efforts and impact, she completed a Match Program project through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️.

According to the UN, over 20,000 Afghan refugees are living in India. Kat’s project impacted over 1,000 refugees.

Thank you, Kat, for engaging in good.

Farm Up Jamaica

Farm Up Jamaica
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wellness Advocates recently had the opportunity to help with Farm Up Jamaica on our recent incentive trip.

They aimed to help Jamaica reduce its food imports, increase exports, create jobs, increase agri-entrepreneurship opportunities, and help reduce crime and poverty by putting idle hands to idle lands. Farm Up Jamaica achieves this by educating youth and distressed farmers in Organic Climate-Smart Agriculture, transitioning them into partnerships with local farmers and diaspora landowners, and creating agri-entrepreneurship by guaranteeing markets for them to sell to. The long-term effect will create micro-economies island-wide, which will have macro effects for the country.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® provided funds that enabled Farm Up Jamaica to expand its pineapple farm. doTERRA® Wellness Advocates and staff provided volunteer labor to kick-start the project.

doTERRA Leadership 2022

doTERRA Leadership 2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

At doTERRA®️ Leadership Retreat 2022, we displayed the mobile crime unit doTERRA Healing Hands®️ helped fund to fight trafficking in the Mesa, Arizona area. A mobile crime lab maximizes law enforcement’s ability to arrest and prosecute traffickers, uproot those producing and distributing child abuse materials, and more. We have the opportunity to fund a retrofit in Oregon for $100,000! Please donate.


Disaster Relief - Belize

Disaster Relief - Belize
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

doTERRA®️ leaders Kindra Adair, Lindsey Elliott, and Cheri Evans recently returned from a humanitarian trip to Belize. Kindra reports, “We had an amazing experience in Belize and plan to go back every year forever to keep growing what has been started.”

These amazing women each hand-carried 100 Emergency Hygiene Relief Kits to Belize to distribute as part of their service project. They also presented scholarships to the school children. Without the scholarship fund, families of these children would not have the means to pay school tuition.

Derrick Pitts—the Belizean host and leader over this project—said the beneficiaries have received many hygiene kits from other groups in the past, but ours from doTERRA were by far the best they’ve ever had!

Eliya Association

Eliya Association
Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Sri Lanka is famous for its tea. Nuwara Eliya especially has many tea plantations. Tea plucking is traditionally done by local Tamil women, who were brought to the island as indentured labor and are both overworked and underpaid. Because of this, most of their families live in poverty, with restrictions on education and housing.

The Eliya Association aims to put an end to such practices, and Wellness Advocate Mallory Brown is working with them to do so. When she connected with doTERRA Healing Hands®️, we were eager to be part of this project.

Through the Eliya Association, the women who pluck the tea were able to go through an apprenticeship program in organic farming. With this certificate, they can pursue a more stable income and help bring their families out of poverty. Many of these women are the first in their families to leave the plantations.

Because of Mallory Brown and generous donations from you, one full class of the Eliya Association’s apprenticeship program was funded. This included daily transportation, organic seeds and planting tools, lunch, and a work stipend to cover income loss. With your help, we assisted 26 women, who can now rise and better their lives.

evolve | connection 2021

evolve | connection 2021
Friday, February 25, 2022

With the new year well on its way, we wanted to take a moment to thank you again for your generosity during doTERRA®️ evolve | connection 2021. Our Wellness Advocates raised over $145,000 in donations for the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️—with 100% of those contributions directly aiding those in need.

This is just a small glimpse into the impact for good you made possible through your donations in 2021.

Tiffany Province

Tiffany Province
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

doTERRA Healing Hands®️ is proud to work with Wellness Advocates to empower people and communities around the world. Recently, Wellness Advocate Tiffany Province completed a Match Program project to support communities in Haiti.

Tiffany saw the immense need Haitians have for secure housing and raised a total of $23,749.25. These funds empowered five women in Haiti to build and repair their own homes.

Thank you, Tiffany, for engaging in good and allowing doTERRA Healing Hands to be a part of your humanitarian efforts.

Food for Life

Food for Life
Friday, February 04, 2022

With struggling economies, supply chain challenges, increased unemployment, and health concerns, families across the world have fought to meet their daily needs. In India, many individuals faced food insecurity even before the pandemic, with more and more now struggling. Food for Life has been working to combat food insecurity for over 15 years, and with the help of Wellness Advocate Nousha Salimi they made a large impact on the people in Vindravan, India.

Through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ Match Program, Nousha doubled her impact and raised $20,335. These funds were used to feed 800 families for an entire month.

Thank you, Nousha, for allowing doTERRA Healing Hands to be part of your humanitarian efforts.

HOPE: Rescue

HOPE: Rescue
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

It costs $5,000 on average to rescue one person from a human trafficking situation.

Funds are required to professionally train task forces and law enforcement on how to safely and responsibly perform rescue operations, investigate tips, identify victims, and extract survivors. But even after survivors are safely separated from traffickers, significant expenses are needed to help with arresting traffickers, reuniting survivors with family, and repatriating them to their home countries when applicable.

Because rescue operations are expensive and demand extensive and intensive training, the best way you can support this part of the fight against human trafficking is by donating.

Every penny you donate to Hope goes directly toward fighting human trafficking. Your support ensures lives are saved, perpetrators are deterred, and predators are disrupted.

Prevent Modern Slavery

Prevent Modern Slavery
Thursday, January 13, 2022

A grim reality of human trafficking, especially child sex trafficking, is it can and does happen frighteningly close to home. The stories often go like this: a child meets a “friend” online, developing a friendly or romantic relationship. The “friend,” who’s actually a trafficker, manipulates the child into participating in sexual activities with them and other adults. And crucially, the trafficker convinces the child to keep it all a secret from parents. This predatory relationship can go on for years without anyone knowing.

Prevent modern slavery before it begins. Just $5 can train a student to protect himself or herself from human trafficking. Every donation makes a difference, no matter the amount.

Donate Today!


Friday, January 07, 2022

Hope is our action plan to end modern slavery. We fight human trafficking and victimizing from all angles. Everyone deserves the freedom to hope. Advocates of Hope—people just like you—are taking action in three key ways. Prevent: Prevent modern slavery before it begins. Rescue: Support professional, responsible rescue efforts. Restore: Help restore dignity for survivors. Each of these aspects is critical in ending modern slavery and victimization. Visit https://loom.ly/JeFh_mI to learn more.

Freedom to Hope

Freedom to Hope
Monday, January 03, 2022

Slavery isn’t a ghost of the past. Right now, more than 40 million people—children, women, and men of all ages—are enslaved into labor, military service, or prostitution.

Since 2016, doTERRA Healing Hands®️ has collaborated with public and private organizations to eradicate modern slavery.

Hope is our action plan to fight human trafficking with three steps: prevent, rescue, and restore.

Join the fight to end modern slavery by visiting https://doterrahealinghands.org/hope today.

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

As you think about giving back this holiday season, you can trust that your generous donation to doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ will empower others! Building the underdeveloped, healing the unwell, educating the ambitious, protecting the innocent—your gift represents the pure love of humanity.

100% of your contribution goes directly to aiding those in need because doTERRA®️ covers all overhead costs. Thank you for your continued support in empowering people and communities worldwide and making a positive difference. Visit https://doterrahealinghands.org/donate to donate in honor of Giving Tuesday.

Watch This!

doTERRA Healing Hands x HELP International

doTERRA Healing Hands x HELP International
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The mission of HELP International is to empower people to fight global poverty through sustainable, life-changing development programs. We’re lucky to be partners with HELP International in the fight against poverty and the empowerment of people. Your donations support this mission.

HELP International and doTERRA Healing Hands®️ have common values, such as being globally responsive, partnering with local organizations, and co-creating change, while also respecting what doesn’t need to change.

PRASAD Project

PRASAD Project
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

The PRASAD Project Inc. supports vulnerable communities in India. They asked doTERRA Healing Hands®️ for assistance with a project to help a community of 300 families who had been heavily impacted by COVID-19. Because of your donations, we were able to offer food, water, cleaning products, and medical equipment.

PRASAD Chikitsa introduced an affordable water filter to more households in several villages, providing clean water to the residents and preventing waterborne diseases. They also set up a seed bank to conserve seed varieties and diversify the families’ diets, as well as provide quality fruit tree saplings and any needed resources to protect them. Cleaners and disinfectant were given to the hospital, along with masks and gowns, PPE kits, a new fogger machine to disinfect rooms, and other supplies.

It’s thanks to you that we can help with projects like this. Every donation you make, every bottle of doTERRA Hope®️ Touch or doTERRA®️ Spa Rose Hand Lotion you buy, goes directly to important causes. Please continue helping us in our mission, and thank you for all you’ve helped us accomplish so far.

Self Reliance

Self Reliance
Tuesday, November 02, 2021

doTERRA Healing Hands®️ has always been committed to empowering individuals and communities to help themselves, their families, and their communities. Through efforts like microcredit lending, mentoring and education programs, and partnerships with Co-Impact Sourcing®️, we’re helping people build better lives for themselves and those around them.

Follow us this month as we highlight ways you can get involved with initiatives supporting self-reliance, as well as what you can do in your own home!


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Looking for ways to #engageingood?

Volunteer in your community by signing up for CERT: Community Emergency Response Team. This FEMA program is designed to educate volunteers (you!) about disaster preparedness and trains response skills such as fire safety, search and rescue, and team organization. Some cities even offer the program for teens and kids. For those living outside of the USA, look for similar programs in your country.

Gather your teams, families, or friends and search for ways you can make an impact and support disaster relief efforts!

The Fuller Center for Housing

The Fuller Center for Housing
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Fuller Center for Housing frequently constructs homes internationally. In the US, they largely do home repairs, under their Greater Blessing program. In 2020, the Fuller Center of Utah County completed 16 smaller “encouragement” projects. About half the people who benefited from these projects were referred by one person named Jeanne.

When the Greater Blessing program returned, it made sense that their first project would be for Jeanne, who’s known as a generous woman loved by all her neighbors. doTERRA®️ supported this project, sponsoring the day and providing many volunteers. Together, the team and the volunteers repaired and replaced Jeanne’s unsafe steps and front porch.

Projects like this one benefit both the receiver and the volunteers who contribute their time and efforts. The volunteers from doTERRA felt immense benefits that day and were thrilled to help such a generous and well-loved individual.

Engage in Good with Disaster Relief

Engage in Good with Disaster Relief
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

We need Wellness Advocates to help distribute or connect us with trusted organizations in communities to give out much-needed 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits.

This is an excellent way to serve as doTERRA®️ teams. Each kit was previously purchased and donated by people like you.

Click here to get involved!

Hurricanes Iota and Eta

Hurricanes Iota and Eta
Thursday, October 07, 2021

In the aftermath of Hurricanes Iota and Eta, clean water was in short supply. Working with doTERRA Healing Hands®️, villagers in Cahabon, Guatemala, got access to clean water. In addition, 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits and Days for Girls Kits were provided to them. Over the course of two days, almost 800 women were educated with Days for Girls curriculum.

We can’t help with projects like this without you. Together, we are changing lives for the better.

Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief
Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Every year, natural disasters kill 90,000 people and affect nearly 160,000,000 worldwide. Each time a fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake, or other crisis happens, individuals and families find themselves in dire need.

In these moments when communities are in their worst moments of crisis, your hands make the difference!

Imani Milele Children

Imani Milele Children
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wellness Advocates worldwide are completing Match Program projects to support children.

Wellness Advocate Mariah Page and her family completed one such project in 2020. They partnered with Imani Milele Children in Uganda, an organization dedicated to rescuing and educating orphaned and vulnerable children. Thanks to donations, they opened and furnished classroom blocks, as well as funded bathrooms and on-campus housing for teachers and their families.

You can support projects like this by donating to a Match Program project geared toward supporting children. When you donate, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ matches your donation, doubling your impact.

Empowering Change Through Self-Reliance

Empowering Change Through Self-Reliance
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Did you know it only takes $428 for a family to move from poverty to self-reliance? That’s $42 a month or $1.17 a day.

Every dollar donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ creates about $5 of economic impact for a family in need.

If you want to assist a family working toward self-reliance, consider giving a monthly gift through the Loyalty Rewards Program. You could make all the difference in the lives of a vulnerable family, particularly in Co-Impact Sourcing®️ areas.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

One of the seven areas of impact for doTERRA Healing Hands®️ is self-reliance.

A foundational principle of doTERRA®️ and the ultimate goal of doTERRA Healing Hands is to empower people to help themselves, their families, and their communities. To accomplish this, mentoring, education, microloans, and other kinds of support can make all the difference.

Join doTERRA Healing Hands and inspire those on a path to self-reliance. Your donations, projects, and inspiration might provide the motivation for someone to better his or her life.

Mind Body Solutions

Mind Body Solutions
Friday, September 17, 2021

In 2019, approximately 5.2 million children under five years old died, mostly from preventable and treatable causes. Together, we can make a difference.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ supports multiple Match Program projects every year, such as Wellness Advocate Mira Binzen’s efforts to support Mind Body Solutions in their mission to use yoga to help people living with disabilities, terminal illness, chronic pain, trauma, and more.

Thanks to projects like this, people around the world are finding health solutions.

Days for Girls

Days for Girls
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

In rural parts of Nepal, a tradition called chhaupadi is practiced. It teaches that menstruation is unhealthy and unlucky. Because of this, menstruating women and girls are banished during their monthly cycle—often in unheated sheds, where they’re exposed to the elements and other dangers.

In Kailali, Days for Girls and doTERRA Healing Hands® are working to educate communities on healthy female functions, with the goal of ending practices like chhaupadi. Over 400 individuals attend their training and received Days for Girls Kits, with reusable supplies to help these girls and women better manage their periods.

With your support, we can continue spreading education and brining an end to dangerous traditions such as chhaupadi.

MamaBaby Haiti

MamaBaby Haiti
Friday, September 10, 2021

Are you looking for ways to empower women worldwide? We make it simple: purchase doTERRA® Spa Rose Hand Lotion. 100% of the purchase price goes to the cause, so you know you’re having a real impact.

In 2021, donations to the. doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® supported the construction of a new MamaBaby Haiti midwifery school in Cap-Haïtien.

Because of purchases and donations, we can support organizations like MamaBaby Haiti, a nonprofit birth center and health clinic that provides a safe place for Haitian women to receive natal and maternal care.

World Charity Day

World Charity Day
Tuesday, September 07, 2021

doTERRA Healing Hands® teams up with you and other collaborative partners to empower people worldwide, making positive and sustainable change.

On World Charity Day, September 5, we thank you for engaging in good with us!

Donate today—every penny of every donation goes toward help someone in need.

Nabulezi, Uganda

Nabulezi, Uganda
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Uganda is experiencing its third lockdown because of COVID-19, causing problems for many residents and delays for important updates like clean water wells. Wellness Advocate Lisa Cozzi has been donating clean water wells for over eleven years. She teamed up with doTERRA Healing Hands® to build a well in the village of Nabulezi.

People need clean water to drink, cook, bathe, clean, and support the basic functions of life. Because of donations from you, we helped provide a source of clean water to this village. It’s helped over 5,000 households, including a local orphanage. This well will be the gift that keeps on giving and support the residents of the village for years to come.

Support for projects such as this one is impossible without you.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean Water and Sanitation
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

One of seven areas of impact for doTERRA Healing Hands® is clean water and sanitation.

The need for clean water is universal. Unfortunately, access to dependable clean water is limited for much of the world’s population. Having a source of clean water in a community changes everything. It reduces or eliminates many diseases and illnesses. It means people—primarily women and children—don’t have to spend hours each day hauling water and are free to earn wages or attend school. Clean water may even mean previously unavailable industries and jobs can become a reality.

You can make a difference in many lives by supporting clean water and sanitation projects by donating.

Red Mandarin and Yellow Mandarin

Red Mandarin and Yellow Mandarin
Friday, August 20, 2021

Yellow Mandarin essential oil, when taken internally, soothes the nervous system, supports healthy immune response, and promotes digestion.*

For a limited time, both Yellow Mandarin and Red Mandarin are give-back offerings from doTERRA®! You can enjoy 5 mL bottles of each, and 100% of the purchase price will be donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.

Give back through your purchase of Yellow Mandarin and Red Mandarin here!

Anti-Human Trafficking

Anti-Human Trafficking
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

One of seven areas of impact for doTERRA Healing Hands® is anti-human trafficking.

doTERRA® ensures small-scale farmers and harvesters are treated ethically—minimizing the risk of labor trafficking—doTERRA Healing Hands supports a range of domestic and global organizations and projects to prevent, rescue, and provide aftercare for those who have been sexually exploited.

Your donations support these efforts to protect, rescue, and rehabilitate survivors. Join us in fighting human trafficking with the doTERRA Healing Hands comprehensive HOPE model.

Give-Back Offerings!

Give-Back Offerings!
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

For a limited time, Red Mandarin and Yellow Mandarin are give-back offerings from doTERRA®! You can enjoy 5 mL bottles of each, and 100% of the purchase price will be donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®. Act now, as these will go fast.

Together, we’re empowering positive, sustainable change worldwide!

doTERRA Healing Hands® X Co-Impact Sourcing®

doTERRA Healing Hands® X Co-Impact Sourcing®
Thursday, August 05, 2021

doTERRA® has woven ethics and sustainability into the fabric of its business through Co-Impact Sourcing® and doTERRA Healing Hands®.

Providing the world’s highest quality essential oils isn’t an easy proposition. However, with its mantra of “sourcing the best and helping the most,” doTERRA found a way of addressing the root cause of poverty issues—not just symptoms. By generating jobs with fair and on-time payments, safe labor conditions, and long-term partnerships, we’re empowering people to address their circumstances and problems.

When necessary, we also offer a hand-up—rather than a handout—by implementing community-driven solutions donated by generous Wellness Advocates through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. We treat the people we assist as stakeholders rather than as beneficiaries because every person has a role to play in protecting the planet and humanity. doTERRA knows it starts with driving positive, sustainable change across the business and within the local community we’re part of.

Thank you for being part of doTERRA and helping us create maximum positive impact!

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

World Day against Trafficking in Persons
Monday, August 02, 2021

July 30th was World Day against Trafficking in Persons. We have a responsibility to raise awareness about human trafficking victims and their situations, as well as promote the protection of their rights. We need your support.

100% of the purchase price of doTERRA Hope® Touch and all donations to HOPE go directly toward fighting human trafficking.

doTERRA Hope Touch: Purchase here!
HOPE: Donate now!

doTERRA Hope® Touch

doTERRA Hope®  Touch
Thursday, July 29, 2021

This remarkable oil blend not only has an uplifting aroma, but it also has an uplifting purpose. Use doTERRA Hope® Touch proudly, knowing your contribution is making a difference in the world.

The full purchase price ($20.00) of each bottle of doTERRA Hope Touch is donated to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® ,* which supports efforts against human trafficking worldwide.

Join the Fight

Join the Fight
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A harsh truth is human trafficking lurks in every community, in every nation, and at every level of wealth. Victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality. They’re forced or coerced by traffickers—who use false romance, violence, manipulation, or empty promises of well-paying jobs—to entrap victims.

Now you can join the fight to end exploitation and all forms of human trafficking through HOPE! This July, follow doTERRA Healing Hands® to learn more. Then share on your social media, make a donation, educate others, or volunteer your time. We want to know how you’ll #engageingood.

And don’t forget, join us on July 30—World Day against Trafficking in Persons—by sharing how people can get involved.

Rapha International

Rapha International
Friday, July 23, 2021

The doTERRA Healing Hands® comprehensive HOPE model includes aftercare as a collaborative impact platform for victims of human trafficking. This means once rescued, survivors of sex trafficking have access to safe, trauma-informed resources to heal. Rapha International provides safe houses for survivors in high-impact areas worldwide, where survivors can recover and learn life skills that make the integration back into society easier.

doTERRA Healing Hands and Rapha International will unveil a beautiful new aftercare facility in Haiti in the coming months. Your support is critical in making projects like this one possible!

Dahlia's Hope

Dahlia's Hope
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dahlia’s Hope was inspired by one of our own at doTERRA®! Faith started working at doTERRA after surviving sex trafficking. Her courage (and support from law enforcement) led her to her escape and prosecution of her traffickers. You can support Dahlia’s Hope through the doTERRA Healing Hands® comprehensive anti-trafficking HOPE model and help survivors like Faith receive trauma-informed services on the road to recovery.

Dahlia’s Hope offers critical aftercare services for survivors of sex trafficking by providing holistic, individualized care in safe residential and outpatient treatment environments, bridging the gap between institutionalized care and independent living and leading to happy, fulfilled lives.

Your support ensures that sex trafficking survivors have a safe place to heal and receive the support they need on their paths toward independent living and self-reliance.

Hope to Belong: Aftercare

Hope to Belong: Aftercare
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Healing journeys for those who have been trafficked require trained experts and aftercare campuses with a clear understanding of diverse cultures, effective resources, and certifications in comprehensive trauma-informed care.

Join us in supporting those who help survivors regain lives of sustainable freedom and independence. Follow us this week to learn about ways you can join us in the fight against human trafficking through aftercare.

Smart Defense

Smart Defense
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Do you know how it feels to freeze under pressure? Empower yourself emotionally and physically as you build confidence and healthy boundaries through Smart Defense—brought to you by the Elizabeth Smart Foundation, a collaborative doTERRA Healing Hands® HOPE partner.

Smart Defense is a self-defense training course designed specifically for women and girls ages 12 and up. Working closely with highly trained mixed martial arts experts and law enforcement professionals, the Elizabeth Smart Foundation customized the Smart Defense curriculum by handpicking self-defense techniques and skills. Their objective is to give women and girls the best chance to either stop a potential threat or escape an attacker.

Ute Mountain Ute-White Mesa Community

Ute Mountain Ute-White Mesa Community
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Ute Mountain Ute-White Mesa Community is one of Utah’s eight federally recognized tribes. They’re located south of Blanding in Grand County, which has been hit particularly hard by COVID-19. doTERRA Healing Hands® shipped 500 masks and 200 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits fir distribution in the tribe.

We at doTERRA Healing Hands can only make a difference in communities like this one with your help. If you’d like to make a positive impact in your community and are aware of a need, connect with doTERRA Healing Hands to distribute emergency kits at https://doterrahealinghands.org/get-involved/distribute.

5 Ways to Prevent Human Trafficking

5 Ways to Prevent Human Trafficking
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The reality of human trafficking is scary to acknowledge. It can feel overwhelming—like it’s too big of an issue for an individual to make a difference. However, that’s not true.

Being aware and acknowledging there’s a problem in need of fixing is a great first step. And here are five other things you can do in your home and community to fight human trafficking through prevention!

How will you #engageingood?

Hope to Belong

Hope to Belong
Thursday, July 08, 2021

doTERRA Healing Hands® created the Hope to Belong initiative to address one of the root causes of trafficking and exploitation. Children in the foster care system are incredibly vulnerable, with a 60% chance of being trafficked.

You can help children find loving families so they can thrive and grow in protected, permanent homes. More than 50% of children who have the opportunity to share their story in a professional video find their forever home within six months. Help protect them from homelessness and exploitation.

Visit http://americaskidsbelong.org/doterra/!

Prevention through Education

Prevention through Education
Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Most human trafficking victims are children. More than half of survivors report they met their trafficker online, often never meeting in person. It’s time to change the patterns that makes it possible for children to be targeted like this.

The first step in creating change is building awareness by sharing information. Many are unaware of the dangers that await children online or what signs to look for. By educating children (and their families) about rights and the dangers of human trafficking, children are less likely to be manipulated or coerced. Sharing images, statistics, graphics, and videos takes only a moment, but it can go a long way in the fight against human trafficking.

Live with Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie

Live with Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie
Thursday, July 01, 2021

Missy Larsen, doTERRA® vice president of philanthropy, and Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie discuss the Anti-Slavery Collective and how she supports change-makers like doTERRA Healing Hands®. Follow us this month as we prepare for the global movement on July 30, which is World Day against Trafficking in Persons!

Remember, 100% of the price of doTERRA Hope® Touch and all donations to HOPE go directly toward fighting human trafficking.

To view the live event visit: https://www.facebook.com/doterrahealinghandsfoundation

Washington State Fire

Washington State Fire
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Many people either lost their homes or were evacuated for extended periods of time in the aftermath of the fires in the state of Washington. Working with Wellness Advocate Jessica Clark and her team, doTERRA Healing Hands® donated 100 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to firefighters and wildfire evacuees in the Longview, Washington, area. Jessica’s team distributed the kits to displaced families, first responders, fire crews, loggers, and others working to clear debris left in the wake of the fires.

We at doTERRA Healing Hands love seeing how our kits and Wellness Advocates are making a difference for these communities.

Save the Children: Romania

Save the Children: Romania
Thursday, June 24, 2021

For 29 years, Save the Children in Romania has been fighting to create safer, friendlier environments for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many struggle to obtain even basic human needs. Because of your donations, doTERRA Healing Hands® was able to help. Together we provided necessities like coats, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, and food for these children.

Because of these supplies, many children can leave the house in the winter to go to school and play outside. A lack of warm clothing and shoes made this difficult in the past. Now, they have better access a normal life.

doTERRA Healing Hands® is always glad to find other organizations that share our ideals when it comes to supporting the well-being of children.

World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

June 20th, 2021 was World Refugee Day. Approximately half of the refugees in the entire world are children. Refugees are vulnerable and in great need. They have few, if any, possessions and are often at the mercy of the elements and foreign government agencies. All this can be even worse for children, who don’t always have the resources to continue their education and can have a difficult time finding medical services when they’re needed.

doTERRA Healing Hands® is determined to support children in need around the world, including refugees and their families. We’re always looking for ways to help these vulnerable communities. However, we can’t do this without your help. It’s only with your generous donations and willingness to be a part of our mission that we can make a difference.

If you’d like to be part of our community or want to see how you can help refugees around the world and vulnerable children in your own community, visit https://doterrahealinghands.org/how-we-empower/people-communities/supporting-children

El Porvenir, Mexico

El Porvenir, Mexico
Thursday, June 17, 2021

In a number of communities along Cancun’s outer regions, people live in incredibly poor circumstances, and their kids go to school without even proper shoes and still must walk long distances to find transportation. Many children are unable to attend school because of these and other unfortunate circumstances.

This year, during the doTERRA® Incentive trip, qualifying Wellness Advocates participated in an impactful initiative to help improve this situation in El Porvenir, Mexico. They helped build 48 bikes, providing them to the school children in the area, along with 300 backpacks stuffed with school supplies. ​The bikes and supplies encouraged higher school attendance.

Thank you for choosing to engage in good and empower communities around the world with us!

La Soufriere Volcano

La Soufriere Volcano
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

After the La Soufriere Volcano began erupting on April 9, residents of the island of St. Vincent were forced to shelter in place, in schools, in private homes, or wherever they could go to avoid falling debris and ash. On April 13, WHO reported that between 16,00 and 20,000 islanders had evacuated. The entire island was left without clean water and electricity.

doTERRA Healing Hands® sent 200 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to the occupants of the island. The airport was closed because of ash in the airspace, so a shipping company in Miami was integral to getting the eight boxes of kits to the St. Vincent port. Kits were distributed to many of the evacuees in need.

Connect with doTERRA Healing Hands to help distribute emergency kits at https://doterrahealinghands.org/get-involved/distribute if you know of a community that’s in need.

Angel Rider

Angel Rider
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Children with disabilities are often stigmatized in Rwanda, Africa. This stigmatization, along with lack of mobility, often prevents children from attending school and interacting with their peers. There’s an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 disabled children under 18 who have no laws to protect or assist them.

With your generous donations and constant support, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® has assisted Angel Rider with providing wheelchairs to disabled children, ages ranging 5–18. These wheelchairs are specifically designed for rough terrain—without sidewalks or paved roads. Since 2015, Angel Rider has given hundreds of wheelchairs to children in need.

What an incredible cause we’re engaged in together! We’re empowering positive, sustainable change in the lives of these children in Africa.

doTERRA Healing Hands: Supporting Children

doTERRA Healing Hands: Supporting Children
Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Thanks to donations large and small, children across the world are receiving medical support, attending school with books and computers, learning how to manage their changing bodies, and even finding their forever families through videos. These are just a few of the ways doTERRA Healing Hands® is working with you to support children.

Are you passionate about supporting children worldwide? If so, visit this link so that, together, we can empower the children of today to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Hear a special message from Missy Larsen, VP of Philanthropy and Community Impact here!

Flying Kites Mobile Library

Flying Kites Mobile Library
Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Because of you, doTERRA Healing Hands® was able to support the Flying Kites Mobile Library and Remote Learning Program which provided educational resources to 67 teachers and 3,312 primary school students.

When schools in Kenya closed because of the pandemic, thousands of students had no way to continue their education, with the most vulnerable of these students already facing significant learning barriers. Falling behind in school would have furthered the disadvantages and life setbacks. Partnering with 67 primary school educators, the Flying Kites team launched the Remote Learning Program to help these students stay in school.

Supporting Children in Cambodia

Supporting Children in Cambodia
Thursday, June 03, 2021

Because of your support, doTERRA Healing Hands® helped build a school in Cambodia. As of March 12, 2021, the school is officially open to the community. Right now, 50 children between the ages of five and seven will be starting school for the first time, and they’re excited to do so!

This school will open up new opportunities for the community by educating the children. Most of the parents in the area are illiterate and have no formal education. Giving their children a path forward is incredibly important.

Supporting Children

Supporting Children
Wednesday, June 02, 2021

doTERRA Healing Hands® is committed to supporting children. We invite you to join us throughout the year in protecting, educating, mentoring, rescuing, and sustaining children throughout the world.

Follow us on social media this month as we highlight ways you can be involved with initiatives supporting children, as well as what you can do in your own home!

Click here to follow us on Facebook! Click here to follow us on Instagram!

Rose Hand Lotion In Taiwan

Rose Hand Lotion In Taiwan
Tuesday, June 01, 2021

As COVID-19 spread around the globe, frontline medical staff everywhere were overwhelmed and needed support. In Taiwan, Wellness Advocates saw that many frontline workers’ hands were cracking and peeling. Across the country, Wellness Advocates mobilized to hold a charity event, donating doTERRA® Spa Rose Hand Lotion to medical staff.

Through their successful fundraising efforts, Wellness Advocates donated 6,300 bottles of Rose Hand Lotion to 80 hospitals around Taiwan, engaging in good in their communities.

Emergency Kit Distribution

Emergency Kit Distribution
Friday, May 28, 2021

Hawaii has a large population of homeless people currently. In response to great need, Wellness Advocates Jennifer Swalwell and Norm Sun requested 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits from doTERRA Healing Hands®. When they realized most nonprofits were closed because of COVID-19, they decided to distribute the kits themselves. They delivered 101 kits to homeless camps near Wai’anae, Oahu. Going the extra mile, they even returned to deliver dog food and supplies that they purchased at their own expense.

The humanitarian efforts didn’t end there. The Sun family stopped in Denver on their way home, where they distributed products to a homeless shelter in Aurora, Colorado. Once they were back home in Washington DC, they distributed more kits to homeless camps there. They have plans to distribute more kits to homeless populations in Baltimore and other places.

Jennifer also made essential worker bags for healthcare workers. The bags and AromaTouch® sessions were provided to about 950 local nurses throughout March and the beginning of April.

If you’re aware of people who are in need in your community, connect with doTERRA Healing Hands to distribute 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits at https://doterrahealinghands.org/get-involved/distribute.

Little Denmark Shelter

Little Denmark Shelter
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sam lost both of his parents when he was only six years old. Suddenly without guardians or even a home, he was forced to survive on the streets of Kambala, Uganda.

But all that changed when he found sanctuary at the Little Denmark shelter. The shelter currently cares for 50 homeless people who have leprosy or polio. Many who are alienated from society find relief, protection, and care at this shelter.

With support from doTERRA Healing Hands®, repairs and additions to the shelter were made, allowing the shelter to continue helping people get the care and education they need to lead more successful and comfortable lives—including Sam. Twenty years after losing his parents, he’s moved out of the shelter and is employed.

Hands on Hope

Hands on Hope
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

doTERRA Healing Hands® has helped people worldwide improve sanitation, get access to clean water, expand education, and improve health practices. Knowing this reputation, Hands on Hope reached out to doTERRA Healing Hands for assistance in helping a family in Baja, Mexico. The family of five lived in a one-room space without an indoor toilet or kitchen facilities. Every time it rained, they had to worry about flooding.

Hands on Hope focuses on one family at a time, consulting with them when determining what will most help the family progress and create better health, which has been shown to help break generational poverty. Working together, Hands on Hope and doTERRA Healing Hands provided this family with a simple yet safe and sanitary home. It has a concrete floor, small kitchen, and indoor bathroom. They’re now able to grow their business and invest in educating their children. The peace of mind and confidence of having stable and secure housing has had and will continue to have a powerful, lasting impact on this family.

We at doTERRA Healing Hands feel lucky to have had the opportunity to assist this family as they improve their lives and futures.

Michelle's Love

Michelle's Love
Thursday, May 20, 2021

When a family member is enduring cancer treatments, it can be difficult for everyone involved. This hardship is heightened when the person going through treatments is a single parent.

Michelle’s Love is an organization that provides meals for the families of single parents who are going through cancer treatments. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® recently donated to help its members with their mission. Michelle’s Love was then able to provide more meals for families in need, as well as help pay for gas cards, utility bills, rent or mortgage, and other necessities.

doTERRA Healing Hands is always looking for opportunities to assist people who are struggling and was thrilled to help Michelle’s Love with the good they do.

The Marie Curie NICU

The Marie Curie NICU
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Marie Curie NICU is the best in Romania, with the most difficult cases in the country sent there. In a given year, the NICU cares for 400 or more newborns. Its breast milk bank is the only one in the country, exclusively serving the unit’s patients. However, decreased donations because of COVID-19 have made it difficult for the unit to purchase necessary supplies, like single-use bottles to feed the babies.

That’s where the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® stepped in to help. Through a Match Program project, sufficient funds were raised to provide sterile single-use bottles for the entire 2021 year. Now more than 400 babies in the unit will have access to better care and have a better chance of survival. doTERRA Healing Hands is glad to have helped make a positive impact in the care of these precious newborns.

Medora, North Dakota: Disaster Relief

Medora, North Dakota: Disaster Relief
Friday, May 14, 2021

A fire in Medora, North Dakota, destroyed an apartment building, displacing 74 people. doTERRA Healing Hands® sent 100 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits that were distributed to the evacuees. The leftover kits were given to occupants of a domestic violence shelter.

You can help support vulnerable individuals in need of help. If there’s a need in your community, connect with doTERRA Healing Hands to distribute emergency kits at https://doterrahealinghands.org/get-involved/distribute

doTERRA Healing Hands x Global Health

doTERRA Healing Hands x Global Health
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Accessing basic healthcare resources can be a challenge for many around the globe. From building medical clinics in Somaliland to increasing access to physical and mental health resources in the developed world, doTERRA Healing Hands® is dedicated to serving rural areas and domestic communities in need worldwide.

Since 2010, the focus of doTERRA Healing Hands has been to serve those in need. With your help, we’ve been able to serve thousands of people in 88 countries and 45 states.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see how doTERRA Healing Hands and others are engaging in good in global health initiatives around the world.

Happy Mothers Day from doTERRA Healing Hands

Happy Mothers Day from doTERRA Healing Hands
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

“You are the sunlight in my day.
“You are the moon I see far away.
“You are the tree I lean upon.
“You are the one that makes troubles be gone.”
—Champagne S. Baker

Happy Mother’s Day to all who love and support children throughout the world as mother figures! We’re grateful for you as you empower others to build positive, sustainable lives and communities.

Global Health

Global Health
Monday, May 10, 2021

Around the world, we need to help and support one another as we work to find effective health solutions.

Air pollution, mental health issues, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, malaria, and dengue fever are just a few of the major health concerns facing our world. You can become a voice of support and an advocate of change by better understanding global health concerns.

You don’t need to travel to faraway places or create a new organization to make a difference. You just need to start with a desire to be healthy, take steps to realize that desire, and share your health with those around you—in your home and community.

To hear a special message from Missy Larsen, VP of Philanthropy and Community Impact, click here!

Hospice Casa Sperantei Foundation

Hospice Casa Sperantei Foundation
Thursday, May 06, 2021

Nearly a dozen yoga studios and 170 people came together to raise money for the Hospice Casa Sperantei Foundation, an organization that offers free medical support for terminally ill patients in Romania. Each medical center under the foundation’s banner provides physical, mental, and spiritual support to adults with cancer diagnoses and children with degenerative diseases. The goal is to create communities that are supportive of those in need.

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic came a greater need for disinfectants. A lack of such supplies meant the adult day center could be open fewer hours of the day, which negatively impacted patients psychologically.

With money raised by participants and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, enough disinfectants were purchased for the clinic in Braşov, Romania, to last the entire year. These supplies allowed usual activities at the center to be sustained and patients to receive the support they require.

MamaBaby Haiti

MamaBaby Haiti
Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Because of insufficient services and resources, women in Haiti die in childbirth at a higher rate than anywhere else in the western hemisphere. This unfortunate truth is why Wellness Advocate Jennifer Gallardo started MamaBaby Haiti, an organization that provides a safe place for Haitian women to receive compassionate and attentive care from skilled midwives.

A doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® grant funded an updated mobile clinic vehicle and ambulance to transport expecting mothers. The grant also supplied a generator for the birthing center, which will provide adequate power. doTERRA® proudly facilitated these updates for MamaBaby Haiti, as its members are saving lives with their work.

Utah Valley Refugee Center

Utah Valley Refugee Center
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Brigham Young University Athletics recently completed a service project for the Utah Valley Refugee Center. They collected items from the community for refugees. As part of this service project, doTERRA Healing Hands® donated 150 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to the cause.

doTERRA Healing Hands is always happy to help meet the needs of a community when we can. If you’re aware of a need in your community, please connect with doTERRA Healing Hands at https://doterrahealinghands.org/get-involved/distribute to distribute kits.

Clean Water and Sanitation Efforts

Clean Water and Sanitation Efforts
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Access to clean water and appropriate sanitation practices change lives. People who once had to fetch water for survival can pursue new prospects. Clean water and sanitation help prevent disease, create education possibilities, increase job opportunities, and much more.

doTERRA Healing Hands® understands the downstream effects of clean water, which is why it’s one of the seven areas of impact that we focus on to create lasting change.

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!
Thursday, April 22, 2021

doTERRA® means “gift of the earth.” doTERRA Healing Hands® is dedicated to giving back, and you can also make positive, sustainable change as a wise steward of the earth in your own home and community.

In honor of Earth Day, doTERRA Healing Hands is emphasizing clean water and sanitation this month. Take a few minutes with your family to be part of the solution by reviewing these simple ways to conserve water in your lives and home.

1. Turn off Faucets: Never let water fun needlessly as you was or rinse dishes, wash your hands or face, brush your teeth, or shave.
2. Use Every Drop: Learn to repurpose water. One easy way is to capture the water you use to rinse fruits and veggies and deposit it in the garden. Do the same while you wait for your hot water to come on.
3. Shorten Your Showers: use a kitchen timer to time your showers. Aim for five minutes or less.
4. Water by HandL Consider watering by hand if you have a small garden area. Those who manually water with a hose typically use 33% less water outdoors compared to those who use an automatic irrigation system.
5. Be Smart with Dishwashing: Scrape dishes instead of rinsing them before loading, and you’ll save up to 10 gallons a load.

Follow us on Instagram to see how others are engaging in good and how doTERRA Healing Hands is creating positive, sustainable change.

Clean Water & Sanitation with Rob Young

Clean Water & Sanitation with Rob Young
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Did you know a school in Haiti had to close early so the kids could go retrieve water? But by putting a well nearby, now the school can stay open longer and the kids can get the education they’re needing because they don’t have to walk two hours every day to get water for their families.

We sit down in this podcast episode with Rob Young, doTERRA® Founding Executive, to talk about why he’s passionate about clean water projects and learn more about how doTERRA Healing Hands® works to bring clean water to communities in need.

Click here to listen to the episode!

Engage Now Africa

Engage Now Africa
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Communicable diseases are responsible for a greater number of deaths in many countries than nearly anything else, which means, as simple and basic as it seems, proper sanitation and hygiene save lives.

Through their Latrine Training Program, Engage Now Africa—with the support from doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® —is working toward the goal of eradicating open defecation. As part of this effort, they build public latrines and handwashing sinks at open marketplaces, serving thousands of people per day.

Additionally, their training and education about hygiene and sanitation has resulted in thousands of families building their own latrines.

Oregon Fires

Oregon Fires
Monday, April 12, 2021

The wildfires in Oregon left significant devastation in its wake. To expedite the healing process, doTERRA Healing Hands® donated and sent out 160 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits. These kits were distributed by Colectiva de la Comida in Portland, Oregon.

doTERRA Healing Hands is always looking for ways to help people recover from disasters and help begin the process of recovery.

For more information on how you can engage in good in the doTERRA Healing Hands disaster relief program visit: doterrahealinghands.org/get-involved/distribute

Empowering Change: Molly King

Empowering Change: Molly King
Friday, April 09, 2021

Infants born with congenital heart disease often experience developmental delays. These babies thus have to spend a lot of time in the ICU.

In Arizona, Molly King, Wellness Advocate rank Silver, stepped up to help. Molly teamed up with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, completing a Match Program project to purchase and provide 10 therapeutic play mats to the CVICU, specifically infants and children recovering from life-saving open-heart surgery. Having access to play mats gives these little ones therapeutic playtime, which can help with developmental delays.

Support global clean water and sanitation projects

Support global clean water and sanitation projects
Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Did you know children in so many places worldwide have to travel for miles every day, foregoing education and childhood joys, to retrieve as much water as they can carry for their families?

Clean water and sanitation are often taken for granted. To hear a special message from Missy Larsen, VP of Philanthropy and Community Impact, click here!

Follow our social media pages as we highlight ways in which you can support global clean water and sanitation projects, as well as things you can do in your own home!

Follow us on Instagram!
Follow us on Facebook!

Clean Water & Sanitation

Clean Water & Sanitation
Thursday, April 01, 2021

Water is the essence of life. But people in developed nations often take this precious, life-giving resource for granted. Children in so many places worldwide have to travel for miles every day, foregoing education and childhood joys, to retrieve as much water as they can carry for their families.

This problem is solvable, and we can all be part of the solution! Follow us on social media as we highlight ways in which you can support global clean water and sanitation projects, as well as things you can do in your own home!

Click here to follow us on Instagram!
Click here to follow us on Facebook!

CHOICE Humanitarian

CHOICE Humanitarian
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sommaya Thing, a diligent and hard-working farmer, was struggling to provide for her five children and sick husband and had to take her children out of school. Thankfully, doTERRA® and CHOICE Humanitarian were able to help. With a wintergreen distillation unit now in the village, Sommaya has a regular source of income.

Sommaya says, “I feel like better days are coming for us. The wintergreen distillation unit in the village is becoming a boon to our lives and a regular source of income for me. As a result, I am able to provide for my family. The kids are going to school on a regular basis. I thank doTERRA and CHOICE for bringing job opportunities to people like me with no education or skills.”

doTERRA is committed to the fair, ethical treatment of the farmers we work with and are proud to be a part of stories like Sommaya’s.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Founded by Wellness Advocate Kristin Van Wey, Let’s Empower Women (LETS) believes that every woman can be empowered and in tune with her body, regardless of age or location, as well as that she can learn to appreciate, understand, and manage all phases of her cycle. One of the primary tools of the LETS program is a beautiful bead bracelet, created by teams of local artisans. The Lunar Essential Tracker bracelets are a fundamental part of their education initiative, as they empower women (and the men who support them) to track their reproductive cycles.

doTERRA Healing Hands®, with LETS, believes we end human trafficking, child abuse, and poverty one person and one bracelet at a time. The commitment and passion of LETS for the cause has truly empowered us and many others.

Wood Buffalo Food Bank

Wood Buffalo Food Bank
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

In April 2020, a massive ice jam caused major flooding in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the flood caused $520 million CAD in damages. With approximately 1,500 commercial and residential properties destroyed and over 10,000 residents displaced, the need for disaster relief was immense.

doTERRA® Canada chose to engage in good by donating 72-Hour Relief Hygiene Kits and $15,000 CAD. These donations were given to the Wood Buffalo Food Bank, which then provided food and water to displaced families and individuals.

Empowering Women

Empowering Women
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Part of our mission to empower women is helping them get access to opportunities to support themselves and their families. In Indonesia, our Citronella and Patchouli essential oil partner recently funded the purchase of 15 sewing machines so women in the community could learn to sew and sell products.

Along with that, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® assisted with funding materials that allowed the women who were recently trained on the sewing machines to make 5,000 face masks. The masks were sufficient for two communities of our Patchouli and Citronella essential oil farmers. Making the face masks generated work and income for these women. It also provided protection for farmers in the doTERRA®️ network.

Find Them All

Find Them All
Friday, March 12, 2021

On March 12, 2003, Elizabeth Smart was rescued and reunited with her family after being kidnapped and enduring nine months of abuse. Unfortunately, most human trafficking stories don’t have such an ending. Hundreds of thousands of people go missing annually and are never found.

doTERRA Healing Hands®️ is joining the Elizabeth Smart Foundation and committing to find them all. Through the HOPE model, we challenge exploitation by preventing human trafficking, rescuing victims, and helping survivors find healing.

One way you can join the effort is by donating at the link below. You can also participate with us in a 3.3-mile hike on March 13th, commemorating Elizabeth’s rescue and recognizing those who hope to be found. This distance is how far Elizabeth was forced to hike the night she was abducted.

We hope you’ll join with us in one of these ways. Together, we can and will find them all!


Elizabeth Smart Foundation

Elizabeth Smart Foundation
Tuesday, March 09, 2021 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

The kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart was one of the most followed child abduction cases of our lifetime. On June 5, 2002—at just 14 years old—she was forced to hike 3.3 miles to a camp above her home, where she endured a nine-month nightmare of control and sexual assault. She was rescued on March 12, 2003.

Today, Elizabeth is a global leader campaigning against sexual assault and exploitation in all forms. Although, every resource was available during the search for Elizabeth, she recognizes that many do not. doTERRA Healing Hands® supports the Elizabeth Smart Foundation’s goal to “find them all.”

Join us this week on social media as we take a deeper dive into this issue, commemorate the day Elizabeth was found, and highlight ways in which you can get involved.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

International Women's Day

International Women's Day
Monday, March 08, 2021

Today is International Women’s Day! This year’s theme celebrates women leaders who are empowering other women. doTERRA® and doTERRA Healing Hands® have pursued this mission from the beginning.

We’re grateful for the millions of women leaders in the global doTERRA family who source and test essential oils, guide their families in living healthy lifestyles, and engage in good in their communities or worldwide.

Click here to view a message from Missy Larsen, Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Impact.

Days for Girls

Days for Girls
Friday, March 05, 2021

Celeste Mergens had worked with a family foundation in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, where the orphanages were overcapacity because of historic familial violence in the area. Just before returning from Nairobi, Celeste saw that girls were sitting on cardboard boxes for several days each month—often going without food—during menstruation.

With her eyes opened to situations like this worldwide, Celeste created Days for Girls International, seeking to empower women and girls by providing access to and education about feminine hygiene supplies. In 2015, doTERRA Healing Hands® joined forces with Days for Girls in the hopes of furthering its mission of empowering women in communities worldwide. Today, Days for Girls—with support from doTERRA Healing Hands—has changed the status quo for more than 1.8 million girls and women in 144 countries through menstrual care solutions, health education, and income-generating opportunities.

Days for Girls International and doTERRA Healing Hands have been working to end menstrual shame and debilitation for every girl, everywhere, period.

International Women's Day - March 8th, 2021!

International Women's Day - March 8th, 2021!
Tuesday, March 02, 2021

March 8 is International Women’s Day! All month, we’ll be highlighting women leaders who are empowering other women, which is one of seven impactful areas of focus that we at doTERRA Healing Hands® are passionate about.

Follow along on social media as we highlight some amazing women and powerful stories in honor of this International Women’s Day.

doTERRA Healing Hands Instagram

doTERRA Healing Hands Facebook

Leslie Sams - UboraTZ

Leslie Sams - UboraTZ
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Leslie Sams, a Premier Wellness Advocate with doTERRA®, saw a need in Siha, Tanzania, and decided to do something about it. The Siha health facility has grown since its construction in 2012. In January 2020, three new wards were built, but the hospital couldn’t afford outfitting or provide medicine for even the most common ailments in the area.

Leslie completed a Match Program project with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® for UboraTZ in order to deliver supplies of medicine to the hospital—enough for one year. The supplies will help reduce the amount of patients transported to faraway facilities, decrease infant and maternal mortality rates, create a safer work environment for the hospital staff, and much more.

We at the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation are extremely glad we had the opportunity to help provide much-needed supplies to a community in need.

SOS Children's Villages

SOS Children's Villages
Thursday, February 18, 2021

The SOS Children’s Villages in Romania support vulnerable children and young people in their communities, providing therapy, education, care, and families for children who have no parental guardians. The children live in a house together, cared for by an SOS mother, with the goal of helping them grow to be healthy, lead normal lives, and become independent adults.

Wellness Advocate Anamaria Ionescu wanted to provide funds for a house that had recently lost its SOS mother due to unexpected health problems. To expand her efforts and impact, she completed a Match Program project through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®. With funds from the project, the house covered the costs of food, clothing, and hygiene supplies for a year, and the children were able to benefit from therapy.

doTERRA Healing Hands loves seeing positive changes in the lives of those who are vulnerable and in need, especially children.

Stichting Antwoord

Stichting Antwoord
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

When people are discriminated against in society, it can be incredibly difficult to find a proper, dignified place. In Hungary, discriminated individuals include Roma girls and families, the elderly, and those with disabilities. However, Stichting Antwoord is looking to change this. The organization holds summer camps for such individuals to help them gain a stronger presence in Hungarian society and achieve better lives.

With donations from doTERRA Healing Hands® and others, Stichting Antwoord can continue holding these camps and helping many people, giving them support and the opportunity to talk to others and raise their self-esteem. Together, we’re transforming lives and building people up to be contributing members of society.

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Approximately 1,762,450 individuals are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States. With this overwhelming statistic, it can feel like there’s not much a person can do to make a real difference in the lives of those with cancer. But that startling number didn’t stop Nikole Mock, a Wellness Advocate from North County, San Diego, from engaging in good.

Nikole knew of the many services the American Cancer Society offers, but she also knew that many her community weren’t receiving those services. One such service is the Hotel Keys of Hope℠ program, which works with Extended Stay America to help alleviate the emotional and financial burdens of cancer patients. This program provides free to deeply discounted hotel stays for patients who are living away from home while seeking treatment.

Nikole set up a matching grant project with doTERRA Healing Hands® and the American Cancer Society, which raised $1,562 for the Hotel Keys of Hope program.

“The Hotel Keys of Hope program saved my life. After six months, I was so tired of living out of my car, staying at friends’ houses, and asking for favors, all the while in cancer treatment five days a week. I was at my wit’s end and prayed for somewhere to stay—I couldn’t do it any longer. So when I learned about Extended Stay America’s lodging program in partnership with the American Cancer Society, I knew my prayers were answered.”—Hotel guest and cancer survivor

Tip it Forward

Tip it Forward
Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers are too often tired and anxious. They’re on their feet all day, being exposed to the virus and working around the clock. To provide mental health support and relief, doTERRA Healing Hands® partnered with Tip It Forward and provided 200 Holistic Care Kits to healthcare workers and others in need across nine different organizations. These kits gave these healthcare heroes the tools to step back and enjoy a small break from the stress and anxiousness.

With help from the Holistic Care Kit program, Tip It Forward has been paving the way for incorporating holistic health practices into clinics that serve low-income communities. They want to increase access to holistic medicine by making it easy for people to incorporate treatments and regimens into daily routines. In 2021, Tip It Forward plans to train providers in care kit protocols and curriculum so they can then train their patients. The hope is for Tip It Forward to distribute at least 200 more kits in 2021.

Pursue the Pure Love of Humanity

Pursue the Pure Love of Humanity
Friday, February 05, 2021 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

There are so many ways to pursue the pure love of humanity with doTERRA Healing Hands® this month.

Visit doterrahealinghands.org to learn more about how to connect, fundraise, distribute 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits, make donations, purchase doTERRA® Spa Rose Hand Lotion, or support an organization of your choice with the Match Program.

No matter how you choose to share your heart and passion with others, remember that small acts—when multiplied—can change the world. So this month, share your heart in whatever way you’re inspired.

Click here for a message from Missy Larsen, doTERRA Healing Hands VP of Philanthropy and Community Impact

The Wonder Garden

The Wonder Garden
Tuesday, February 02, 2021

The Wonder Garden in Dobrich, Bulgaria, is maintained by young individuals with different disabilities. This nonprofit garden is self-sustaining and provides salaries for their workers by selling vegetables and flowers, allowing these young people to support themselves with their own work.

This year, through a partnership with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️, the Esseterre distillery gave the Wonder Garden two new trailers. The staff will use these trailers for storage and administration purposes. In addition to the trailers, Esseterre also provided two new greenhouses to increase production and revenue.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation always appreciates seeing what our partners achieve as they help others.

The Fight Against Human Trafficking

The Fight Against Human Trafficking
Thursday, January 28, 2021

After years of suffering as a victim of sex trafficking, this survivor found herself struggling to reintegrate into a society that doesn’t sufficiently support survivors. Fortunately, she was put into contact with someone who helped her get a job with doTERRA®️. Despite trials and mistakes, she’s been able to truly begin the process of adjusting and thriving.

We’re so proud of all that doTERRA does to assist those in need, allowing them to lift themselves up and build lives in which they can thrive.

Click Here to listen to her story.

#engagingood by choosing Hope

#engagingood by choosing Hope
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

This January, we’ve shared about just a few of the global organizations and projects we support in order to prevent, human trafficking, rescue survivors, and provide aftercare to those who have been sexually exploited. We hope you’ve learned more about what doTERRA Healing Hands® is doing and what you can do to prevent human trafficking. Let’s continue to #engageingood and actively fight against this terrible crime.

Click here to view doTERRA Healing Hands most recent social media post about Hope.

Smile Star’d Enterprise

Smile Star’d Enterprise
Friday, January 22, 2021

In impoverished Kenyan areas, women can find it difficult to support their families. When women are widowed or are single mothers, they’re the sole breadwinner for the family. They may turn to prostitution if the cost of training for gainful employment is out of reach and they feel there’s no other option.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® matched donations to Smile Star’d Enterprise and contributed to 10 women in Kenya being trained to sew. This training has provided these women with a sense of dignity and empowerment. They can now work at shops, factories, or schools and contribute to their communities.

Education is one of the most powerful gifts that anyone can be given. It can’t be taken away and can always be built upon, as these Kenyan women have found.

Hope to Belong

Hope to Belong
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

We all want to belong! Hope to Belong is a doTERRA Healing Hands™ initiative dedicated to preventing human trafficking by helping the most vulnerable in our communities.

Did you know children without families are often on a tragic path that can leads to homelessness, sex trafficking, addiction, and lives in the justice system? Join us in being part of the solution!

Amazing children who are overcoming sad, difficult backgrounds need your help. Follow the link to find videos of children who are available for adoption and take a moment to help spread the word by sharing a video! Your donations support the creation of these videos.

Learn More!

Operation Black Mamba

Operation Black Mamba
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

In 2019, Freedom Now International (then Freedom Now Africa) conducted an anti-trafficking operation, which led to the rescue of 14 girls. However, they realized more had to be done. Hundreds of victims were still out there, needing help. Knowing they couldn’t do it alone, Freedom Now International reached out to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation happily provided funds for a new project and investigation. Thus, Operation Black Mamba was initiated, which rescued 96 female trafficking victims. Many traffickers were arrested at the same time.

We also helped fund aftercare for every one of the rescued girls. Chris Gay, president of Freedom Now International, stated how invaluable the support from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation was—to the success of their operation and the recovery of the survivors.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Monday, January 11, 2021

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the US. This terrible crime happens locally and globally. We can all make a difference in the fight against it!

doTERRA Healing Hands™ focuses on:

-Prevention through education, protecting our most vulnerable through the new Hope to Belong initiative.

-Rescue, supporting US law enforcement professionals and global rescue organizations.

-Aftercare, supporting comprehensive trauma-informed care for survivors.

Your donations to doTERRA Healing Hands support all these initiatives. Together, we can end human trafficking through prevention, rescue and aftercare!

Approximately 55% of survivors report meeting traffickers online. Share this graphic to raise awareness in honor of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Also consider implementing these practices in your homes and communities to protect children from dangers.

Join the Fight

Join the Fight
Wednesday, January 06, 2021 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

“The 3Strands™ Global Foundation training has reinforced much of what I already knew about human trafficking, but it also gave me some real tools I can use in my local community to help bring about and strengthen awareness of this horrible evil.”—Paula Collins, doTERRA® Wellness Advocate

Wondering what you can do to help prevent human trafficking? Start by taking the PROTECT human trafficking prevention education and awareness training from the 3Strands Global Foundation.

In this program, you’ll learn important terminology and information that will help you identify and report this horrible crime against humanity. These training activities also explore the why of human trafficking and helps you understand the complex impacts of trauma that victims experience.


Join us in the fight!

San Bernardino County Community Outreach

San Bernardino County Community Outreach
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The San Antonio Regional Hospital in San Bernardino County, California, began a Community Outreach project that would deliver supplies to the Salvation Army in nearby Ontario. Along with the food and clothing being donated, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® contributed 100 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits, delivered by Wellness Advocates Eric and Tina Little. All the donations were given to families and individuals who are currently homelessness.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is always grateful for the opportunity to help support people in need.

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. doTERRA Healing Hands™ continues taking a stand in the fight against human trafficking.

doTERRA Healing Hands comprehensive HOPE model is dedicated to human trafficking prevention, rescue, and aftercare. Stay with us all month to find out ways to join us in the fight. Together, we can change the world for the better!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year
Friday, January 01, 2021 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Happy New Year!

Are you as excited as we are to use the lessons of 2020 to make a dynamic 2021? We look forward to empowering sustainable change with you, in our own communities and throughout the world.

2021 #happynewyear #healinghands #engageingood #empoweringchange #doterracaresd

Long Yang e.V.

Long Yang e.V.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Ever since COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic, people in Nepal have had a difficult time gaining access to and affording food. Because of lockdowns in the country—especially in Kathmandu Valley—many have lost jobs and been unable to acquire food to feed their families.

In May, the Long Yang e.V. organization began distributing food packages to Nepalese families in need. With donations from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and others, more than 400 families in Kathmandu Valley, as well as an additional 50 Raute families, have been given food packages. Thanks to generous donations, it may be possible to expand food distributions and help more communities and families, giving more Nepalese people hope and empowering them with ways to cope with the pandemic.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020 Community Projects

Even amid COVID-19, LETS hasn’t stopped their vital education and hygiene outreach in Haiti. They’ve focused on making sure communities stayed healthy and well during the pandemic, as well as reviewed fertility tracking so that unwanted or unplanned pregnancy goals could be maintained. Since the onset of COVID-19, LETS has educated over 400 new women, men, and youth (ages nine and older). These individuals also received bracelets, and the LETS instructors have followed up with them.

On top of all this, LETS has manufactured 4,200 bracelets to be used locally and sold on the world market and to other nonprofit organizations. They’ve also cultivated, maintained, and harvested one acre of majok seeds for the bracelets, eliminating the expense of outside sources. LETS employed 16 local, full-time employees in Port Salut as instructors, artisans, manufacturers, and farmers.

We’re proud of what our partners LETS have achieved and look forward to seeing what else we can accomplish together.

California Wildfires: Update

California Wildfires: Update
Friday, December 18, 2020 Disaster Relief

After the fires in California this year, many were left in great need, especially the sizable homeless population. Wanting to help, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® shipped 150 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits, which Wellness Advocate Laura Mullet distributed to those without a home in her area.

During Thanksgiving, 100 of the kits were given out at St Paul’s Episcopal in Benicia, California, as part of their Feeding the Communities project. The other 50 kits were distributed at Opportunity House in Vacaville. Opportunity House offers a resting place for homeless individuals, providing cots, pillows and blankets, showers, and food.

We at the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation appreciate seeing all the good that can be achieved when people work together to support others.

Reining Warriors

Reining Warriors
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

In West Virginia, the Reining Warriors organization strives to create a safe and positive ranch environment for members of the armed forces and their families. The organization believes horses can help heal heroes through equine-assisted programs. Wellness Advocate Sonya Fullen, a leader at Reining Warriors, knew that she could make a large impact on the organization with support from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.

Together, Sonya and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation raised $11,330 through a matching grant project. These funds were used to build a covered tack room and tie area for the equine-assisted therapy program, which primarily works with local children and veterans who have physical, emotional, and developmental needs. Since the structure’s completion, six veterans have completed the eight-week horsemanship program.

Thank you, Sonya, for engaging in good in your community and including the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in your humanitarian efforts.

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day
Thursday, December 10, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Today is Human Rights Day! Human Rights Day this year celebrates those who ensure human rights are central to recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic.

While doTERRA® always guarantees that small-scale farmers and harvesters are treated ethically, this year we’ve increased the focus of projects and initiatives from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® to ensure human rights don’t suffer during this time of critical need.

Within the first two months of the onset of COVID-19, doTERRA provided nearly $2 million in cash and PPE donations to respond to global need. Part of this response included support of financial and volunteer resources for Days for Girls International and their Masks4Millions campaign, which provided millions of homemade fabric masks to hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals worldwide.

Maria: Mentors International

Maria: Mentors International
Tuesday, December 08, 2020 Partner Updates

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®️ has been working with Mentors International to help people become self-reliant since 2012, providing a total of $7,462,824 in loans to individuals around the world.

Maria, who is a single mother and is the primary caregiver for her parents recently had to quit her job as a special needs teacher to focus solely on caring for her family. In order to supplement her income she decided to start a business selling gifts and trimmings. The early stages of her business struggled due to a lack of customer service and business training. Through the lessons she learned from Mentors International she was able to expand her business and improve her customer service department. Maria now describes herself as a “woman of goals, with a desire to move forward and progress.

During April, May and June of this year, Mentors international gave out 11,931 loans, creating 13,335 jobs and assisting 32,069 families. Together, Mentors International and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation have impacted individuals in Guatemala, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, and Nepal.

Rising Star Outreach

Rising Star Outreach
Wednesday, December 02, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

With help from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® , Rising Star Outreach provided food and medicine to leprosy colonies all over India in three phases. This effort was especially needed now because of COVID-19, which has caused food insecurity around the country.

Rising Star Outreach gave timely supplies to 25,040 people in the leprosy colonies of Tamil Nadu and Bihar. The organization also fed and provided medicine to 36,380 people in 166 colonies. Each family of four received enough rice, potatoes, spices, dal, and medical supplies to last for 14 days. In total, 61,420 individuals were benefited because of Rising Star Outreach’s efforts.

Edunámica Foundation

Edunámica Foundation
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Pamela Cristina Zúñiga Acedo recently completed a matching grant project in Costa Rica, focused on improving the health of families in poverty. Pamela has been engaging in good with the organization Edunámica, which works with low-income families and provides scholarships to high-achieving students for secondary school.

Pamela, who has been a Wellness Advocate for four years, saw that these families could benefit from doTERRA® essential oils and wanted to share her love of the oils with members of Edunámica. Together with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, Pamela raised $1,972 (USD) worth of products, which were donated to the families of Edunámica.

Thank you, Pamela, for engaging in good in your community and sharing your love for doTERRA products with those around you.

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day
Tuesday, November 17, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

This year the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® celebrated World Kindness Day 2020 with Leon Logothetis

Last year, doTERRA® went to the Food & Care Coalition in Provo, Utah, to deliver 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits and sack lunches, prepared by doTERRA employees. During the visit, we learned more about the scale of homelessness in Utah County and the vast need for affordable housing.

As a result, doTERRA has committed significant time and funding, through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, to help the Food & Care Coalition build Candlelight Villas, a permanent complex that will provide greatly needed supportive housing in Utah County.

Candlelight Villas will have 72 one-bedroom units, a garden, an outdoor gathering space, and a brand-new doTERRA Service Center. This center will provide a space for Wellness Advocates, employees, and members of the community to participate in service opportunities. Candelight Villas will be a truly unique place of kindness.

We hope that you all celebrated World Kindness Day this year and thank you for engaging in good in your communities around the world.

Watch this for more information about the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and its collaboration with the Food & Care Coalition: Click Here

World Adoption Day

World Adoption Day
Monday, November 09, 2020

doTERRA® celebrates World Adoption Day

doTERRA® celebrates World Adoption Day, because every child needs a family. Sadly, children without families are trafficked at dramatically higher rates. Children in the foster care system are incredibly vulnerable, with a 60% chance of being trafficked.

Because of this, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® launched the Hope to Belong initiative to prevent child exploitation. By supporting the Hope to Belong initiative, you can make a positive impact on foster care children in your community and around the United States.

The Hope Venture

The Hope Venture
Wednesday, November 04, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Christy Hald recently completed a matching grant project with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® to help alleviate hunger in India. According to the 2020 Food and Agriculture Association of the United Nations, 189.2 million people—or 14% of India’s population—are undernourished. The Hope Venture, which is a nonprofit focused on bring dignity and hope to the most disadvantaged people in the world, aimed to combat this problem by opening food centers in the Agaram neighborhood of North Chennai and in Kaladra, Malenadu.

With the support of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and the amazing efforts of Christy and her team, $15,059 (USD) were donated to the Hope Venture. These funds were put to use distributing 10,000 meals to children in India. When COVID-19 hit India, the funds were also used to continue paying the cooks and tutors at the education centers in India, as they’ve provided support and stability during these uneasy times.

Thank you, Christy, for continuing to engage in good and for involving the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in your humanitarian efforts.

Saving Box Program

Saving Box Program
Friday, October 30, 2020 Partner Updates

In May 2019, Mentors® International started the Savings Box program. Many women start the program with about two cedis, which equals about three US cents. They’re starting small, and saving even that little amount is a sacrifice.

Some of these women are experiencing peace of mind from savings for the first time. They don’t have a spouse to support them when times get tough during droughts, natural disasters, or sicknesses. These women feel better prepared to face the future.

With support from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and Mentors International, the women in Ghana have learned to save for the future. They’re better prepared to take care of their families when uncertainties arise.

Beirut Explosion

Beirut Explosion
Monday, October 26, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

The Port of Beirut explosion on August 4, 2020, sent shockwaves around the world. The explosion killed at least 203 individuals, injured more than 6,500, and left 300,000 homeless.

Wellness Advocate Anita Delhaas-Van Dijk wanted to help, knowing the people of Beirut needed support. Anita had worked in Lebanon with Syrian refugees for nearly five years and started her own nonprofit named Re-Starter to benefit Syrian refugees in the Netherlands, her home country. After the explosion, Anita reached out to her contacts in Lebanon and created an action plan for her nonprofit to help those who were badly affected by the terrible disaster.

Together, Anita and her team and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® raised $11,896. The donations converted an empty college dorm into temporary housing, as well as provided food for 150 people who were homeless as a result of the explosion.

“The families and individuals we hosted have had the chance to recover from their injuries in comfortable lodgings. They’ve had the chance to start dealing with the trauma caused by the blast and are now beginning to look to their next steps.”—Anita Delhaas-Van Dijk

Thank you, Anita, for engaging in good not only in your own community, but also the communities in Lebanon.

Families Mentoring Families

Families Mentoring Families
Thursday, October 22, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Becky Rogers recently completed a matching grant project, raising $28,732 with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® for Families Mentoring Families. Becky, her husband, and their four children are currently on the ground in Ghana, engaging in good and changing the lives of many people.

The funds from Becky’s grant project will be used to purchase property in Kumasi, Ghana, for a new orphanage. This orphanage will not only act as a place of refuge for those without a family, but it’ll also serve as an educational oasis. Many individuals in Ghana lack the opportunities to break the cycle of poverty because of minimal access to educational opportunities. At this orphanage, children and others in the community will be able to learn and use business, literacy, and self-reliance skills.

The mission of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is to empower people and communities worldwide to make a positive and sustainable change. Thank you, Becky, for empowering individuals in Ghana and including the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in your humanitarian efforts.

Pacific Northwest Fires

Pacific Northwest Fires
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 Disaster Relief

Over five million acres have burned in California, Oregon, and Washington during the 2020 fire season, which has been the most active season on record. Fires have burned areas that have been untouched for decades. With thousands of families and individuals evacuated and entire towns destroyed, the need for disaster relief has been immense.

Amid red skies and ash-filled air, Wellness Advocates from these states contacted the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® to participate in its disaster relief program. Even though many of these Wellness Advocates were fleeing the fires themselves, they chose to work with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to support others.

In total:

  • 3,954 kits were distributed by 34 Wellness Advocates in Oregon.
  • 150 kits were distributed by 2 Wellness Advocates in Washington.
  • 2,320 kits were distributed by 15 Wellness Advocates in California.

Thank you to all the amazing Wellness Advocates who participated in this disaster relief effort and engaged in good in their communities.

Tumaini Children's Charity

Tumaini Children's Charity
Friday, October 16, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Two of the most difficult challenges people in developing countries face are access to education and to food and clean water. In Kenya, UNICEF estimates that more than 1.2 million primary-school-age children don’t attend school. Similarly, nearly 69% of Kenyans live in a state of food insecurity.   To help combat this, Tumaini Children’s Charity started and continues to fund Tumaini Brooks School, which has been supporting the community in Kiambu, Kenya, since 1999. Tumaini—Swahili for hope—is a place of refuge for anyone in Kenya. It not only offers quality education, but also access to food that’s provided by the school.    Wellness Advocate Hannah Ellis was touched by Tumaini Brooks School’s mission of hope and knew that she could make a massive impact. With help from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, Hannah and her team raised $23,052.57 for Tumaini. These funds were used to install solar panels, providing reliable access to electricity, as well as powering the school’s main generator, which pumps water from the school’s borehole. The funds were also used to provide food to different communities in Kenya that are facing increased struggles as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.    “Over time, Tumaini has become a place of unity and community. We make a difference one child at a time. This work is rich with purpose and hope, and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation has enabled that hope and supported our purpose.”—Hannah Ellis

International Day of the Girl 2020

International Day of the Girl 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020

According to the United Nations, one out of four girls, ages 15–19, is unemployed, uneducated, or untrained compared to one out of ten boys in the same age bracket. The United Nations also estimates that 435 million women and girls will be living on less than $1.90 a day by 2021.

This year, the theme for International Day of the Girl is “My Voice, Our Equal Future.” The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® proudly celebrates International Day of the Girl and will be focusing on brightening the futures and amplifying the voices of adolescent girls around the world. We support the mission of International Day of the Girl, which includes:

  • Living free of gender-based violence, harmful practices, and HIV and AIDS.
  • Learning new skills toward the futures girls choose.
  • Leading as a generation of advocates who are accelerating social change.

As we continue to affirm girls and women worldwide and support their power as change-makers, we’re also proud to continue supporting many organizations that assist and educate young girls.

Hungry Hearts

Hungry Hearts
Friday, October 09, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Lynn Lavezzari and Nicole Moultrie, with help from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, supplied the necessary materials to give 60 women work knitting blankets, sweaters, and hats that will be distributed to Syrian refugee families in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Syria.

These 60 women meet every other week in their knitting groups to turn in their finished work, be paid, and receive new yarn for their next projects. They also have time to socialize, share struggles, and encourage one another.

We’re thankful to Lynn and Nicole for their humanitarian efforts and support of the Hungry Hearts International Knitting Project.

Guiding Star Cedar Valley

Guiding Star Cedar Valley
Monday, October 05, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

One of the seven areas of focus for the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is empowering women, specifically to get an education, pursue a career, and meet their healthcare needs. Jamie Rathjen, the founder of Guiding Star Cedar Valley, is devoted to this mission in her community. Guiding Star Cedar Valley works alongside life-affirming organizations to provide authentic and affordable healthcare to empower women, help children, and enrich families.

Jamie and her team, working together with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, raised $11,116 (USD). These funds led to the development of a program called Mission Womanhood. In Jamie’s words, this Guiding Star Cedar Valley program “effectively connects with women at all phases of their reproductive journeys, affirms them, acknowledges their natural abilities, and builds lasting relationships that keep them in our care model.” The funds also provided support kits to pregnant women, as well as those who are trying to get pregnant, who lost a pregnancy, or who just had a baby in the United States.

Thank you, Jamie, for engaging in good and empowering women through your wonderful organization.

Hurricane Laura

Hurricane Laura
Thursday, October 01, 2020 Disaster Relief

With destructive winds up to 150 miles per hour, Hurricane Laura caused significant damage in Louisiana and Texas when it made landfall on August 27. As of September 6, reports say 25 lives were lost in Louisiana because of the hurricane and nearly 900,000 homes and businesses were without power. Damages are estimated at nearly $25 billion (USD). Lake Charles—home to about 78,000 residents—was hit incredibly hard by the storm: a chlorine plant caught fire, trees and electrical poles were ripped from the ground, and so much more.

Gillian Bertrand, a Wellness Advocate from Lake Charles, was evacuated during the storm, and she’s now focused on rebuilding her community. Gillian reached out to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® disaster relief program to distribute 100 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to those in need.

Alongside Gillian, Krystal Degenhardt also participate in the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundations disaster relief program. Krystal, together with her team were able to distribute 100 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene kits as well as mold spray and hand cleaner to community member in Lake Charles, Leonville, and Carencro Louisiana.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is proud to support Gillian and Krystal and the many other Wellness Advocates who are engaging in good in their communities around the world.

Oregon Wildfires

Oregon Wildfires
Thursday, September 24, 2020 Disaster Relief

The 2020 Oregon wildfires season has been one of the most destructive in history. The Alameda fire wreaked havoc on many communities, destroying entire towns and affecting nearly 42,000 individuals. Not only have many lost their homes and belongings, but the air quality in Oregon, Washington, and California has now been labeled as the unhealthiest on the planet, according to global rankings.

Wellness Advocate Christy Jackman from Salem, Oregon, has been working to provide relief to those affected by the fires through the disaster relief program. Christy’s two sons are firefighters on the front lines, working diligently to contain and stop the spread of these wildfires. Christy has received doTERRA® products and 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits and distributed to firefighters and evacuees in the area.

Thank you, Christy, for working on the ground and engaging in good in your community.

Lunga Lunga Farms

Lunga Lunga Farms
Monday, September 21, 2020 Co-Impact Sourcing Communities Partner Updates

The Lunga Lunga project is located along the Indian Ocean near the Tanzania River. The doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing® team uses this site for a 300-acre model farm, distillation facility, and small-scale farming cooperative that produces essential oil crops. Not only does this site provide rich agricultural resources, but it’s also in a region of Kenya that has been historically underserved. The Co-Impact Sourcing team has been working with the farmers of this area and the local community to grow tropical aromatic plants thorough a cooperative group of smallholder farmers, with the goal of including 2,500 farmers in the cooperative by the end of 2020.

Recently, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® teamed up with Co-Impact Sourcing to provide training to the people in the Lunga Lunga community. This training focused on education and providing the community with protective masks and Days for Girls Kits. In total, about 700 women in the Lunga Lunga sourcing area were trained and provided with masks and kits. An additional 900 kits will be distributed in the Nanyuki and Mara regions of Kenya.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is grateful for the opportunity to work closely with Co-Impact Sourcing to engage in good with communities around the world.

California Wildfires

California Wildfires
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Disaster Relief

As of September 14th, 2020 nearly 16,500 firefighters continue to work to contain 28 major wildfires across California. Since the beginning of 2020 it is estimated that wildfires have burned 3.2 million acres in California. With over 4,200 structures destroyed and 24 fatalities since August 15th, Wellness Advocates from California began to reach out to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® for support through our disaster relief program. In total our wellness advocates have distributed 2,220 kits to evacuees and firefighters in their communities in California.

Thank you to all who have included the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in their humanitarian efforts and engaging in good in their communities.

Wellness Advocates who have participated in California Wildfire Disaster Relief:

  • Jackie Pearce
  • Melissa Vallelunga
  • Suzanne Nicholas
  • Becky Schmauch
  • Amber Clemons
  • Emily Martin
  • Kerri Ramirez
  • Monique Clark
  • Tania Mustain
  • Corinna Barrus
  • Sharia Fitzner
  • Anna Tao
  • Becky Schmauch
  • Anja Johnson


Friday, September 11, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Thank you! Our amazing Wellness Advocates have provided tremendous humanitarian support to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® for PURSUE 2020.

Whether you were contributing $10 toward anti-human trafficking or clean water, we’re thrilled to announce that $272,400 has been raised to help those who need it most. As always, 100% of your contributions go directly to aid, thanks to doTERRA®. Together, we’re making the world a better place!

The Miracle Foundation

The Miracle Foundation
Tuesday, September 08, 2020

The Miracle Foundation works diligently to ensure the most vulnerable are supported during the COVID-19 crisis. This foundation was in need of food and hygiene supplies due to lack of wages since the pandemic started. 
Dr. Zia, Ky NixProvide, and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® worked together to provide COVID-19 emergency packs for 154 families (924 people in total) in India, provided by the Miracle Foundation.

Iowa Derecho

Iowa Derecho
Thursday, September 03, 2020 Disaster Relief

On August 10th, 2020 a powerful derecho ripped through Iowa and the midwest with winds up to 112 mph. In total 600,000 people were without power and at least 10 million acres or 43% of Iowa’s crops were destroyed. In total the derecho covered a nearly 800-mile stretch over the course of 14 hours destroying homes, businesses, and agriculture. Wellness Advocate Lisa Lewis reached out to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® to help distribute doTERRA 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits. Lisa went door to door with her team in Iowa distributing kits to homes and community centers. Thank you Lisa for helping the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation provide relief to people in Iowa and engaging in good in your community.

American Indian Services

American Indian Services
Friday, August 28, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

American Indian Services recently received a donation of emergency relief hygiene kits and masks to support the Kayenta Fire Department, Navajo Nation homeless, and the Paiute Tribes of Utah. During this global pandemic, the Navajo Nation reported the highest death rates and per capita positive cases in the country. Because many live without running water and basic necessities it can be difficult to follow proper CDC guidelines to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Because of this the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® has been working hard to provide supplies and support to people in the Navajo Nation. In total the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation has donated 1,400 Emergency kits and 5,500 masks to American Indian Services for the Navajo and Paiute tribes.

Beyond the Epicenter

Beyond the Epicenter
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Alli Wishner recently received a matching grant donation totaling $23,838. Alli and her team have been working in Nepal since the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015. This earthquake devastated Nepal’s cities and rural areas and destroyed 35,000 classrooms. Through this matching grant, Alli and her team built their eighth and ninth schools that have empowered 1,000 students to continue their education.

“The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is one of the first reasons I was drawn to doTERRA. It’s truly amazing to know that when we use doTERRA essential oils, not only are we helping those around us but we are also helping those across the world as well. We are part of a community that deeply cares about helping others in the way they identify they need it most. I feel the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation truly aligns with the mission my family and I had when we established Beyond the Epicenter: to help and support others however we can, in whatever way they tell us they need it most.” - Alli Wishner

Thank you Alli for engaging in good around the world and allowing the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to support you in your humanitarian efforts.

Ipswich Public School District

Ipswich Public School District
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Cindy Geditz recently received a product donation to empower people in her community. This product donation provided 44 items that will help support the teaching staff for the 2020-2021 school year. Cindy and her team were able to not only help teachers in the Ipswich Public School District of South Dakota but teachers around the United States.

“I am so excited that some of our team joined the challenge to either bless a teacher in their school district or help bless the Ipswich School District. Because of your efforts and love for these products, teachers are being blessed as far east as Boston as well as several teachers throughout South Dakota and the entire Ipswich Public School District.”

Thank you Cindy for engaging in good in your community and involving he doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® in your humanitarian efforts.

Reynosa Mexico Emergency Kit Distribution

Reynosa Mexico Emergency Kit Distribution
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

When hurricane winds and floods struck her hometown of Reynosa, Mexico, Blue Diamond Mayra Powers quickly gathered her team, requested 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits, and created a distribution plan. Three Gold leaders living in Mission, Texas, served as volunteers, taking the aid across the border and to immigrant shelters.

Many migrants coming from South America are waiting in Matamoros, Mexico, for the chance to enter the United States. Unfortunately, they were flooded during Hurricane Hannah, adding more challenges to their already difficult circumstances. Gold leader Claudia Gomez reported that the immigrants “lack everything from clothes and hygiene products to mattresses.” Claudia Gomez, Mayela Cadena, and Thelma Ochoa distributed 400 Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits, plus product donations to the camps in Matamoros.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® thanks these amazing individuals for engaging in good and stands with them, ready and happy to help where needed.

Local Savings and Loan Co-ops in Nepal

Local Savings and Loan Co-ops in Nepal
Friday, August 07, 2020

Mentors International®, along with partners CHOICE Humanitarian and local savings and loan co-ops in Nepal, have been successfully providing mentoring and business development trainings for a year and a half.

In November of 2019, Mentors started a contest among business training participants. Those who were applying the principles they were being taught were entered in the running to win a plastic greenhouse in February 2020. This greenhouse would allow them to continue to grow vegetables during the offseason. This contest was suggested by our in-country mentors as a means of encouraging more participation in training classes.

This contest was well-received throughout the community. Participants were truly trying to implement the new training principles that they were learning. Yes, three individuals were quite excited to win new greenhouses, but everyone was a winner as they started seeing the progress and growth within their small enterprises. Mr. Kedar Raymajhi, Ms. Maiyya Devi Karki, and Ms. Radhika Karki were the three winners of our Mentors training contest.

Restoring Hope

Restoring Hope
Thursday, July 30, 2020

The doTERRA Healing Hand Foundation® and Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) are excited to announce the Restoring Hope initiative. This initiative aims to support Internet Crimes against Children (ICAC) task forces throughout the US and around the globe.

World Day against Trafficking in Persons is the perfect time to ask “How can we keep our children safe?” Don’t miss the answers provided in these videos. Watch Now

Frontline Support Kits

Frontline Support Kits
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Thank you to all who participated in the Frontline Support Kit initiative. Through our amazing Wellness Advocates we were able to distribute 15,000 kits in 44 different states and 5 different provinces in Canada.

Each kit provided:

Medical Grade Nitrile Gloves

Disposable Medical Masks

Deep Blue Rub Samples

On Guard Sanitizer Mist

Wild Orange



Tea Tree

Flying Kites Academy

Flying Kites Academy
Monday, July 20, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

At the base of the mountainous Aberdare Range in central Kenya, many people live in poverty. The average adult earns just one to three dollars per day and can’t provide sufficient meals for his or her family. Students in these areas also often face nigh insurmountable barriers to learning, including inadequate resources for public schools, a lack of proficient teachers, and limited access to nutritious meals. However, at the Flying Kites Academy, students develop not only academically, but also physically and emotionally through their integrative programs.

Wellness Advocate Philippa Best completed a matching grant project with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® that directly impacted the lives of students at the Flying Kites Academy. Philippa and her team raised a total of $32,426, which went toward providing breakfast for 115 students every day for an entire term, lunch for all the students, 708 textbooks, 1550 composition notebooks, and tuition for five students. Thank you, Philippa, for choosing to work with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation as you engage in good around the world!

TRUE Africa

TRUE Africa
Thursday, July 16, 2020

In working closely with Dr. Steve and Dr. Julie Hite of TRUE Africa over the last 20 years, we have learned some important things about education in Africa. Nothing changes lives more dramatically than education. Generationally poverty is lessened when those who never attended school have an opportunity to study. To make that happen in places where people work very hard simply to survive, humanitarian entities have to understand the needs of the community. In this case, it became clear that schools where a teacher can sign-on and stay on-site secured much better teachers for longer periods of time. All of that means much more consistency and more opportunity for kids. The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is proud to support TRUE Africa by donating $39,160 for the construction of 2 buildings.

Gokulganga Hospital and COVID-19

Gokulganga Hospital and COVID-19
Friday, July 03, 2020

The Gokulganga Hospital in Ramechhap built with the help of dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® has been in continuous service ever since the outbreak of COVID-19. A temporary compound has been built around the hospital with a security guard in place round the clock. A doctor and 2 nurses have been stationed at the hospital. The municipality managed other necessary materials like medical equipment, beds, medicine supplies and COVID-19 testing equipment. About 18 temporary toilets have been built nearby to be used by the people quarantined. An ambulance is on standby. Out of the 54 people quarantined, 11 tested positive. They have now recovered and are home.

The Mayor Mr. Khadga Bahadur Sunuwar says, “We are grateful that this hospital building was built at the right time. Without this space it would have been very difficult for us. I would like to thank the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation with all my heart for their generosity.” As of 24 June, there has been no COVID-19 related death in Gokulganga Municipality.

The Navajo Nation

The Navajo Nation
Thursday, June 25, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

The Navajo Nation spans three states and eight counties in the Southwestern United States. With thousands of members, COVID-19 is significantly impacting the tribe which is experiencing over 7,000 positive cases and 335 deaths. This is the highest rate of COVID-19 infection per capita of any state in the country.

Tribal leaders are taking strict measures to protect their population by imposing the mandatory wearing of face masks, a 57-hour weekend curfew, a nightly curfew from 8 pm to 5 am, and closing all roads to tourists.

This week the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® in partnership with American Indian Services (AIS) donated 2,500 masks to the Monument Valley clinic and fire station. Roland Denny of AIS delivered masks to Dr. Phillip E. Smith at the Monument Valley Health Center and to the San Juan Monument Valley Fire Department to be used by first responders and firefighters.

Advocates of Change

Advocates of Change
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Nathan and Heather Ogden, cofounders of Chair the Hope, chose to respond to Nathan’s devastating physical setbacks by forging ahead with a passion and fervor for life.

Nathan and Heather give back and support others in similar circumstances. Chair the Hope Schedules delivery trips to various countries in order to provide hundreds of wheelchairs to those in need.

See their full story on:
Instagram: @doterrahhf
Facebook: @doterrahealinghandsfoundation

World Sickle Cell Day

World Sickle Cell Day
Friday, June 19, 2020

Wellness Advocate and pharmacist Dr. Lametra Scott works passionately and selflessly, advocating for the sickle cell community. Sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder, affects millions of people throughout the world. Without proper care and prevention, the disease causes severe pain, organ damage, serious infections, stroke, and even death.

Dr. Scott realized that by promoting and providing sickle cell disease awareness, education, and service, she creates the opportunity to turn something negative for her family into something positive for others. That’s why, in 2015, she founded a nonprofit organization, Breaking the SSickle Cell Cycle Foundation, Inc.

For more information on sickle cell disease and Breaking the SSickle Cell Cycle Foundation, Inc., visit www.btsscycle.org.

Everest English School.

Everest English School.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate, Tera Wild recently completed a matching grant project impacting the community of Sanitar, Nepal. Tera worked with the Canadian World Education Society or CanWES to make a direct impact to the Everest English School in Nepal, which was badly damaged by the 2015 earthquakes. With the help of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® Tera was able to make double the impact and help renovate the school as well as aid in the construction of additional washrooms. Thank you Tera for engaging in good in your community and including the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in your humanitarian efforts.

Hospitals Targu Mures

Hospitals Targu Mures
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Wellness Advocate Mirela Pribac recently completed a matching grant project to support those suffering from COVID-19 in Romania. Mirela raised $2,896 which was matched by the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® for a total donation of $5,792. This money was used to purchase oxygen machines for hospitals in Targu Mures to aid healthcare workers in their fight against COVID-19. With the money raised Mirela and her team were able to double their impact and purchase 6 oxygen concentrators, 8 pulse oximeters, and 60 masks and tubes. Thank you, Mirela for supporting your local community and involving the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in your humanitarian efforts.

Happy 10 Year Anniversary!

Happy 10 Year Anniversary!
Monday, June 01, 2020

Thank you for actively engaging in the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s® mission to empower people and communities worldwide to make positive change. Your loyalty and belief in this mission has led to incredible progress and impact over the past decade in helping others become self-reliant.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation focuses its effort on seven different areas of giving:


Anti-human trafficking

Empowering Women

Clean Water

Disaster Relief

Global Health


Every simple act of goodness contributes to changing the world one drop, one person, one community at a time. Thank you for continuing to #EngageInGood in your communities around the world.

Follow us on:

Facebook: @doterrahealinghandsfoundation

Instagram: @doterrahhf

Twitter: @doterraHHF

Watch for updates and exciting anniversary announcements!

Detroit Police Department

Detroit Police Department
Friday, May 22, 2020 Disaster Relief doTERRA Healing Hands® News

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® would like to recognize Deanna Wilson, who orchestrated the distribution of 100 frontline support kits for the Detroit Police Department. Police departments around the nation are working to keep their communities safe during these unprecedented times. We’re grateful for the opportunity to support the Detroit Police Department and other frontline workers worldwide.

Thank you to all frontline workers who have continued to serve their communities and keep us safe, as well as those who with doTERRA are working to engage in good in their communities.

Frontline Support Kits

Frontline Support Kits
Saturday, May 16, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

A group of Wellness Advocates, doTERRA® customers, and employees teamed up to put together support for healthcare workers and first responders as a part of the #engageingood campaign. The campaign included a match of purchases of Rose Hand Lotion and the Shea Butter Collection—but times three! These funds were donated to support organizations and to create frontline support kits.

13,700 Frontline Support kits were sent to 248 Wellness Advocated in the US for distribution to healthcare workers and 1,300 Frontline Support kits were sent to 20 Wellness Advocates in Canada for distribution to healthcare workers. Thanks to everyone who participated in this campaign, either by donating or by participating and putting together the kits.

Lisacare Foundation

Lisacare Foundation
Monday, May 11, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Lisa Bach Sørensen recently completed a matching grant project to benefit the Lisacare Shelter in Uganda. This shelter houses 50 people from the Lira District in Northern Uganda, Africa, and provides housing, vocational training, and medical aid to its residents. Through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and Lisa’s matching grant project, the Lisacare Shelter managed to finish their renovations of the facility’s toilets and roof.

Thank you, Lisa, for your diligent work in creating a safe space for people in Uganda to seek refuge.

#EngageInGood with Rose Hand Lotion and Shea Butter Collection

#EngageInGood with Rose Hand Lotion and Shea Butter Collection
Saturday, May 02, 2020 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Thanks to all your Rose Hand Lotion and Shea Butter Collection purchases, we’ve reached our $250,000 goal! doTERRA® will be tripling this by donating $750,000 to first responders to help with COVID-19 relief efforts.

We’re going to continue to #engageingood and hope you’ll join us!

Hornbuckle Foundation

Hornbuckle Foundation
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Sarah Hornbuckle from Colorado recently raised $5,300 to support 12 individuals in a substance abuse treatment center. Sarah’s ultimate goal with this project was to help people who have lost everything, transition into becoming productive members of society and re-establish healthy family relationships. Originally Sarah and her team were going to be able to financially support 6 individuals but because of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s matching program they were able to double that number and support 12 individuals battling substance abuse. Together the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and Sarah were able to raise $10,300.


Friday, April 17, 2020

Wellness Advocate Heather Klinker recently created the national free mask project for first responders and healthcare workers fighting against COVID-19. Heather saw that many in her community—and many more outside of it—wanted to help and support healthcare workers and first responders but were unsure of how to start.

Because of this, Heather created the free mask project and Facebook network to connect communities and provide masks to individuals who need them the most. Currently, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is working with Heather to also provide frontline support kits.

A sincere thank you to all of our Wellness Advocates who are engaging in good in their communities and supporting those fighting COVID-19!


Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Kindness is needed across the world now perhaps more than at any other point before. With physical distancing making it difficult to connect, many people feel alone and isolated.

This is why the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and doTERRA® are launching the #engageingood campaign. During this campaign, we encourage you to look for ways in which you can engage in good and notice how others have engaged in good in your community. You have the ability to inspire others to engage in good by sharing on social media.

Follow the hashtag #engageingood, as well as our social media accounts for your chance to be featured.

Instagram: @doterraHHF

Facebook: doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Think about a way in which you’ve engaged in good or someone you know has engaged in good.
  2. Make a homemade #engageingood sign (that fits your camera frame).
  3. Prop up your phone to get a good angle of you and your sign (or have someone help you).
  4. Take a photo of you with your sign in front of you before you record a video.
  5. Then, make a short segment (15 seconds or less) about an example of #engageingood.
  6. Post it on your social media platforms with the following information:
    • Join me to #engageingood by sharing ideas about how to reach out even while physically distancing.
    • Make a homemade #engageingood sign.
    • Record your 15-second message, holding your #engageingood sign.
    • Post your video on your social media platforms, with #engageingood in your captions.
    • Follow #engageingood to see the many ways we’re all teaming together to spread kindness from a distance.

Days for Girls International: Masks4Millions

Days for Girls International: Masks4Millions
Friday, March 27, 2020 Partner Updates

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation partner Days for Girls International (DfG) started an initiative to sew and distribute masks to communities around the world. The Masks4Millions campaign was developed to combat the shortage of surgical masks in the United States due to the COCID-19 crisis. “As a global community that has a long history of stepping up to challenges, we are calling on all of you to help respond to this critical need. Join us to participate in the DfG Masks4Millions campaign. Our goal is to provide millions of masks to hospitals and clinics around the world. We are asking that right now, in addition to the beautiful Days for Girls menstrual pads that you are sewing, also make face masks for medical personnel and patients while this need exists. Let’s make sure we keep everyone safe and medical professionals have the supplies they need while they are on the front lines.” Thank you Days for Girls International for supporting healthcare workers around the world.

doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19)

doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is working with our partners, Wellness Advocates, and fellow employees to incorporate safeguards at work and in everyday life to combat the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We want to share our insights to help you stay informed in order to make the best choices for you and your family. Please follow these guidelines set out by Dr. Russ Osguthorpe, doTERRA® vice president of scientific and medical initiatives:

· Stay home when you’re sick, except to get medical care.

· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

· If soap and water aren’t readily available, an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can be used. doTERRA On Guard® Sanitizing Mist contains 64% alcohol.

· Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

· Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

· Frequently clean touched surfaces and objects.

Tennessee Tornado

Tennessee Tornado
Thursday, March 19, 2020 Disaster Relief

On the night of March 2, 2020, a series of large tornadoes touched down across central Tennessee, killing 25 people and wrecking hundreds of buildings. Thousands of people lost homes, businesses and property in the storm. Through good times and hard times it takes a village to pitch in and help with recovery efforts of this scale. We are very fortunate to have 24 Wellness Advocates and their teams who are willing to distribute doTERRA Emergency Relief Hygiene kits to their communities in need. An additional 2 teams are distributing doTERRA product to first responders. Many thanks to the Wellness Advocates of Tennessee who are working with evacuees, nonprofits, and churches to begin the process of rebuilding their communities.

The Imani Collective

The Imani Collective
Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Imani Collective is a socioeconomic empowerment program in Kenya that provides men and women with dignified jobs that help their families rise above poverty. Wellness Advocate Jenny Nuccio saw an opportunity for growth by working with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and received a matching grand, which was used to purchase land. This land has been used to build an ethical seamstress workshop, providing training to community members and a source of income for the community.

Thank you, Jenny, for your handwork and showing us your passion and love for the people of Kenya!

Kwale County Scholars Program

Kwale County Scholars Program
Thursday, December 31, 2020 Partner Updates

dHHF is teaming up with 10 different schools in rural Kenya to provide tuition scholarships for 12 student scholars from Lunga Lunga to attend secondary school. If this 2020 pilot program is successful, it will expand to include a larger cohort of scholarship students for the 2021 school year. Read Story

Kennedy Community School

Kennedy Community School
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Kennedy Community School recently raised over $3,100 for the parents of cancer patients at their local children’s hospital. Students at the Kennedy Community School worked with Wellness Advocate Ruth Calabro to involve the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and double that donation.

Many of the parents affected sleep in hospitals for days to weeks, often without enough notice to pack an overnight bag. Because of this, the Kennedy Community School purchased and filled 100 backpacks with toothbrushes, shampoo, blankets, deodorant, and many other necessities to give to parents as a kit, helping them get through the tough nights. Right now, the children’s hospital gives out approximately eight backpacks a month to parents in need.

“This project brought an awareness to Kennedy students about what community means and what kids are able to accomplish. They know that nothing can hold them back, especially after raising money to stuff 100 backpacks, filled with essential items for parents of cancer patients. All it took was a little inspiration from a flyer and a student with heart.” —Kennedy Community School District

Hands of Hope

Hands of Hope
Friday, February 21, 2020

When basic needs aren’t met, it can be difficult to break cycles of poverty in a community. In the community of San Quintin, Mexico, an organization called Hands of Hope is working to meet these basic needs.

Wellness Advocates Ramon and Jennifer Roberts became involved with Hands of Hope to not only provide immediate needs like food, water, and shelter, but also to help women living in two different women shelters. These women work tirelessly, performing labor jobs and often still falling short when trying to pay for food, water, clothing, and hygiene supplies. Together with Ramon and Jennifer, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and Hands of Hope provided a two-month food supply to 30 different families.

2020 doHANA Service Project

2020 doHANA Service Project
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Participating in a service project has always been one of the main highlights of the annual Incentive Trip. This year was no exception. Around 500 Wellness Advocates came together to assemble 300 backpacks and 200 hygiene kits. The kits and supplies were delivered to Neighborhood Place of Kona, Child and Family Services, West Hawaii Child Welfare Services, and Hope Services.

The backpacks were filled with school supplies, products from the Kids Oil Collection, books, and toys. The hygiene kits were filled with doTERRA® personal care products—everything from body wash to toothpaste. All the supplies in the kits were donated by doTERRA and Wellness Advocates. We brought together more than 600 items to fill the kits. There were so many items collected that each organization was provided with a bin of extra supplies.

Ordering and transporting school supplies to Hawaii can be slow and expensive. As a result, these organizations worried about getting the supplies they need for their programs. Child and Family Services reported that, in a recent meeting, they discussed the need for backpacks and were concerned about how to get them. The next day, we contacted them and told them we wanted to donate backpacks.

The organizations were incredibly touched and grateful for the support, and we’ve been able to continue the tradition of always giving back!

Wellness Advocate Grant

Wellness Advocate Grant
Thursday, February 06, 2020

Christy Hald, a Wellness Advocate from Nebraska, recently completed a matched project to positively impact children and families in India. Christy worked through the Hope Venture, whose mission is to bring hope and dignity to the most disadvantaged people in the world. Because of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® matching grant, the Hope Venture was able to provide 200 children with backpacks and school supplies, as well as serve over 45,000 meals. We’re amazed by the profound impact our Wellness Advocates and organizations like the Hope Venture have in the world.

Dolakha District of Nepal

Dolakha District of Nepal
Wednesday, February 05, 2020

The doTERRA Healing Hand Foundation® has supported a community building in the Dolakha District of Nepal, which was built by Choice Nepal. This building is meant for the school community, as well as the local villagers. People of these communities are poor—they don’t have enough income to send their children to school. They never imagined such a building and opportunity in their community. Now, they are incredibly happy to have this community building, where they can gather together at any time—without even having to worry about the weather. In addition to financial support from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, Choice Nepal has invested money into starting a cooperative following choice business model with the school. This cooperative provide loans with low interest to the local communities, where people can invest in potato farming, animal husbandry, plantation of various kinds of medicinal herbs, and more.

Fight against Human Trafficking

Fight against Human Trafficking
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Above the buildings at headquarters in Pleasant Grove there are blue halos that cut through the night sky. It’s beautiful to look at but it also has a purpose. It’s in recognition of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Here at doTERRA Healing Hands®, we are proud to be partnered with such amazing organizations like Operation Underground Railroad, 3 Strands Global, Rapha International, and Freedom Now Africa who exist to rescue people from human trafficking. With our partnerships, we focus on three areas of preventing human trafficking: Prevention, Rescue Efforts, and Aftercare. With each purchase of dōTERRA’s Hope® Touch Essential Oil Blend the full purchase price is donated to the Healing Hands Foundation initiative to end human trafficking. We are committed to positively impacting its eradication through daily business operations, practices, and philanthropic initiatives.

7 Things Everybody Needs to Know about Human Trafficking

7 Things Everybody Needs to Know about Human Trafficking
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Human Trafficking is a global problem. But how much does the average person truly know about it? We sat down with Chris Gay, executive director of Freedom Now Africa, to see what everyone needs to know about human trafficking.

  1. It happens in your community,” Chris said immediately. Trafficking is not limited to developing nations- it’s happening in average communities across the United States as well. “It’s not just overseas or in big cities. This is happening in your backyard,” Chris explained. It tends to happen in plain sight, and it’s likely you have encountered a victim of human trafficking without recognizing it. In order to help fight trafficking, Chris recommended researching anti-trafficking organizations in your state or community. See how you can help.

  2. It’s not just sex trafficking, and it’s not just women. Forced labor is actually a bigger problem, in terms of numbers, than sex trafficking. Men are trafficking into the construction, mining, and agriculture industries, among others. And, contrary to common belief, there are also men and boys involved in sex trafficking. “It’s not talked about or discussed much,” said Chris. “Some shelters won’t even take boys.”

  3. There are signs. “You can learn to identify trafficking in your community,” Chris shared. “Learn what victims look like and how to report.” Some things to look for include physical abuse, fearful attitudes, or freedom of movement. The Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign has excellent resources for identifying victims of human trafficking. The US also has a trafficking hotline for people to report suspected human trafficking.

  4. Survivors need help after rescue. According to Chris, there is a massive problem with knowing where to place people who are rescued. “If we rescue 50 people, where are they to go? There are only 4 shelters in all of Kenya,” he explained. Aftercare is an enormous part of the recovery process, especially for children. Many, or even all, shelters are at maximum capacity. “When the people who provide the best care don’t have space, what do you do?”

  5. Forced marriages happen in the United States. “Forced marriage is a pretty big issue in America, but nobody is talking about it,” said Chris. “There aren’t effective laws protecting minors.”

  6. You can help change laws. Chris suggested writing local representatives and elected officials to let them know this issue matters to you. “Make the issue important and get it on their agendas,” he urged. “It’s been proven to be effective.” Get in touch with local faith groups and organizations that fight trafficking. Talk to people and raise awareness. Starting conversations within your community can go a long way in preventing trafficking.

  7. Your shopping choices matter. What you buy makes a big difference in fighting global trafficking. From clothing to electronics, slavery occurs in supply chains. Chris recommended making small changes, like buying fair trade products whenever you can. You can also inform yourself about shopping choices. The Department of Labor’s Sweat and Toil app puts a lot of research together, so you can browse goods that may use child labor or human trafficking.

Angel Riders

Angel Riders
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

William Hervey coordinated the distribution of 60 wheelchairs—41 type 2 and 19 type 3—to children in the Nyagatare and Gicumbi Districts of Rwanda. Each wheelchair was appropriate for the child and free of charge. These children were also assessed by orthopedic technologist Eric Habimana.

Earthquake Relief in Puerto Rico

Earthquake Relief in Puerto Rico
Friday, January 17, 2020

Because of the dedication of twelve Wellness Advocates and their amazing teams, the Healing Hands Foundation is shipping and distributing 2,050 Emergency Relief Hygiene kits in Puerto Rico. Wellness Advocates living in the disaster zones are stepping up to help people in their communities recover from earthquakes and aftershocks that continue to jolt the island. Thousands of families have fled their homes in fear there will be another quake and their roofs will collapse while they are sleeping. If not in a community shelter, they sleep in tents and tarps set up in stadiums, in fields, and next to highways.

Sending Help to Australia

Sending Help to Australia
Sunday, January 12, 2020

In response to catastrophic bushfires in Australia, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is shipping 2,325 Emergency Hygiene kits to the doTERRA warehouse in Melbourne Australia. doTERRA staff and Wellness Advocates in Australia will be distributing the hygiene kits to wildfire evacuees and first responders. This week’s shipment along with a donation sent in December brings the total number of kits to 2,925 for bushfire relief efforts. We greatly appreciate all the Wellness Advocates who donate kits to the emergency relief program.

Wellness Advocates working in Nassau, Bahamas

Wellness Advocates working in Nassau, Bahamas
Sunday, January 05, 2020

Following the massive destruction of Hurricane Dorian, Wellness Advocates Alexis Krcelic and her husband, Gene, sprang into action by gathering food and supplies for evacuees living without the basic necessities. Together with Premier Foundation, they gathered provisions, partnered with like-minded nonprofits, and delivered aid to Great Commission Ministries in Nassau, Bahamas. Supplies included water, nonperishable food, canned goods, emergency hygiene kits, baby diapers and supplements, cleaning supplies, tools, and pet food. In appreciation, Bishop Walter Hanchell, president of Great Commission Ministries International, gave the Krcelics an award of appreciation for “faithfully supporting the poor and needy in the Bahamas.” They also provided food and supplies to Bilney Lane Children’s Home in Nassau, Bahamas.

Creating education opportunities in Kampala, Uganda

Creating education opportunities in Kampala, Uganda
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Through Schuyten Bruno Jean-Paul Alain, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® had the opportunity to support women and children living in impoverished communities in the Katwe and Kisenyi areas of Kampala, Uganda. Many individuals served were teenage mothers who struggled to get access to nutritious meals, healthcare, and feminine hygiene products. Because of support from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, 23 children have had all their school fees paid, which has empowered them to continue their education instead of dropping out. Additionally, the money raised has provided food, clothing, reusable feminine hygiene products, and vocational training mentorship to those in need.

Change Makers Garden in Kenya

Change Makers Garden in Kenya
Monday, January 06, 2020

Empowering women empowers the whole community. Wellness Advocate Mackenzie Banda believes this and was given the opportunity to impact the lives of women in Marungu Hill, Kenya, through the Zawadisha Fund. With help from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, Mackenzie raised $9,610 for the Zawadisha Fund. These funds went toward the creation of the Change Makers Garden, in which the women of the community planted 250 trees. They also planted another 150 trees in their homes. In one year, these trees will bear fruit that can be sold to generate revenue for these women and their families.

Mt. Moriah Children’s Home International

Mt. Moriah Children’s Home International
Monday, December 16, 2019

Wellness Advocate Victoria Harshall recently raised $15,615 for the Mount Moriah Children’s home orphanage near Nyahururur, Kenya. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation matched this making the total donation $29,615. These funds will allow children and staff to have fresh water year-round to drink, cook, clean, and grow gardens. Because of this access to clean water staff and children will no longer need to carry water from a pond that is a long way from their home. The water will also allow the orphanage to plant crops on all seven acres of their land even in a drought. Thank you, Victoria, for making a difference in the lives of those in Kenya.

Service project: Cynthia Patience

Service project: Cynthia Patience
Sunday, December 08, 2019

During a recent team retreat at Corporate, Cynthia Patience and her team members helped Healing Hands with a mini-service project for Peace House. Peace House is a shelter in Park City, Utah, that provides services to women and families dealing with domestic abuse. Cynthia’s team members put together 50 ‘after-school’ snack packs for kids at the Peace House facility.

Each snack packet includes a warm flannel blanket, three types of snacks, and an inspirational card for children to enjoy upon returning from school. Thank you Cynthia and team!

Corporate Spirit of Giving Award

Corporate Spirit of Giving Award
Sunday, December 01, 2019

doTERRA® Receives the Utah Philanthropy Day: Corporate Spirit of Giving Award Mark Wolfert was honored to stand on behalf of doTERRA’s Founding Executives and its wonderful employees and wellness advocates as he accepted the Corporate Spirit of Giving Award at the Utah Philanthropy Day awards ceremony. This award recognizes a for-profit business that has demonstrated outstanding commitment to philanthropy and community service by providing direct financial support, leadership involvement, volunteer participation and commitment of its workforce, and by becoming a role model for other businesses in our community.

Update from Pasitos de Luz, Mexico

Update from Pasitos de Luz, Mexico
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Wellness Advocates Darren and Kristi Taylor are working with an incredible community in Pasitos de Luz, Mexico, where they’re striving for improved health, transportation, education opportunities, and inclusion of children with special needs. With funding from the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, the Taylors have been instrumental in helping repair and refurbish a school bus. After being in a state of major disrepair, the bus is back in action and now safely transporting children, staff, and volunteers to Pasitos de Luz. This bus service is critical for single-parent families, where driving a special needs child to school means the parent has to take time off work. These Wellness Advocates are making an incredible impact in this community by providing love, care and support of disabled children to live the best life possible and also giving single mothers the transportation support they need to keep their jobs and care for their families.

Ute American Indian Tribe receives Hope

Ute American Indian Tribe receives Hope
Friday, November 15, 2019

Last weekend, the Ute American Indian Tribe held an important event to address community concerns reflected in the event’s name: the 2019 Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Conference. Participants were given a bottle of doTERRA Hope® Touch oil blend. They also learned about the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and its anti-human trafficking efforts. One conference attendee who received the essential oil blend commented that “this is the most beautiful thing someone can give.”

JK Community Farm

JK Community Farm
Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Wellness Advocate Natalie Hill recently led a service project at the JK Community Farm on a post-convention tour. This project empowered Wellness Advocates in the community to bag fresh food for those who would otherwise not have access to healthy produce and protein. During the project, Wellness Advocates bagged 20,000 pounds of sweet potatoes for the JK Community farm, which will be distributed to individuals in need during the holidays. The JK Community Farm provides children, senior citizens, and families who are facing food insecurity with fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and protein. The farm focuses on purity by growing food without chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.

Project Homeless Connect

Project Homeless Connect
Friday, October 25, 2019 Community Projects

For the past three years Salt Lake City, Utah has hosted an event to serve the homeless population in Utah. Project Homeless Connect is an event that links individuals to resources to help alleviate the hardships of being homeless. This event attracts approximately 1000 individuals struggling with homelessness and 1000 volunteers. Each volunteer is paired with an attendee and acts as a resource to help them navigate the event to access the resources they need. Some of these resources include; medical and dental, legal, substance abuse services, haircuts, and feminine hygiene support. This year the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation donated 1000 72-hour emergency relief hygiene kits to our friends at the Utah Food Bank who were also distributing meals at the event.

Emergency kits in Paraguay

Emergency kits in Paraguay
Monday, October 21, 2019

In the wake of raging forest fires, a team of Wellness Advocates lead by Ilse Helbing distributed 72-hour Emergency Hygiene kits to an indigenous community in Paraguay. With their homes in ashes, the survivors are now living in a school. The doTERRA team taught the people how to use melaleuca, Deep Blue®, plus made masks with Breathe® oil to serve as a protection from smoke. Helbing and team also held two classes for local firefighters in order to teach them how to use the Emergency Relief kits and to deliver more Breathe. They hope to continue efforts to help forest fire evacuees in Paraguay.

Rose Haven

Rose Haven
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rose Haven is a day shelter and community center, serving women, children and gender nonconforming individuals who are experiencing trauma, poverty, or physical and mental health challenges. doTERRA® recently provided 300 winter emergency kits for Rose Haven’s guests, to be used as the colder months approach. These kits include sleeping bags, warm hats, blankets, gloves, feminine hygiene products, and assorted doTERRA products.

Lesvos Project

Lesvos Project
Saturday, November 16, 2019 Disaster Relief

The current Refugee Crisis in Lesvos is heart breaking. This Greek Island hosts the biggest refugee camp in Moria where more than 14,000 refugees are “living” in a site initially designed to accommodate 3000 people. Any donations received, Healing Hands Europe will match up to €25,000 and this will help shape the future of refugees and make this project a reality. Read Story

Day of the Girl at the doTERRA® Campus

Day of the Girl at the doTERRA® Campus
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

On October 11, we celebrated International Day of the Girl as girls everywhere as they break boundaries and take charge of their own futures. For the holiday, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® hosted Celeste Morgan, the founder of Days for Girls (DfG), and her team, who shared their vision and innovations being made by the organization. One of these innovations is a reusable transport bag, included with the DfG Kits, which we worked together to sew and assemble. By the end of the event, nearly 2,000 were completed and are scheduled to be shipped to refugees. These new transport bags will replace plastic bags and greatly reduce environmental waste. We love and appreciate Days for Girls and the amazing impact they have had globally.

Pittsburgh Service Day

Pittsburgh Service Day
Monday, October 14, 2019 Wellness Advocate News Community Projects

This year on the post-convention tour, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® and doTERRA Wellness Advocates are joining together to give service in their local communities. Recently in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Wellness Advocates Jen Frey and Amy Sabella spearheaded a project at the Center of Life. The Center of Life is a community engagement center that provides services to children, teenagers, and families in the Hazelwood neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Some of these services include, afterschool tutoring, athletic activities, and music classes. During our day of service Wellness Advocates from all around Pennsylvania came together to assemble furniture, paint and finish an accessibility ramp, and clean up trash around the center. Thank you to all Wellness Advocates who supported this day of service and a special thank you the Jen and Amy for setting up this amazing service project.

Bethesda Mission

Bethesda Mission
Saturday, October 12, 2019 Wellness Advocate News Disaster Relief

Our disaster relief efforts have brought nearly 71,000 72-hour emergency relief hygiene kits to individuals around the world. Recently Wellness Advocate Anne Heintzelman distributed 300 emergency relief hygiene kits to the Bethesda mission. The Bethesda mission has both a men and women’s recovery house for individuals suffering from drug and alcohol addiction as well as a mobile mission which brings resources to homeless individuals in the Harrisburg area. These kits will be used to give relief to those admitting themselves to the recovery homes as well as those individuals living on the streets in Harrisburg. We are so grateful for Anne’s hard work in receiving and distributing these kits.

"The Good Samaritan Award" from Mentors International

Friday, October 04, 2019

Mentor’s International CEO Curtis Bennett presented doTERRA Founding Executive Mark Wolfert with a beautiful bronze sculpture: “The Good Samaritan.” Feeling that the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® captures the essence of “Go and Do Thou Likewise.” Certainly Wellness Advocates, partners, and employees around the world seek opportunities to aid those in need. Mentors International, first partner of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation specializes in finding financial solutions for those with no one else to turn to. We believe that exiting poverty is one of the most critical steps in helping someone become self-reliant,” says Healing Hands Foundation Executive Director, Anne Wairepo. “We love the work of Mentor’s International!”

Peace House

Peace House
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

At Saturday’s opening of the Peace House, Board of Directors Chairman, Karen Marriott, expressed gratitude to the doTerra Healing Hands Foundation® for completing their Thrive campaign. Marriott said, “I know God sent doTERRA to us as the final donors so we could begin building Peace House and have survivors living here today!” With a total of $12 million locked in, construction of Peace House began. Today, women and families are living safely in the new facility. There is now space for social workers and counselors on sight. The community is also invited to come and make donations. This new Peace House is at the cutting edge of safety and therapy; all thanks to the amazing donors who care about this community.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Because of the amazing participation of our Wellness Advocates at the 2019 doTERRA® Together global convention we not only were able to supply each MammaBaby Kit with hand-decorated onesies but we also were able to donate hundreds of onesies to Baby2Baby. Baby2Baby is an organization that provides children living in poverty ages 0-12 years old with diapers, clothing, and other necessities they may need. We were able to donate 2400 onesies which will be distributed to approximately 35 cities around the United States. Thank you to all of our amazing Wellness Advocates that made our 2019 doTERRA Together Global Convention service project a success.

Donation for the Alzheimer’s Association

Donation for the Alzheimer’s Association
Monday, September 23, 2019

The mission of the Alzheimer’s Association is to enhance the quality of life for those who have memory loss and their caregivers. After hearing about this wonderful, life-changing mission, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® gladly donated hundreds of essential oils to the Alzheimer’s Association and its patients, making sure to include some of their favorites, such as Rosemary, Wild Orange, Peppermint, and Lavender. By relieving anxious feelings or improving sleep with the powerful benefits of essential oils, other issues related to memory loss are supported, enhancing patient quality of life.

Take and Make Service Project

Take and Make Service Project
Monday, September 16, 2019 Wellness Advocate News

Not only do our Wellness Advocates give their time and resources to those who need it, but they throw a party while doing it! At the 2019 doTERRA Together Convention, the Healing Hands Foundation had Wellness Advocates and attendees decorate infant onesies for our MammaBaby Kits. These kits will be going to Guatemala, Nepal, Kenya, Haiti, and the US/Mexico Border. Thanks to the determination of our Wellness Advocates and events like this we were able to decorate and pack 8,000 infant onesies.

Days for Girls: Kumari Village

Days for Girls: Kumari Village
Saturday, August 31, 2019 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is excited to announce the distribution of 100 Days for Girls Kits to members of Kumari Village in Nepal. Through HELP International’s on the ground team, the residents of Kumari were taught proper feminine hygiene, self-defense, and Days for Girls kit care. Because of the remote location of Kumari, members of this village have little to no access to feminine hygiene resources. We are grateful for the hard work of HELP International’s on the ground team to transport and distribute the kits to the women of Kumari.

The 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference

The 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference
Monday, August 26, 2019

doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is proud to attend and participate in the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference.

Art Therapy Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Art Therapy Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Girls rescued from sex-trafficking engaged in art therapy at the new dhhf Art Therapy Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Under the careful guidance of Rapha House counselors, these girls are able to express themselves, find their voice, and release the pain they have endured through artistic curriculum. These methods as designed specifically to help them make the long journey toward healing and health. Thank you to all those who have helped in the fight to end human trafficking!

Borewells in Hyderabad, India

Borewells in Hyderabad, India
Thursday, August 15, 2019

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is excited to announce the construction of three borewells in Hyderabad, India, made possible with assistance from on-the-ground partners and HELP International. Now approximately 240 families will have access to clean water. In addition to the wells, HELP International’s team will be teaching hydration and nutrition courses to the people where the wells are being built. Each community has contributed 12 percent of the overall borewell cost, proving how much they want and need these wells. We’re thrilled to fund the remaining 88 percent and are excited to inaugurate the wells later this week.

Sewing Center in Kenya

Sewing Center in Kenya
Thursday, August 08, 2019

The Days for Girls sewing center Smile Star’D Enterprise was made possible by Presidential Diamond Corinna Barrus! Corinna was able to raise money to establish a Days for Girls sewing center in Kenya. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® then matched the donations, completing the necessary funding and doubling the efforts and benefits. Construction included fencing around the building for additional security.

The sewing center is now complete and open for business!

Training provided to girls in Chisapani, Nepal

Training provided to girls in Chisapani, Nepal
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Young girls and women in Chisapani, Makwanpur, have been unable to easily access feminine hygiene products to sanitarily manage menstruation. As a result, their day-to-day activities have been restricted—until recently. They were happy with and grateful for the curriculum (AWH training) and Days for Girls (DfG) Kits provided to them by doTERRA®. After three hours of class training, these women and girls were optimistic that they could bring about change in their community regarding menstruation. They were also eager to share principles of health education and the advantages of using reusable pads with their relatives, friends, and remaining village members. Both the class participants and the doTERRA team felt honored to share life stories and experiences with one other and to learn more about each other’s culture.

Renovating a school in Rwanda

Renovating a school in Rwanda
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Community Projects

David Stirling made it possible for the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® to assist with the construction of new dormitories at G.S. Mere du Verbe Kibeho, a school in Rwanda. These beautiful new facilities will help the students have a better, more effective learning environment. Sister Maria Marie Bridgette Uwizera, the school’s head teacher, said, “A good syllabus, food, and professional teachers alone cannot guarantee excellent grades from students if the housing facilities are in a sorry state. One has to have a good night’s sleep after schoolwork so as to be productive the following morning.” Before the renovation, the school had no piped water. Students were using buckets to shower and do their laundry. The bathrooms were outside. Sleeping arrangements were uncomfortable, with many students not even having space to keep personal belongings. The renovated facilities have been fitted with new beds and mattresses, showers, sinks for laundry, and wardrobes so that every student has a place to keep belongings and an overall healthy environment to continue developing his or her mind and character.

Update from India

Update from India
Monday, July 15, 2019 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Having a team member on the ground gives a new perspective to a country its projects. Team member Carlysle Porter is in Hyderabad, India, as part of a HELP International summer internship. While there she is working with HELP and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® to improve education, health, and empower the people of rural India. We are so excited to see the projects that the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and HELP International will be able to accomplish together.

“As I have travelled from Greece to India I have realized the need for humanitarian work in the world. There are so many needs that are not being met around the world and it is our responsibility to help those who are not able to access these needs. Whether it is access to education, clean water, feminine hygiene services, or just emotional support we can all do our part to improve the lives of those less fortunate than us.” – Carlysle Porter

Sending Days for Girls Kits to Kenya

Sending Days for Girls Kits to Kenya
Monday, July 08, 2019

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® recently completed a collaboration to send 4,000 Days for Girls (DfG) Kits to Kenya. After getting DfG groups across the United States to contribute kits, Huldah Hiltsley took them to Kenya. Huldah and her family visited 29 schools, a maternity clinic, and a women’s shelter to distribute the kits and provide accompanying health education. This coming year, the Hitsleys will be working to employ women in Kenya to sew 7,000 DfG Kits. Having women in Kenya create these kits not only helps eliminate logistic challenges associated with shipping, but also provides employment opportunities for local Kenyan women to support their families. Ultimately, this project supports the mission of Days for Girls, which is to empower women in their communities and make a positive and sustainable change.

Healing Hands on Lesvos

Healing Hands on Lesvos
Tuesday, July 02, 2019 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Team member Carlysle Porter recently completed an internship in Lesvos, Greece. During her time there, with the help of HELP International Carlysle was able to distribute 100 doTERRA Healing Hands t-shirts, 30 hats, and is in the process of distributing 300 doTERRA Healing Hands 72-hour emergency relief hygiene kits. Carlysle is working with our amazing doTERRA Europe team to set up projects in Moria and Kara Tepe Camp. These projects will commence this summer. “Greece has been a life changing experience. It is amazing to see the potential impact that doTERRA can make in the lives of the people here. I am so grateful to work for a company that believes in doing good in whatever capacity they can and it has been inspiring to see the tremendous results doTERRA has already made in just two short months. I am so excited to see how doTERRA Europe and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation will continue to impact the lives of the people in Lesvos.” – Carlysle Porter

MamaBaby Kits

MamaBaby Kits
Friday, June 28, 2019

Gangamaya Gole’s new baby boy was born in the Palung hospital in Makwampur, built and funded by doTERRA’s Healing Hands Foundation®. The birthing center has been renovated and now has central heating so that low-income mothers like Gangamaya can have a more peaceful and safe experience when they birth their children. In addition to having access to proper medical care, Gangamaya received a MamaBaby Kit, donated by the Healing Hands Foundation. It includes a hand-crafted quilt, two onesies, a hat, socks, a doTERRA Serenity ® Bath Bar, and a Lavender Touch. Gangamaya is grateful to the Healing Hands Foundation for the kit, which will help her care for her newborn.

Helping Children in Rwanda

Helping Children in Rwanda
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® recently partnered with Brent Andrus of Peace House to donate 300 Angel Rider wheelchairs to special needs children in Rwanda. These wheelchairs are specially made to handle the rougher, rural terrain of the country and adjust in size as the child grows to allow for prolonged use. With these new wheelchairs, Rwandan children will have more freedom and mobility for years to come.

Teamwork created a donation for Operation Underground Railroad

Teamwork created a donation for Operation Underground Railroad
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

At the March 2019 San Diego Leadership Retreat, Wellness Advocates pledged donations to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®. Gina Truman committed $15,000 that day to the cause. When she returned home from the retreat, she and her team decided to fundraise together to increase the possible donation amount. A month a half later, Gina and her amazing team raised $50,000 in total for Healing Hands. The funds were given to Operation Underground Railroad to fund an aftercare home for boys in Thailand.

Making a difference in Guatemala

Making a difference in Guatemala
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

In less than three weeks, doTERRA® Silver Rebecca Saltman and her team of visionary leaders contributed $7,000 in product donations—including oil kits, samples, roller bottles, and materials in Spanish—to directly help 58 women and girls in rural Guatemala start their own doTERRA businesses. doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® matched the products Rebecca collected and together we were able to double the impact of this project.

When Rebecca and her team asked the ladies what natural healing solutions their grandmothers and mothers have taught them, many shared extraordinary ways that they’d been taught to use essential oils like Lemon, Oregano, and Peppermint.

Students helping in Cambodia

Students helping in Cambodia
Friday, June 14, 2019

One of our goals at the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ is to leave places, individuals, and communities better than when we found them. We are so grateful that many other organizations and individuals share this same goal.

Brian Barthel, a professor at Utah Valley University who shares our goal and mission, leads a student service group that recently traveled to Cambodia. With his students, Brian installed eight latrines, eight handwashing stations, and ten water purification containers. Brain and his team also taught Days for Girls (DfG) personal care lessons and distributed DfG Kits and doTERRA® hygiene kits.

Emergency Relief in Ohio

Emergency Relief in Ohio
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

In response to the natural disasters that devastated cities across the Midwest, doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® shipped Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to Wellness Advocates, who began distributing them in disaster zones straightaway. Wellness Advocate Stephanie Budreau and her family provided emergency kits to the American Red Cross near an area of destruction. The Red Cross plans to distribute the kits immediately to those in need. These terrible tornado disasters caused calamitous damage: wrecking homes and even ending the school year early for some students. Stephanie said, “It was a humbling experience, and my family and I are grateful for doTERRA’s Healing Hands Foundation.”

Days for Girls: Mission to the Cloud Forest of Peru

Days for Girls: Mission to the Cloud Forest of Peru
Friday, June 07, 2019

Days for Girls International, a partner of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, continues its global mission to distribute reusable feminine hygiene kits and offer education about women’s health. Founder Celeste Mergens recently had the privilege of traveling to the cloud forest of Písaq, Peru, and spending time with the women there. “As they experienced the education, they lit up,” Celeste said. “It was magical.”

Attendees shared stories about their struggles. One woman said that her daughters have to walk two hours to school. Before Days for Girls arrived, they had to use rags to manage their menstruation, with no ways to protect themselves from infection. Now, with washable, reusable pads and other hygiene products, these students no longer fear disease and are excited to share what they’ve learned with the other members of their community. Learn more about their story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6vcdu-YUrQ&feature=youtu.be.

Shanghai Children’s Medical Center

Shanghai Children’s Medical Center
Tuesday, June 04, 2019

In partnership with dōTERRA Wellness Advocates, the dōTERRA‌ China Helping Hands is contributing 5 million RMB over 4 years to the National Children’s Medical Center (Shanghai Children’s Medical Center). These funds will be used to help children with rare and complicated diseases receive treatments. The donation will also help the hospital introduce the most advanced diagnostic tool for children’s autism, set up a database for these children, and provide educational courses for parents on improving their communication with their autistic children.

Devastation in the Midwest

Devastation in the Midwest
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Help is on the way! As of today, doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® has shipped 2,000 kits to 12 Wellness Advocates who along with their teams are distributing Emergency Relief Hygiene kits in disaster zones across the Midwest. In addition to the 2,000 Emergency Hygiene kits sent to Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Oklahoma and Ohio, doTERRA® is matching up to $10,000 the amount of money being raised by a group of Diamond Wellness Advocates and their teams. So far, we have shipped Emergency Hygiene kits to: Abilene Texas tornado evacuees- Oklahoma flood and tornado evacuees- Missouri flood and tornado evacuees- Pendleton Indiana tornado evacuees- Ohio tornado evacuees-
Arkansas flood evacuees

Kristin Van Wey founder of LETS

Kristin Van Wey founder of LETS
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Kristin Van Wey is a Blue Diamond WA and the founder of LETS. She was the Elevation Award winner at the 2018 doTERRA Dream Convention, and just returned from speaking at the 2019 Europe Convention. LETS believes that when adults get access to open and appropriate education about basic health, the fertility cycle and menstruation, and the tools to manage this natural process effectively, the result will be fundamental and positive change in communities.

“Working in Haiti I began to realize that there is an international problem with lack of awareness as well as sex trafficking, so my vision expanded to include educating all women. This has become my passion. THIS project may be the MOST important gift we bring to our communities.” - Kristin Van Wey

Emergency Relief Kits in Canada

Emergency Relief Kits in Canada
Friday, May 24, 2019

After a natural dike broke, water from the Lake of Two Mountains came rushing into the community of Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac (Quebec), flooding it within minutes. Evacuation began immediately; many families only had to time to get in the car and go—leaving their homes and valuables behind. Wellness Advocate, Agata Labeck and her team were able to provide and distribute Emergency Relief Kits in the area. Agata noted that “People were very welcoming despite their misfortune and were happy to receive any help.” A total number of 1,250 Emergency Relief Kits were sent to Canada, helping those in Quebec, Ottoawa, and Sainte-Marthe-su-le-Lac. The people of Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac are working hard to recover their homes and rebuild their community.

Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits in Malawi

Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits in Malawi
Monday, May 20, 2019

Getting supplies around the world can be tricky especially when entire regions are flooded. In Malawi recent floods affected more the 900,000 people across 14 districts and displaced more than 125,000 people resulting in nearly 60 deaths. Thankfully through the determined efforts of Wellness Advocate Doris Viastikopoulos and partners on the ground, 100 doTERRA Emergency Relief Hygiene kits were distributed to individuals in need of sanitation supplies. Locals Chifundo and Ishmael drove 5.5 hours to pick up the kits and deliver them to their village.

Utah County Search and Rescue dōTERRA Boat

Utah County Search and Rescue dōTERRA Boat
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

With the backing of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, Utah County Search and Rescue purchased a Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat, which has a fiberglass V-hull that cuts through heavy waves and inflatable sides to cushion impact. With very little draft, the boat can operate in shallow water and is equipped with radar, sonar, and thermal imaging equipment to better aid in recovery missions. After displaying the boat for employees to view at Corporate headquarters, Founding Executive Greg Cook, UT County Sherriff Search and Rescue team, and HHF staff went out on Utah Lake for a ride.

Pasitos de Luz with Dr. Darren & Kristi Taylor

Pasitos de Luz with Dr. Darren & Kristi Taylor
Monday, May 13, 2019

Wellness Advocates Dr. Darren and Kristi Taylor spent a week in Pasitos de Luz Mexico,whose mission is to provide physical rehabilitation, special education and nutrition for children with special needs. The Taylors trained the Pasitos staff on the use of Essential Oils and worked with several patients including 13-year-old Fatima. In Dr. Taylor’s words, “Fatima is filled with love, joy, smiles, and determination” as she is learning to walk after several spinal surgeries. Thanks to an amazing physical therapy team Fatima is beginning to walk. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is so excited for the bright and beautiful future that Fatima has ahead of her.

Carly in Greece

Carly in Greece
Monday, May 13, 2019

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is passionate about helping every population and is thrilled to have one of its team members on the ground in Lesvos, Greece to help with the refugee crisis. Carlysle Porter, a doTERRA Healing Hands team member is currently working in the Moria Refugee camp which houses approximately 6,000 refugees. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation sent supplies of Emergency Hygiene kits, hats and tee shirts with Carlysle to distribute in Greece and are anxious to see the results unfold.This impact is all thanks to the generous donations made by Wellness Advocates and doTERRA enthusiasts around the world.

Iowa Relief

Iowa Relief
Monday, April 22, 2019 Disaster Relief

As Iowa prepares to rebuild after the devastating floods that ravaged the surrounding areas of the Missouri River, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is providing disaster relief. Through Wellness Advocate Janice Kolomaya, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation was able to donate 200 Emergency Relief Hygiene kits to her community in Iowa. The clean-up in Iowa is estimated to take over two years and cost approximately 6.5 million dollars.

doTERRA Leadership Retreats

doTERRA Leadership Retreats
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

We are very pleased to announce that with the help of very generous Wellness Advocates, doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® raised a combined total of $433,419 at the San Diego and Atlanta Leadership Retreats. These funds will be used to impact lives for good and create positive change in communities both in the United States and around the globe. We thank you for choosing to support the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation.

Missouri River Flood

Missouri River Flood
Monday, April 01, 2019 Disaster Relief

With an estimated $1.3 billion dollars in flood losses Nebraska and Iowa are facing a harsh recovery after the recent flooding of the Missouri river. Thankfully the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® was able to work with Wellness Advocate Louisa Maas to distribute 72-hour emergency hygiene kits to those affected in areas surrounding the river in Nebraska and Iowa. Individuals in this area have little to no access to clean water and many are displaced from their homes because of the floods. We are so thankful that Louisa was able to distribute 200 72-hour emergency hygiene kits to individuals who needed them.

Atlanta, Georgia, Leadership Retreat

Atlanta, Georgia, Leadership Retreat
Monday, March 18, 2019 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

We are excited to announce that at the 2019 Atlanta, Georgia, Leadership Retreat, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® was able to raise a total of $102,758. When Wellness Advocates gather together in one place, amazing things can happen. We saw this at the Atlanta Georgia Leadership Retreat. The leadership retreat is an event attended by Wellness Advocates who have reached the rank of silver or above. At Leadership, Wellness Advocates are able to improve their leadership skills, meet other Wellness Advocates, and give back through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. We are thrilled by the amount raised in Georgia and cannot wait to see how much we raise this week at the San Diego, California, Leadership Retreat.

Mission Mbale, Uganda

Mission Mbale, Uganda
Monday, March 11, 2019

After Diamond Joy Tarpley completed her first project with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® in 2017, she came back to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation in 2018 to match another project. The projects specifically benefit Mission Mbale and help feed the children in vulnerable communities, build an orphanage and a school, and support the grade 1 clinic that takes care of the families in the nearby village. Mission Mbale provides, education, clothing, food, and clean water to the Namatala community in Mbale, Uganda. Mission Mbale also works with local farmers and food donation services to provide farm fresh local produce to those who cannot afford it. Together, Joy and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation were able to raise funds for Mission Mbale and the people of the Namatala Village.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day
Friday, March 08, 2019

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is committed to fostering the potential of women around the globe. Many of the projects that the doTERRA Healing Hand Foundation participates in directly benefit women. The doTERRA Healing Hands foundation is involved in keeping women safe and helping women heal through our partners, Operation Underground Railroad, Rapha House, and 3Strands Global. The doTERRa Healing Hands foundation actively donates to and supports Days for Girls. During 2018, doTERRA employees and Wellness Advocates volunteered for 2,901 service hours sewing and preparing various components for Days for Girls kits. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation hopes to empower change for women and communities around the globe.

Wellness Advocates bringing education to Africa.

Wellness Advocates bringing education to Africa.
Monday, March 04, 2019 Wellness Advocate News

Wellness Advocate Spalding Jugganaikloo and Diamond sponsor Stephanie Newton have completed an amazing matching campaign with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®. This project was able to provide school supplies, wireless connection, and computers to a school in Africa. Jugganaikloo and Newton partnered with The American Campus to provide American educational opportunities to Africans.

Days for Girls and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.

Days for Girls and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.
Monday, February 25, 2019 Wellness Advocate News doTERRA Healing Hands® News

Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Wellness Advocate, Dr. Mariza Snyder and her team, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® made a significant donation to Days for Girls. We love working with Wellness Advocates and you too can join any of our projects or submit your own by applying online at doTERRAhealinghands.org

Valentines Day with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.

Valentines Day with the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®.
Thursday, February 14, 2019 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

This Valentine’s Day, show some love by donating to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®. Donations can be made through the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation website or by purchasing the doTERRA® SPA Rose Hand Lotion or the doTERRA Hope® Touch Essential Oil Blend. One hundred percent of your donation goes to help those who need it most.

Single Purchase Relief Hygiene Kits

Single Purchase Relief Hygiene Kits
Monday, February 11, 2019 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is excited to announce that single 72 Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits are now available for purchase on doterra.com. Every kit purchased is used to give relief during natural disasters and will be distributed on your behalf through our partners around the globe.

Corral Riding Academy

Corral Riding Academy
Monday, February 04, 2019 Wellness Advocate News

The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is excited to announce the completion of a project with the Corral Riding Academy in North Carolina. Through the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and through the determined efforts of our Wellness Advocate, Kea Brooks, we were able to provide school supplies, college preparatory books, and financial literacy workbooks for 20 girls in an equine therapy program.

Peace House: Park City, Utah

Peace House: Park City, Utah
Monday, January 14, 2019 Partner Updates Community Projects

The construction of a new building is something that can inspire. From the first day the foundation is poured to the last day when the final brick is placed, individuals are able to connect with the idea of a new beginning and new opportunity to build a future. The Peace House in Park City, Utah helps survivors of domestic violence rebuild their lives and helps them start a new life filled with respect, happiness, and love. At the Peace House, they will learn how to lay a new foundation, build sturdy walls, and protect the love that they have within their lives. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation along with several donors is proud to fund the building of a new Community Campus which will be used to house survivors of domestic violence, rehabilitate them, and help reintegrate them back into society. This shelter will be able to accommodate various sizes of families and will provide long-term occupancy of 6-24 months. No one should ever have to suffer domestic violence but we are grateful to be associated with an organization that focuses on improving the lives of those who do.

Tijuana Border Crisis

Tijuana Border Crisis
Saturday, December 15, 2018 Disaster Relief

doTERRA’s Healing Hands Foundation is proud to announce the successful delivery of 500 Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to migrants at the Tijuana Border. Over the weekend Heather Stevenson and her team of 150 people carried doTERRA Emergency Relief Hygiene kits over the border in Tijuana in backpacks to bring relief to those suffering in the border camps. Stevenson reports, “The kits are there safe and sound. The migrants were so grateful to receive the kits. The sweet mama’s let their kits open it like it was a little Christmas gift.”

Taylorville Tornado Relief

Taylorville Tornado Relief
Saturday, December 01, 2018 Disaster Relief

On December 1st 2018, the state of Illinois reported at least 20 tornado touchdowns. With dozens of people injured and hundreds of homes being destroyed the people of Illinois report being simply grateful that these destructive natural forces did not claim any lives. The city of Taylorville was impacted the most with at least 100 homes sustaining major damage. With support from doTERRA Healing Hand Foundation, Diamond Anne Tetzlaff and team distributed 200 Emergency Relief Hygiene kits door to door in Taylorville to the affected tornado victims.

#GivingTuesday with Rapha House

#GivingTuesday with Rapha House
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

This #GivingTuesday, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® will match donations helping our partner Rapha House and their trafficking aftercare facility in Haiti.

Find out more.

California Wildfires Relief Update

California Wildfires Relief Update
Friday, November 16, 2018 Disaster Relief

Our continued thoughts and concern are with the residents of California. So far we’ve shipped 8,000 Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits currently being distributed by Wellness Advocates in affected regions. Continued shipments are underway. Thank you again to our Wellness Advocates rallying to help.

California Wildfires

California Wildfires
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Disaster Relief

Our thoughts and prayers are with the many communities in California, currently facing wildfire devastation and evacuation in many parts of the state. We’ve been working with Wellness Advocates to coordinate the shipment and distribution of thousands of Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits and other donated products supplies to help in the efforts.

Operation Underground Railroad Mobile Forensic Lab

Operation Underground Railroad Mobile Forensic Lab
Thursday, November 08, 2018 Partner Updates

Operation Underground Railroad stopped by the doTERRA® offices recently with representatives from the Mesa, Arizona Police Department, with the newly-completed mobile forensic lab the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® helped sponsor. The mobile forensic lab is on its way to Arizona to begin service, which will significantly cut down on the length of time to process evidence and information, allowing perpetrators of child sex trafficking to be arrested and held.

Children of Hope, Cambodia Backpacks Arrival

Children of Hope, Cambodia Backpacks Arrival
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 Partner Updates

We recently donated 1,000 backpacks to children at the Kids Club in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They arrived at Children of Hope in Takhmoa City in Phenom Penh earlier this week and have been distributed to the kids will be using them for school.

Theara, the Kids Club Director, posted a lovely “thank you” video to share. See her message here.

Hurricane Relief Updates

Hurricane Relief Updates
Saturday, October 27, 2018 Disaster Relief

Thank you again to the Wellness Advocates in Florida, North Carolina all throughout communities affected by Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Matthew. Wellness Advocates helped distribute over 7,375 donated 72-Hour Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to those in need. We are inspired by the many stories of Wellness Advocates reaching out, lending a hand and taking part in communities coming together and caring for each other.

From North Carolina Wellness Advocate Audrey Clay, “We are so grateful for your contribution! The look on people’s faces warmed our hearts and they were moved by your generosity. You gave us hope, uplifted our spirits, and we are so grateful!”.

International Day of the Girl doTERRA Service Day

International Day of the Girl doTERRA Service Day
Friday, October 19, 2018 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

The United Nations’ International Day of the Girl is observed annually on October 11th to show “support for girls everywhere as they inspire, innovate and take charge of their own future”.

This year, we teamed up with our partner, Days for Girls, who is currently hosting events around the world helping supply girls with menstrual health solutions allowing them to regularly participate in school. dōTERRA® employees and volunteers gathered together at the doTERRA Corporate Office in Utah to help assemble Days for Girls Kits.

The Days for Girls Global Girls Festival runs now through November 11th. Check out their website to get involved and learn more: https://www.daysforgirls.org/copy-of-global-girls-festival-tools

Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts

Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Disaster Relief

Thank you to the many Wellness Advocates’ generous donations of Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits - helping communities affected by Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Matthew in the southeast areas of the United States. As always, we are touched by the outreach and care shown by our Wellness Advocates, who are so quickly willing to give of their time and resources to help those in need. Additional shipments of donated Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits are currently on their way to the doTERRA® Atlanta warehouse.

Hurricane Florence Relief

Hurricane Florence Relief
Monday, October 08, 2018 Disaster Relief

Wellness Advocates have been busy helping in the community recovery from Hurricane Florence. Connoe Booth-Danhorn said, “We are so thankful that we are able to distribute emergency kits to those hardest hit by Hurricane Florence in Brunswick County, North Carolina.”

"These Hands Will Speak" Music Video

Monday, September 24, 2018 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

“These Hands Will Speak”, written and performed by Nadia Khristean and the One Voice Children’s Choir at the 2018 doTERRA® Dream Convention. The song highlights the impact and partnerships of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® as we continue our work together to empower people and communities worldwide.


doTERRA Healing Hands Initiatives in Taiwan Supporting After School Programs

doTERRA Healing Hands Initiatives in Taiwan Supporting After School Programs
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

doTERRA Healing Hands® is helping 348 native Taiwanese schoolchildren with after school learning programs. Programs are run by the Heng-Chun Christian Hospital, who for the last 13 years has been dedicated to providing after school education in the remote area, helping students overcome learning disabilities, develop talents, and receive educational support that helps break the cycle of poverty.

Since 2017, doTERRA Taiwan has helped support the programs through financial support and by providing computers for distance learning, which is helping to narrow the rural-urban education divide. doTERRA® Diamonds have been visiting villages annually with the Taiwan doTERRA Healing Hands Day of Service, connecting with children and learning how to better help these remote communities receive better access to education and supportive programs.

Wisconsin Flood Relief

Wisconsin Flood Relief
Monday, September 17, 2018 Disaster Relief

Last week Wellness Advocate Kimberly Erickson-Nichols and her team delivered 200 Emergency Relief Kits to the Coon Valley & Chaseburg communities of rural Wisconsin to help community members affected by recent wide spread flooding.

doTERRA Healing Hands Initiatives in China

doTERRA Healing Hands Initiatives in China
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 doTERRA Healing Hands® News

doTERRA® Shanghai received a visit from the Vice Governor of the Jing An District to thank them for their work in helping children and families who have to travel to Shanghai for treatment of rare diseases. “Thanks for all your support in making some good progress and we will keep working to carry the doTERRA Healing Hands spirit forward here in China.”

California Wildfire Relief Efforts

California Wildfire Relief Efforts
Friday, August 10, 2018 Disaster Relief

Thank you to Season Johnson, doTERRA® Presidential Blue Diamond, who along with her team, distributed over 300 Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to help families affected by wildfires in the Redding, California area.

New bridge in Tzuncoc, Guatemala

New bridge in Tzuncoc, Guatemala
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Co-Impact Sourcing Communities

The community of Tzuncoc, Guatemala recently celebrated a newly-built suspension bridge that helps children cross the river and travel safely to school. Previously, especially during the rainy season, children would either have to brave dangerous river currents or stay home.

We’re supporting community development projects in doTERRA® Co-Impact Sourcing® areas, like Guatemala where cardamom is sourced, to help improve the lives of community members.

Hawaii Big Island Volcano Relief Efforts

Hawaii Big Island Volcano Relief Efforts
Thursday, June 07, 2018 Disaster Relief

Hawaii Wellness Advocates are busy helping their local communities on the Big Island recovering from the ongoing Kilauea volcanic eruptions that have affected and displaced many locals. They are currently in process of delivering over 8 shipments of products donated by the dōTERRA Healing Hands FoundationⓇ, including Emergency Relief Hygiene Kits to those affected. Thank you for your work and care in service to others - for showing up, sharing and inspiring us all on how “Aloha” is done.